- 调整java进行import时的顺序,跟eclipse默认的一致:
- 好用的编程字体
- 好用的编程字体2
- 远程调试
- 同时打开多个maven项目
- 调整选中效果
- 插件推荐
- codeglance
插件(RestfulToolkit): 展示所有rest请求,并且可以根据请求url搜索对应的方法- restfultool
- grep console 优化控制台展示
Free Mybatis plugin(优化Mybatis使用体验)- mybatisx
- 展示idea运行日志,比如你点击maven reimport没反应,你可以 (Help | Show log..).
- 国际化文件properties中文显示问题:打开idea配置文件 File Encodings >> 勾选 Transparent native-to conversion
- 隐藏特定格式的文件
Settings | File Types | Files and folders to ignore
- es6 import格式调整
import {xxx} from "yyy" I want to change the format to import { xxx } from 'yyy'
Instead of including the website link in the "Filename" field, type the link in "parameters" field. In the "filename" field give the browser details such as "chrome" for google chrome, "iexplore" for IE.
参考How to launch some links in particular browser using slickrun
The answers above work well if you only want to export one collection. If you have many collections and want to export them all, there's a better way: Wrench icon (top-right) -> Settings -> Data tab -> Export Data -> Download This will create a single json file with all your collections. https://stackoverflow.com/a/39530925
- 编辑即时预览,很赞
- 图片粘贴即用
- 支持控制台(类似chrome-dev-tool)
faststone capture 地址供参考