This is repository contains all documents regarding technical standards developed by Generacja Innowacja tech team. The purpose of these documents is to establish clear, modular technology standards for all projects developed and maintained by our organization. By splitting each section into its own file, we create a more organized, maintainable, and navigable set of guidelines.
Document also will try to provide deeper context for each decision made during the development.
These standards apply to:
- all frontend and backend projects developed or maintained under the Generacja Innowacja,
- internal and external communication platforms,
- infrastructure components, including servers, cloud services, and network configurations,
- data handling, storage, and backup processes,
- procurement and use of third-party tools, libraries, and services.
To learn more about specific technical standards, refer to the dedicated documents below:
- Frontend standards (coming soon)
- Backend standards
- GitHub repository standards
- Infrastructure standards (coming soon)
These standards will be reviewed and updated as needed. Suggestions and feedback from all team members are encouraged to ensure our practices remain current, effective, and aligned with the organization mission.
Current document version: 0.1.0.