Golang package to extract key phrases from a text.
A function analyses a given text and returns a list of key phrases. This version works with English only. However, there is a way to extend for other languages.
The package uses the WordNet dictionary to work with english texts. No need to install the WordNet. You need only "dict/" folder and set a path to it when create analiser object.
go get github.com/gelembjuk/keyphrases
Get key phrases from a text saved in a file .
package main
import (
func main() {
textfile := "inputtext.txt"
filecontents, _ := ioutil.ReadFile(textfile)
text := string(filecontents)
analyser := keyphrases.TextPhrases{Language: "english"}
phrases := analyser.GetKeyPhrases(text)
for _, phrase := range phrases {
Get key phrases from a web page. We use the package github.com/gelembjuk/articletext to gextract a text from a web page
package main
import (
func main() {
if len(os.Args) < 2 {
fmt.Println("No URL provided")
// get URL from command line argument
url := os.Args[1]
// get text from this web page
text, err := articletext.GetArticleTextFromUrl(url)
if err != nil {
// print a text to a console
// Create a text analyser object. It requires a path to WordNet dictionary directory
analyser := keyphrases.TextPhrases{Language: "english",
LanguageOptions: map[string]string{"wordnetdirectory": "./WordNet/dict"}}
// this is required procedure to initialise analyser
// get key phrases
phrases := analyser.GetKeyPhrases(text)
for _, phrase := range phrases {
Roman Gelembjuk (@gelembjuk)
LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/in/gelembjuk