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Tower of Bab Il Docs Record

Lazy Bastard edited this page May 9, 2019 · 2 revisions
10/01/2000 Added a bit of information about the speed data.

The most recent copy of this document can be obtained from the Tower of Bab-Il

This document uses normal bit order (bit 0 is the least significant bit).

This document details the structure of the records used for characters and
monsters both in and out of battle (as the latter is a simple subset of the
former). A record for a character or monster in battle is 80 bytes long; the
first 40 bytes of this is copied directly from the out-of-battle record when
the battle starts. When the battle ends the first 40 bytes of the battle
record for each character is copied back to the out of battle character

An asterisk (*) before a description for the data indicates that only records
for characters have or use that type of data (equipment is a good example of
this). Two asterisks (**) before a description for the data indicate that only
monsters have or use that type of data (creature type data, for example).
Three asterisks (***) after a description of the data indicates that the
reader is requested to refer to the monster data document for a more complete
description (again, the creature type data is a good example).

Offset Meaning
------ -------
00     *character id/handedness
           bits 0-4: character id
           bit 5: unknown
           bit 6: left hand equippable
           bit 7: right hand equippable
01     *sprite/class
           bits 0-3: sprite/class id
           bits 4-6: unknown
           bit 7: in back row
02     level
03-06  current status anomalies
07-08  current hp
09-0A  maximum hp
0B-0C  current mp
0D-0E  maximum mp
0F     *base strength
10     *base agility
11     *base vitality
12     *base wisdom
13     *base willpower
14     *modified strength
15     modified agility
16     *modified vitality
17     black magic power/modified wisdom
18     white magic power/modified willpower
19     attack elemental
1A     *attack strong vs. creature types***
1B     physical attack multiplier
1C     physical attack percent
1D     physical attack base
1E     attack status 1***
1F     attack status 2***
20     elements weak vs***
21     elements very weak vs***
22     magical defense multiplier
23     magical defense percent
24     magical defense base
25     elemental defense (if immunity bit wasn't set)***
26     elemental defense (if immunity bit was set)***
27     *defense strong vs. creature types***
28     physical defense multiplier
29     physical defense percent
2A     physical defense base
2B     status immunity 1***
2C     status immunity 2***
2D-2F  unknown
30     *helmet
31     *armor
32     *gauntlet
33     *right hand-item
34     *right hand-quantity
35     *left hand-item
36     *left hand-quantity
37-39  *experience
3A     unknown
3B     speed modifier. lower = faster. for autobattles, starts at 01;
       otherwise starts at 10. slow adds +08, (upper bound 20) haste adds -3
       (lower bound 0C)
3C     unknown
3D-3F  *experience to level up
40     **creature types***
41-50  unknown
51     next command # (from 00 to 1D)
52     next sub-action (item or spell number)
53     next action monster target(s)
54     next action party target(s)
55-5F  unknown
60-61  relative speed. equal to (Cecil's agi * 32) / (our agi * 0A). if Cecil
       isn't in the batle, an arbitrary character is picked instead. lower
       number = faster speed.
62-6F  unknown
70     **level and boss bit***
71-72  unknown
73     **item byte***
74-7F  unknown