SITL: add jsbsim_ext ("external JSBSim") model #2
19 errors and 1 warning
build (pxf, armhf)
The run was canceled by @spernsteiner.
build (pxfmini, armhf)
The run was canceled by @spernsteiner.
build (navio, armhf)
The run was canceled by @spernsteiner.
build (navio, armhf)
The operation was canceled.
build (navio2, armhf)
The run was canceled by @spernsteiner.
build (navio2, armhf)
The operation was canceled.
build (bhat, armhf)
The run was canceled by @spernsteiner.
build (bhat, armhf)
The operation was canceled.
build (navigator, armhf-musl)
The run was canceled by @spernsteiner.
build (navigator, armhf-musl)
The operation was canceled.
build (bebop, armhf)
The run was canceled by @spernsteiner.
build (bebop, armhf)
The operation was canceled.
build (canzero, armhf)
The run was canceled by @spernsteiner.
build (canzero, armhf)
The operation was canceled.
build (linux, base)
The run was canceled by @spernsteiner.
build (linux, base)
The operation was canceled.
build (erlebrain2, armhf)
The run was canceled by @spernsteiner.
build (erlebrain2, armhf)
The operation was canceled.
build (bbbmini, armhf)
The run was canceled by @spernsteiner.
build (bbbmini, armhf)
Runner GitHub Actions 12 did not respond to a cancelation request with 00:05:00.