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add ExprFoldable class that doesn't rely on IO
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ExprFoldableIO class falls back to the original behavior
(i.e. using ExprMappable instance)
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danmatichuk committed Sep 25, 2024
1 parent 0843fcf commit 2b82244
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Showing 17 changed files with 235 additions and 20 deletions.
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions arch/Pate/AArch32.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -57,6 +57,7 @@ import qualified Language.ASL.Globals as ASL
import qualified Pate.Arch as PA
import qualified Pate.Block as PB
import qualified Pate.Discovery.PLT as PLT
import qualified Pate.ExprMappable as PEM
import qualified Pate.Equivalence.Error as PEE
import qualified Pate.Equivalence.RegisterDomain as PER
import qualified Pate.Equivalence.EquivalenceDomain as PED
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -124,6 +125,12 @@ instance W4S.W4Serializable sym (ARMReg.ARMReg tp) where
instance W4S.W4SerializableF sym ARMReg.ARMReg where
instance (W4S.W4SerializableFC ARMReg.ARMReg) where

instance PEM.ExprFoldable sym (ARMReg.ARMReg tp) where
foldExpr _ _ _ = return

instance PEM.ExprFoldableF sym ARMReg.ARMReg where
instance (PEM.ExprFoldableFC ARMReg.ARMReg) where

instance PA.ValidArch SA.AArch32 where
type ArchConfigOpts SA.AArch32 = AArch32Opts SA.AArch32
-- FIXME: define these
Expand Down
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions arch/Pate/PPC.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -69,6 +69,7 @@ import qualified Pate.Binary as PB
import qualified Pate.Block as PBl
import qualified Pate.Discovery as PD
import qualified Pate.Discovery.PLT as PLT
import qualified Pate.ExprMappable as PEM
import qualified Pate.Equivalence.Error as PEE
import qualified Pate.Equivalence.RegisterDomain as PER
import qualified Pate.Equivalence.EquivalenceDomain as PED
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -172,6 +173,12 @@ instance forall v sym tp. SP.KnownVariant v => W4S.W4Serializable sym (PPC.PPCRe
instance SP.KnownVariant v => W4S.W4SerializableF sym (PPC.PPCReg v) where
instance SP.KnownVariant v => W4S.W4SerializableFC (PPC.PPCReg v) where

instance SP.KnownVariant v => PEM.ExprFoldable sym (PPC.PPCReg v tp) where
foldExpr _ _ _ = return

instance SP.KnownVariant v => PEM.ExprFoldableF sym (PPC.PPCReg v) where
instance SP.KnownVariant v => (PEM.ExprFoldableFC (PPC.PPCReg v)) where

instance PA.ValidArch PPC.PPC32 where
type ArchConfigOpts PPC.PPC32 = ()
rawBVReg r = case r of
Expand Down
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions src/Pate/Arch.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -126,6 +126,7 @@ import qualified What4.Expr.ArrayUpdateMap as AUM
import qualified Data.Parameterized.TraversableF as TF
import Data.Maybe
import Pate.Memory
import qualified Pate.ExprMappable as PEM

-- | The type of architecture-specific dedicated registers
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -188,6 +189,7 @@ class
, MCS.HasArchEndCase arch
, Integral (EEP.ElfWordType (MC.ArchAddrWidth arch))
, W4S.W4SerializableFC (MC.ArchReg arch)
, PEM.ExprFoldableFC (MC.ArchReg arch)
) => ValidArch arch where

type ArchConfigOpts arch
Expand Down
3 changes: 1 addition & 2 deletions src/Pate/Equivalence.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -389,8 +389,7 @@ instance W4S.SerializableExprs sym => W4S.W4Serializable sym (MemoryCondition sy
memPreCondToPred ::
forall sym arch v.
IsSymInterface sym =>
MM.RegisterInfo (MM.ArchReg arch) =>
Typeable arch =>
PA.ValidArch arch =>
sym ->
SimScope sym arch v ->
MemRegionEquality sym arch ->
Expand Down
41 changes: 41 additions & 0 deletions src/Pate/EventTrace.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ symbolic execution.

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuantifiedConstraints #-}

module Pate.EventTrace
( MemEvent(..)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -175,6 +176,11 @@ instance PEM.ExprMappable sym (MemOpCondition sym) where
Conditional p -> Conditional <$> f p
Unconditional -> return Unconditional

instance PEM.ExprFoldable sym (MemOpCondition sym) where
foldExpr _sym f mc b = case mc of
Conditional p -> f p b
Unconditional -> return b

data MemOpDirection =
| Write
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -234,6 +240,12 @@ instance PEM.ExprMappable sym (MemOp sym w) where
cond' <- PEM.mapExpr sym f cond
return $ MemOp ptr' dir cond' w val' endian

instance PEM.ExprFoldable sym (MemOp sym w) where
foldExpr sym f (MemOp ptr _dir cond _w val _endian) b0 = do
b1 <- PEM.foldExpr sym f (Ptr.fromLLVMPointer ptr) b0
b2 <- PEM.foldExpr sym f (Ptr.fromLLVMPointer val) b1
PEM.foldExpr sym f cond b2

instance W4S.SerializableExprs sym => W4S.W4Serializable sym (MemOp sym ptrW) where
w4Serialize (MemOp addr dir cond n val end) =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -272,6 +284,9 @@ instance (W4S.W4SerializableFC (ArchReg arch), W4S.SerializableExprs sym)
instance PEM.ExprMappable sym (RegOp sym arch) where
mapExpr sym f (RegOp m) = (RegOp . PEM.unExprMapFElems) <$> PEM.mapExpr sym f (PEM.ExprMapFElems m)

instance PEM.ExprFoldableFC (ArchReg arch) => PEM.ExprFoldable sym (RegOp sym arch) where
foldExpr sym f (RegOp m) b = PEM.foldExpr sym f m b

data MemEvent sym ptrW where
MemOpEvent :: MemOp sym ptrW -> MemEvent sym ptrW
Expand All @@ -296,6 +311,11 @@ instance PEM.ExprMappable sym (ExternalCallData sym ptrW) where
ExternalCallDataExpr e -> ExternalCallDataExpr <$> f e
ExternalCallDataChunk c -> ExternalCallDataChunk <$> PEM.mapExpr sym f c

instance PEM.ExprFoldable sym (ExternalCallData sym ptrW) where
foldExpr sym f ec b = case ec of
ExternalCallDataExpr e -> f e b
ExternalCallDataChunk c -> PEM.foldExpr sym f c b

instance W4S.SerializableExprs sym => W4S.W4Serializable sym (ExternalCallData sym ptrW) where
w4Serialize (ExternalCallDataExpr e) = W4S.object ["data_expr" .== e]
w4Serialize (ExternalCallDataChunk c) = W4S.object ["mem_chunk" .= c]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -412,6 +432,9 @@ instance OrdF (SymExpr sym) => Eq (MemEvent sym ptrW) where
instance PEM.ExprMappable sym (MemChunk sym ptrW) where
mapExpr _sym f (MemChunk a b c) = MemChunk <$> f a <*> f b <*> f c

instance PEM.ExprFoldable sym (MemChunk sym ptrW) where
foldExpr _sym f (MemChunk a b c) s = f a s >>= f b >>= f c

instance W4S.SerializableExprs sym => W4S.W4Serializable sym (MemChunk sym ptrW) where
w4Serialize (MemChunk a b c) = W4S.object ["mem_arr" .== a, "base" .== b, "len" .== c]

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -531,8 +554,15 @@ instance PEM.ExprMappable sym (MemEvent sym w) where
MemOpEvent op -> MemOpEvent <$> PEM.mapExpr sym f op
SyscallEvent i arg -> SyscallEvent i <$> f arg
-- MuxTree is unmodified since it has no symbolic expressions
-- FIXME: shouldn't we still check the booleans?
ExternalCallEvent nm vs -> ExternalCallEvent nm <$> PEM.mapExpr sym f vs

instance PEM.ExprFoldable sym (MemEvent sym w) where
foldExpr sym f ev b = case ev of
MemOpEvent op -> PEM.foldExpr sym f op b
-- FIXME: see above
SyscallEvent _i arg -> f arg b
ExternalCallEvent _nm vs -> PEM.foldExpr sym f vs b

filterEvent ::
IsExprBuilder sym =>
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -567,11 +597,19 @@ instance W4S.W4Serializable sym (MemSegmentOff w) where
instance PEM.ExprMappable sym (MemSegmentOff w) where
mapExpr _ _ = return

instance PEM.ExprFoldable sym (MemSegmentOff w) where
foldExpr _ _ _ = return

instance PEM.ExprMappable sym (TraceEvent sym arch) where
mapExpr sym f e = case e of
RegOpEvent i rop -> RegOpEvent <$> PEM.mapExpr sym f i <*> PEM.mapExpr sym f rop
TraceMemEvent i mop -> TraceMemEvent <$> PEM.mapExpr sym f i <*> PEM.mapExpr sym f mop

instance PEM.ExprFoldableFC (ArchReg arch) => PEM.ExprFoldable sym (TraceEvent sym arch) where
foldExpr sym f te b0 = case te of
RegOpEvent i rop -> PEM.foldExpr sym f i b0 >>= PEM.foldExpr sym f rop
TraceMemEvent i mop -> PEM.foldExpr sym f i b0 >>= PEM.foldExpr sym f mop

instance W4S.W4Serializable sym (MemAddr w) where
w4Serialize addr = do
base_json <- return $ JSON.toJSON (addrBase addr)
Expand All @@ -595,6 +633,9 @@ data InstructionEvent arch = InstructionEvent { instrAddr :: ArchSegmentOff arch
instance PEM.ExprMappable sym (InstructionEvent arch) where
mapExpr _sym _f e = return e

instance PEM.ExprFoldable sym (InstructionEvent arch) where
foldExpr _ _ _ = return

instance W4S.W4Serializable sym (InstructionEvent arch) where
w4Serialize (InstructionEvent addr dis) = W4S.object ["address" .= addr, "disassembled" .= dis]

Expand Down
105 changes: 99 additions & 6 deletions src/Pate/ExprMappable.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,14 +15,21 @@
{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}

-- must come after TypeFamilies, see also
{-# LANGUAGE NoMonoLocalBinds #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-simplifiable-class-constraints #-}

module Pate.ExprMappable (
, ExprMappableFC
, ExprFoldable(..)
, ExprFoldableF(..)
, withExprFoldable
, ExprFoldableFC
, ExprFoldableIO(..)
, SkipTransformation(..)
, ToExprMappable(..)
, SymExprMappable(..)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -60,10 +67,14 @@ import Unsafe.Coerce(unsafeCoerce)
import Lang.Crucible.Simulator.SymSequence
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import qualified Lang.Crucible.Utils.MuxTree as MT
import Data.Parameterized.Map (MapF)
import Data.Parameterized.Map (MapF)
import qualified Data.Parameterized.Map as MapF
import qualified Data.Parameterized.TraversableF as TF
import Data.Text
import Control.Monad (forM)
import Control.Monad (forM, foldM)
import Data.Kind (Type)
import Data.Proxy

-- Expression binding

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -101,16 +112,35 @@ class ExprMappable2 sym sym' f f' where

class ExprFoldable sym f where
foldExpr ::
Monad m =>
WI.IsSymExprBuilder sym =>
IO.MonadIO m =>
sym ->
(forall tp. WI.SymExpr sym tp -> b -> m b) ->
f ->
b ->
m b

instance ExprMappable sym f => ExprFoldable sym f where
foldExpr sym f e b =
-- Constrainted variant of 'ExprFoldable' that uses 'ExprMappable'
-- instance by default
class ExprFoldableIO sym f where
foldExprIO ::
IO.MonadIO m =>
WI.IsSymExprBuilder sym =>
sym ->
(forall tp. WI.SymExpr sym tp -> b -> m b) ->
f ->
b ->
m b
default foldExprIO ::
ExprMappable sym f =>
IO.MonadIO m =>
WI.IsSymExprBuilder sym =>
sym ->
(forall tp. WI.SymExpr sym tp -> b -> m b) ->
f ->
b ->
m b
foldExprIO sym f e b =
CMS.execStateT (mapExpr sym (\e' -> CMS.get >>= \s -> lift (f e' s) >>= CMS.put >> return e') e) b

instance (ExprMappable sym a, ExprMappable sym b) => ExprMappable sym (a, b) where
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -201,6 +231,12 @@ instance
instance ExprMappable (W4B.ExprBuilder t st fs) (W4B.Expr t tp) where
mapExpr sym f e = applyExprMappable sym f e

instance ExprFoldable (W4B.ExprBuilder t st fs) (W4B.Expr t tp) where
foldExpr _sym f e = f e

instance ExprFoldableIO (W4B.ExprBuilder t st fs) (W4B.Expr t tp) where
foldExprIO _sym f e = f e

-- | This is a bit redundant, but it forces the function to be evaluated
-- according to the 'ToExprMappable' instance for 'ExprMappable', which
-- avoids the potential for conflicting instances for 'W4B.Expr' vs. 'WI.SymExpr'
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -363,6 +399,23 @@ instance ExprMappable sym () where
instance ExprMappable sym Text where
mapExpr _ _ = return

class (forall sym tp. ExprMappable sym (f tp)) => ExprMappableFC f

class ExprFoldableF (sym :: Type) (f :: k -> Type) where
withExprFoldable_ :: p sym -> q f -> r tp -> (ExprFoldable sym (f tp) => a) -> a

default withExprFoldable_ :: ExprFoldable sym (f tp) => p sym -> q f -> r tp -> (ExprFoldable sym (f tp) => a) -> a
withExprFoldable_ _ _ _ x = x

-- instantiates proxies (assumes TypeApplications)
withExprFoldable ::
forall sym f tp a.
ExprFoldableF sym f =>
(ExprFoldable sym (f tp) => a) -> a
withExprFoldable f = withExprFoldable_ (Proxy @sym) (Proxy @f) (Proxy @tp) f

class (forall sym. ExprFoldableF sym f) => ExprFoldableFC f where

instance (Ord f, ExprMappable sym f) => ExprMappable sym (MT.MuxTree sym f) where
mapExpr sym (f :: forall tp. WI.SymExpr sym tp -> m (WI.SymExpr sym tp)) mt = do
go (MT.viewMuxTree @sym mt)
Expand All @@ -381,4 +434,44 @@ instance (Ord f, ExprMappable sym f) => ExprMappable sym (MT.MuxTree sym f) wher
newtype ExprMapFElems a b = ExprMapFElems { unExprMapFElems :: (MapF a b) }

instance (forall tp. ExprMappable sym (f tp)) => ExprMappable sym (ExprMapFElems a f) where
mapExpr sym f (ExprMapFElems m) = ExprMapFElems <$> TF.traverseF (mapExpr sym f) m
mapExpr sym f (ExprMapFElems m) = ExprMapFElems <$> TF.traverseF (mapExpr sym f) m

instance forall sym a b. (ExprFoldableF sym a, ExprFoldableF sym b) => ExprFoldable sym (MapF a b) where
foldExpr sym f m b =
MapF.foldlMWithKey (\b_ (k :: a tp) (v :: b tp) ->
withExprFoldable @sym @a @tp $ withExprFoldable @sym @b @tp $
foldExpr sym f k b_ >>= foldExpr sym f v) b m

instance ExprFoldable sym a => ExprFoldable sym [a] where
foldExpr sym f m b = foldM (\b_ a -> foldExpr sym f a b_) b m

instance ExprFoldable sym Text where
foldExpr _ _ _ = return

instance (ExprFoldable sym f, ExprFoldable sym g) => ExprFoldable sym (f, g) where
foldExpr sym f (a,b) b0 = foldExpr sym f a b0 >>= foldExpr sym f b

instance ExprFoldable sym f => ExprFoldable sym (Maybe f) where
foldExpr sym f (Just e) b0 = foldExpr sym f e b0
foldExpr _ _ Nothing b0 = return b0

instance (ExprFoldable sym f) => ExprFoldable sym (MT.MuxTree sym f) where
foldExpr sym f mt b0 | SymExprFoldable aEF <- symExprFoldable sym = aEF @WI.BaseBoolType $ foldExpr sym f (MT.viewMuxTree mt) b0

newtype ToExprFoldable sym tp = ToExprFoldable { unEF :: WI.SymExpr sym tp }

instance ExprFoldable sym (ToExprFoldable sym tp) where
foldExpr _sym f (ToExprFoldable e) b = f e b

newtype SymExprFoldable sym f = SymExprFoldable (forall tp a. ((ExprFoldable sym (f tp)) => a) -> a)

-- Same approach for 'symExprMappable' to create ExprFoldable instances for SymExpr
symExprFoldable ::
forall sym.
sym ->
SymExprFoldable sym (WI.SymExpr sym)
symExprFoldable _sym =
unsafeCoerce r
where r :: SymExprFoldable sym (ToExprFoldable sym)
r = SymExprFoldable (\a -> a)
5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions src/Pate/Ground.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -71,6 +71,7 @@ import qualified What4.Partial as W4P
import qualified SemMC.Util as SU

import qualified Pate.Panic as PP
import qualified Control.Monad.IO.Class as IO

-- | This module allows a model from What4 to be captured with respect to
-- some expression-containing type. This is used to ground concrete counter-examples
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -216,7 +217,7 @@ integerToNat i
ground ::
forall sym a.
PS.ValidSym sym =>
PEM.ExprMappable sym (a sym) =>
PEM.ExprFoldableIO sym (a sym) =>
sym ->
-- | stack region
W4.SymNat sym ->
Expand All @@ -239,7 +240,7 @@ ground sym stackRegion mkinfo a = do
Nothing -> do
upd <- MapF.updatedValue <$> MapF.updateAtKey e (Just <$> mkinfo e) (\_ -> return $ MapF.Keep) (grndInfoMap gdata)
return $ gdata { grndInfoMap = upd }
gdata <- PEM.foldExpr sym f' a initGround
gdata <- PEM.foldExprIO sym f' a initGround
return $ Grounded a gdata

-- trivial instance - grounded values should not be modified
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/Pate/MemCell.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ readMemCell sym mem cell@(MemCell{}) = do
writeMemCell ::
forall sym arch w.
IsSymInterface sym =>
MC.RegisterInfo (MC.ArchReg arch) =>
PMT.MemTraceValidArch arch =>
Typeable arch =>
sym ->
-- | write condition
Expand Down

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