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add FnBindings module representing post-hoc defined functions
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danmatichuk committed Sep 20, 2024
1 parent 756cb6b commit 21cd4c5
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Showing 4 changed files with 311 additions and 25 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions pate.cabal
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Expand Up @@ -112,6 +112,7 @@ library
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120 changes: 108 additions & 12 deletions src/Pate/SimState.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -28,6 +28,8 @@ Functionality for handling the inputs and outputs of crucible.
{-# LANGUAGE ImplicitParams #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuantifiedConstraints #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RoleAnnotations #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
-- must come after TypeFamilies, see also
{-# LANGUAGE NoMonoLocalBinds #-}

Expand All @@ -41,21 +43,31 @@ module Pate.SimState
, SimInput(..)
, SimOutput(..)
, type VarScope
, type GlobalScope
, SimScope
, scopeAsm
, scopeVars
, scopeVarsPair
, Scoped(..)
, PopScope
, pattern PopScope
, ScopedExpr
, mkScopedExpr
, fromGlobalScope
, unSE
, scopedExprMap
, scopedLocWither
, WithScope(..)
, liftScope0
, liftScope0Ret
, forScopedExpr
, forScopedExprRet
, liftScope2
, liftScope3
, concreteScope
, SimSpec
, AbsT(..)
, PopT(..)
, mkSimSpec
, freshSimSpec
, forSpec
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -84,6 +96,7 @@ module Pate.SimState
import GHC.Stack ( HasCallStack )
import qualified Data.Kind as DK
import Data.Proxy
import Data.Coerce

import qualified Control.Monad.IO.Class as IO
import Control.Lens ( (^.) )
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -155,6 +168,8 @@ simSP :: MM.RegisterInfo (MM.ArchReg arch) => SimState sym arch v bin ->
PSR.MacawRegEntry sym (MT.BVType (MM.ArchAddrWidth arch))
simSP st = (simRegs st) ^. (MM.boundValue MM.sp_reg)

instance Scoped (PopT (SimState sym arch) bin) where
unsafeCoerceScope (PopF s) = PopF (coerce s)

data SimInput sym arch v bin = SimInput
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -203,18 +218,26 @@ simOutRegs = simRegs . simOutState
-- from one type to another via 'unsafeCoerceScope'.
-- TODO: A safe variant of 'unsafeCoerceScope' could perform a runtime check to
-- ensure that the resulting value is well-scoped.
data VarScope
data VarScope =
GlobalScope {- ^ scope for terms with no bound variables -}
| ArbitraryScope DK.Type {- ^ all other scopes (this constructor is not actually used) -}

type GlobalScope = 'GlobalScope

-- | A 'Scoped' type is parameterized by a phantom 'VarScope' type variable, used
-- to track the scope of its inner bound variables.
class Scoped f where
-- This class explicitly tells us that the implementation of 'f' doesn't depend on 'v'
class (forall (v :: VarScope) (v' :: VarScope). Coercible (f v) (f v')) => Scoped f where
-- | Unsafely change the variable scope parameter for an instance of 'f'.
-- This should be a no-op and only used to make types match up where needed.
-- It is the responsibility of the user to ensure that this is only applied
-- in cases where 'f' has been rewritten to only contain bound variables
-- in the target scope.
-- TODO: We can check this statically to add a safe variant.
unsafeCoerceScope :: forall (v :: VarScope) v'. f v -> f v'
unsafeCoerceScope a = coerce a

-- | A lambda abstraction over 'f', which is parameterized by a variable scope.
-- A 'SimSpec' can be interpreted via 'viewSpec' or modified via 'forSpec'.
Expand All @@ -230,6 +253,32 @@ data SimSpec sym arch (f :: VarScope -> DK.Type) = forall v.
, _specBody :: f v

-- TODO: probably defined somewhere already
-- can be used for types that abstract over 'bin' and 'v' to expose the
-- 'bin' parameter in a 'SimSpec'
newtype AbsT (f :: k -> DK.Type) (tp1 :: l -> k) (tp2 :: l) = AbsT { unAbsT :: f (tp1 tp2) }

newtype PopT (f :: l -> k -> DK.Type) (tp1 :: k) (tp2 :: l) = PopF { unPopF :: f tp2 tp1 }

-- Some trickery to let us use PopT while maintaining that VarScope is phantom
newtype PopScope (f :: l -> VarScope -> DK.Type) (v :: VarScope) (tp :: l) = PopScopeC (f tp GlobalScope)
type role PopScope representational phantom nominal

unPopScope :: Scoped (f tp) => PopScope f v tp -> f tp v
unPopScope (PopScopeC f) = coerce f

mkPopScope :: Scoped (f tp) => f tp v -> PopScope f v tp
mkPopScope f = PopScopeC (coerce f)

pattern PopScope :: Scoped (f tp) => f tp v -> PopScope f v tp
pattern PopScope f <- (unPopScope -> f) where
PopScope f = mkPopScope f
{-# COMPLETE PopScope #-}

instance PEM.ExprMappable sym (f tp1 tp2) => PEM.ExprMappable sym (PopT f tp2 tp1) where
mapExpr sym f (PopF a) = PopF <$> PEM.mapExpr sym f a

mkSimSpec :: SimScope sym arch v -> f v -> SimSpec sym arch f
mkSimSpec scope body = SimSpec scope body

Expand All @@ -242,11 +291,8 @@ data SimScope sym arch v =
, scopeAsm :: AssumptionSet sym

instance Scoped (SimScope sym arch) where
unsafeCoerceScope scope = coerce scope

instance Scoped (Const x) where
unsafeCoerceScope scope = coerce scope
instance Scoped (SimScope sym arch)
instance Scoped (Const x)

scopeBoundVars :: SimScope sym arch v -> PPa.PatchPair (SimBoundVars sym arch v)
scopeBoundVars scope = PPa.PatchPair (scopeBoundVarsO scope) (scopeBoundVarsP scope)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -340,8 +386,7 @@ data SimBundle sym arch v = SimBundle

instance Scoped (SimBundle sym arch) where
unsafeCoerceScope bundle = coerce bundle
instance Scoped (SimBundle sym arch)

instance (W4.IsSymExprBuilder sym, MM.RegisterInfo (MM.ArchReg arch)) => IsTraceNode '(sym,arch) "bundle" where
type TraceNodeType '(sym,arch) "bundle" = Some (SimBundle sym arch)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -486,9 +531,20 @@ asScopeCoercion rew = ScopeCoercion <$> freshVarBindCache <*> pure rew

-- | An expr tagged with a scoped parameter (representing the fact that the
-- expression is valid under the scope 'v')
data ScopedExpr sym tp (v :: VarScope) =
newtype ScopedExpr sym tp (v :: VarScope) =
ScopedExpr { unSE :: W4.SymExpr sym tp }

-- | Make a ScopedExpr with an unknown scope
mkScopedExpr :: W4.SymExpr sym tp -> Some (ScopedExpr sym tp)
mkScopedExpr e = Some (ScopedExpr e)

-- | The global scope indicates no bound variables, and so this can
-- be safely converted into any scope
fromGlobalScope :: Scoped f => f GlobalScope -> f v
fromGlobalScope f = coerce f

instance Scoped (ScopedExpr sym tp)

instance PEM.ExprMappable sym (ScopedExpr sym tp v) where
mapExpr _sym f (ScopedExpr e) = ScopedExpr <$> f e

Expand All @@ -506,6 +562,11 @@ instance TestEquality (W4.SymExpr sym) => Eq (ScopedExpr sym tp v) where
Just _ -> True
Nothing -> False

instance TestEquality (W4.SymExpr sym) => TestEquality (PopScope (ScopedExpr sym) v) where
testEquality (PopScope (ScopedExpr e1)) (PopScope (ScopedExpr e2)) = case testEquality e1 e2 of
Just Refl -> Just Refl
Nothing -> Nothing

newtype ScopedAssertion sym (v :: VarScope) = ScopedAssertion { unSA :: ScopedExpr sym v W4.BaseBoolType }
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -585,13 +646,27 @@ applyScopeCoercion sym (ScopeCoercion cache (ExprRewrite binds)) (ScopedExpr e)
-- incidentally include bound variables from other scopes)
liftScope2 ::
W4.IsSymExprBuilder sym =>
IO.MonadIO m =>
sym ->
(forall sym'. W4.IsSymExprBuilder sym' => sym' -> W4.SymExpr sym' tp1 -> W4.SymExpr sym' tp2 -> IO (W4.SymExpr sym' tp3)) ->
(forall sym'. W4.IsSymExprBuilder sym' => sym' -> W4.SymExpr sym' tp1 -> W4.SymExpr sym' tp2 -> m (W4.SymExpr sym' tp3)) ->
ScopedExpr sym tp1 v ->
ScopedExpr sym tp2 v ->
IO (ScopedExpr sym tp3 v)
m (ScopedExpr sym tp3 v)
liftScope2 sym f (ScopedExpr e1) (ScopedExpr e2) = ScopedExpr <$> f sym e1 e2

-- | An operation is scope-preserving if it is valid for all builders (i.e. we can't
-- incidentally include bound variables from other scopes)
liftScope3 ::
W4.IsSymExprBuilder sym =>
IO.MonadIO m =>
sym ->
(forall sym'. W4.IsSymExprBuilder sym' => sym' -> W4.SymExpr sym' tp1 -> W4.SymExpr sym' tp2 -> W4.SymExpr sym' tp3 -> m (W4.SymExpr sym' tp4)) ->
ScopedExpr sym tp1 v ->
ScopedExpr sym tp2 v ->
ScopedExpr sym tp3 v ->
m (ScopedExpr sym tp4 v)
liftScope3 sym f (ScopedExpr e1) (ScopedExpr e2) (ScopedExpr e3) = ScopedExpr <$> f sym e1 e2 e3

forScopedExpr ::
W4.IsSymExprBuilder sym =>
sym ->
Expand All @@ -600,6 +675,17 @@ forScopedExpr ::
IO (ScopedExpr sym tp2 v)
forScopedExpr sym (ScopedExpr e1) f = ScopedExpr <$> f sym e1

-- | Similar to 'forScopedExpr' but may return a value as well
forScopedExprRet ::
W4.IsSymExprBuilder sym =>
sym ->
ScopedExpr sym tp1 v ->
(forall sym'. W4.IsSymExprBuilder sym' => sym' -> W4.SymExpr sym' tp1 -> IO (f sym', W4.SymExpr sym' tp2)) ->
IO (f sym, ScopedExpr sym tp2 v)
forScopedExprRet sym (ScopedExpr e1) f = do
(a, e2) <- f sym e1
return (a, ScopedExpr e2)

-- | An operation is scope-preserving if it is valid for all builders (i.e. we can't
-- incidentally include bound variables from other scopes)
liftScope0 ::
Expand All @@ -610,6 +696,16 @@ liftScope0 ::
IO (ScopedExpr sym tp v)
liftScope0 sym f = ScopedExpr <$> f sym

liftScope0Ret ::
forall f v sym tp.
W4.IsSymExprBuilder sym =>
sym ->
(forall sym'. W4.IsSymExprBuilder sym' => sym' -> IO (f sym', W4.SymExpr sym' tp)) ->
IO (f sym, ScopedExpr sym tp v)
liftScope0Ret sym f = do
(a, e) <- f sym
return (a, ScopedExpr e)

-- | A concrete value is valid in all scopes
concreteScope ::
forall v sym tp.
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