Source code of an esp32 + maxim max30102 oximeter and heart rate device. This project was intended to be used as a cheap alternative to commercial oximeters in these hard days fighting corona virus.
This code is based on the great job of Aromring
Hoppefully this can be usefull to somone.
These project was built using esp-idf version: v4.1-beta1-63-g9f024df9e-dirty
MAX30102 Vin -> 3v3
MAX30102 GND -> GND
MAX30102 SDA -> GPIO33
MAX30102 SCL -> GPIO32
Afer connecting everything up plug you esp32 to the pc and then in the project directory terminal run these commands: fullclean flash
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.