- To automate the whole process when trading China onshore stocks, convertible bonds, funds and repos.
- This project focuses on user login and order execution. It excludes market data and strategies.
- List of connected broker trading platform
(1) Orient Securities, 东方证券同花顺独立交易系统
(2) Citic Securities, 中信证券至胜全能版独立交易系统
- Python 3.x but please avoid using Python 3.7.6 since there is a problem.
- Better to use python 32 bit. 64 bit Python you will get a warning.
- Open account with your broker
(1) Inform your broker of the markets you want to trade, Shanghai A share, Shenzhen A share, ETFs, futures, ETF options, etc..
(2) Account ID, or Funding Account ID
(3) Your password
- install pywinauto and pytesseract
- set up pytesseract in system environment PATH
- Copy this py file to your environment
- Log in
- Send order
- Query balance and holdings
- Query transactions
- Cancel orders by direction and stock code
- Pywinauto mimics user actions, it will pull app to the front screen when running.
- Not able to listen to the responses from brokers if the sent order is done.
- Use short-cut keys instead of looking for windows or buttons.
- Locate window with window specifications instead of general titles or types.
- Use window().wait('ready',timeout) instead of time.sleep() when waiting.
- connect to more brokers
- Tdx (通达信) seems to be anti-automation. I tried JinChangJiang 金长江财智版V11.82 ,which is based on Tdx system. I cannot type_keys() to password and account windows.
- Github China-quant is a good reference.
- Here is an archived project two years ago, TdxTradeServer,
which is based on trade.dll file. Obviously, it goes deeper and runs faster. This is a C++ project.
This maybe a good direction to avoid operating via GUI. - Automate trade module in Tdxw gives a good example to automate tqd platform. It is a python 2.x project.
- Inspect installed with Visual Studio
- Accessbility Insights installed with windows SDK, "entire app" mode
- Spy++ installed with windows SDK
- Log in
import SimpleTHSTrader
trader = SimpleTHSTrader(r"C:\东方同花顺独立下单\xiadan.exe") # broker system address
If you need two instances for one account, you can change codes in login() function to achieve this.
I don't think this is necessary.
The result:
口: "['']"
关闭该窗口: "['']"
关闭该窗口: "['']"
关闭该窗口: "['']"
关闭该窗口: "['']"
关闭该窗口: "['']"
- Send Order
import time
t0 = time.process_time()
trader.buy('128036',100,10) # (stock code, price, number of shares)
t1 = time.process_time()
print("使用时间: ", t1-t0)
The result:
使用时间: 0.390625