Code for the ISE Practical 2023.
The user website is here.
- Java >= 17 installed and runnable in path, e.g. via SDKMAN
./gradlew build
java -jar web/build/libs/web.jar
The website should now be accessible on http://localhost:8080
Settings | Build, Execution, Deployment | Build Tools | Gradle | Build and Run using:
This makes sure that all modules are correctly built and resources processed.
Settings | Editor | Code Style | ☑️Enable EditorConfig Support
To adapt IntelliJ's formatting rules to osmalert
Below two arguments should be passed as the vm-options (run configuration) while running the web application. They can be set as VM Options in intellij's run configuration or can be passed as parameters if running in command line.
--add-opens java.base/java.util=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED
To set the Web password and Username the environmental Variables have to be set like the following:
WEB_USERNAME=[Insert Name here],WEB_PASSWORD=[Insert Password here]
- webapp
- flinkservice
- flinkjobjar
- Heroku cloud mail service add-on was created:
heroku addons:create mailertogo:micro
- Projects were created:
heroku create --stack heroku-22 -a osmalert-web --region eu
.heroku create -a osmalert-flink-docker --region eu
- Mail-Addon was created (and attached to
):heroku addons:create mailertogo:micro -a osmalert-flink-docker
- All users were added as collaborator to the projects:
heroku access:add [email protected] -a osmalert-web
heroku access:add [email protected] -a osmalert-flink-docker
- Local installation of Docker
- Heroku account.
- Local installation of Heroku CLI.
cd webapp
heroku login
heroku logs --tail -a osmalert-web
Now the web app is accessible at:
For this to work you need access to HeiGIT's S3d!!!
cd dokku-flink/
Now the flink dashboard is accessible at:
heroku logs -a <projectName> --tail
heroku restart -a <projectName>
The static website is hosted on GitHub Pages
The source code for it is in the docs