Hapi API for Satellizer
Hapilizer is Hapi plugin providing API endpoints for Satellizer, token-based authentication module for Angular.
Satellizer is amazing Anuglar authentication module with over 120 contributors and over 2000 commits. I has server implementations for different languages. Node server example has been written for ExpressJS. I needed variation of it for Hapi and Hapilizer is exactly that.
Satellizer is a simple to use, end-to-end, token-based authentication module for AngularJS with built-in support for Google, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, GitHub, Bitbucket, Yahoo, Twitch, Microsoft (Windows Live) OAuth providers, as well as Email and Password sign-in. However, you are not limited to the sign-in options above, in fact you can add any OAuth 1.0 or OAuth 2.0 provider by passing provider-specific information in the app config block.
Endpoint | Method | Auth. | Description |
/user/me | GET | jwt | user info |
/user/profile | GET | jwt | user info |
/auth/register | POST | - | registers user account |
/auth/login | GET | basic | login with username and password |
/auth/login | POST | basic | login with username and password |
(coming next)
Endpoint | Method | Auth. | Description |
/auth/facebook | POST | post | login with Facebook |
/auth/twitter | POST | post | login with Twitter |
/auth/google | POST | post | login with Google |
Example client is a copy of satellizer example made for angular 1.0.
- Twitter for websites: Sign in with Twitter
- Sign in with Google
- Sign in with Facebook
- Sign in with LinkedIn
- angularjs-social-login - social login with Google, FB, LinkedIN.
- angular-social-login - social login with Google & Facebook for PhoneGap/Cordova.
- satellizer - end-to-end, token-based authentication module for AngularJS with built-in support for Google, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, GitHub, Bitbucket, Yahoo, Twitch, Microsoft (Windows Live) OAuth providers, as well as Email and Password sign-in.
- hapi - configuration-centric framework with built-in support for input validation, caching, authentication, and other essential facilities for building web and services applications.
- moment - Parse, validate, manipulate, and display dates
- jsonwebtoken - JSON Web Token implementation (symmetric and asymmetric)
- bcrypt - Lib to help you hash passwords.
- mongoose - Mongoose MongoDB ODM
- hapi-app-spa - hapi plugin for single page application
- forger - Async utilities and helpers for node