Touch Tracking is an RCOS project that collects data about a user's touches. The goal is to visualize this data in order to help both designers and developers have a better understanding of how iOS devices are used. Touch Tracking records the following properties of each touch:
- "t" : The time in seconds at which the touch occured, relative to the first touch in the sequence.
- "tc" : The tap count of each recorded touch.
- "kb" : A boolean value that reflects whether the touch was keyboard input.
- "x" : The x coordinate in points that represents the center of the touch.
- "y" : The y coordinate in points that represents the center of the touch.
Note: Touch tracking disables any tracking of keyboard interaction by default.
Touch tracking writes this data to logs seperated by each calander date. Example, 01_01_2016.json
. Logs are stored in the following locations:
- Active Log
- Closed Log
- Uploaded Log
All logs contain only the information listed above, and are uploaded anonymously with the user's permission.
##Requirements A jailbroken iOS device running iOS 9.0 or above.
The latest beta can be installed by adding
as a repository to cydia.
Alternatively, you can download the latest version here
##Data Visualization
An early example of non-keyboard touches on an iPhone 6. A single Day was used as the dataset.