backward_step, a FreeFem++ code which solves the backward step benchmark problem for Navier Stokes flow.
The backward step geometry is:
| y=H +--------------L5--------+ y=H
| | |
| L1 L2
| | |
| y=0.5 +-L4--+ |
| L4 |
| y=0 +--------L3--------+ y=0
| ^ ^ ^
| x=0 x=3 x=22
In flow case 1, H = 1.5, and in flow case 2, H = 1. Solutions are desired at Reynolds numbers 50, 150, 500. Side L1 is an inflow boundary, with a parabolic inflow profile: uinflow = (H-y)*(y-1/2)/((H-1/2)/2)^2
Side L2 is an outflow boundary where boundary conditions are not imposed. Sides labeled L3, L4 and L5 are no slip walls, with U = V = 0. The steady incompressible Navier Stokes equations for (u,v,p) in 2D are:
-nu ( uxx + uyy ) + u ux + v uy + px = 0
-nu ( vxx + vyy ) + u vx + v vy + py = 0
ux + vy = 0
where nu is the kinematic viscosity.
The computer code and data files described and made available on this web page are distributed under the MIT license.
Frederic Hecht, New development in FreeFem++, Journal of Numerical Mathematics, Volume 20, Number 3-4, 2012, pages 251-265.
- backward_step.edp, the FreeFem++ script;
-, a BASH script to run the example;
- backward_step.txt, the output file;
- backward_step_mesh.png, a PNG image of the mesh;