Pyfeedback is a web application created to assist the feedback to modules at TU Darmstadt.
It is written in Python 3 and utilizes the newest version of the django web framework.
To use pyfeedback the following tools have to be installed:
- pip and virtualenv for python 3
- texlive + texlive-lang-german (to generate letters)
- latex tuddesign
- Create a virtualenv with virtualenv $name
- Activate the virtualenv with
source $name/bin/activate
- Install all requirements with
pip install -r requierements.txt
- Create the test database with
python src/ migrate
- Start the development server with
python src/ runserver
pyfeedback is using a test driven development and tries to get to 100% coverage. Tests can be run with
python src/ test feedback
Do not implement new functionality without providing a test for it.