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Releases: FrederickGeek8/repo-manager

Release 2.0.2

27 Feb 20:32
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Version 2.0.2 of rpo updates the dependencies of the project to fix several security issues. Not sure why release 2.0.1 was never released.

Release 2.0.0

03 Jul 21:19
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This version marks the beginning of the version 2.X.Y series. In this version, repo-manager has not only been rebuilt from the ground up but has assumed a new, more compact name: rpo. rpo currently is a multi-platform Cydia/Debian repository manager that is simple to use and is written completely in Javascript, running on Node.js. Currently, it is a command-line tool, but an easy one to use. A desktop (GUI), version of rpo will be coming soon.

Version 2.X Roadmap

Progress can be tracked over on the project board.

  1. Create a desktop interface similar in effect to Github Desktop, where locations
    of repositories are kept track of and can be managed easily through a GUI.
  2. Create a backend interface similar to that of the previous version of repo-manager
    (for those of you who remember it), where the repository can be managed remotely.
  3. Create an automated frontend generation system that will be updated and present
    to users what packages are currently in the repository.

Release 1.0.0

03 Jul 20:51
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I thought I would tag the "old" version of repo-manager before I merge in version 2.0.0.