Ville_qc_collecte is a Home Assistant add-on that scrapes the Ville de Québec Info-Collecte website (using Selenium) to determine the next garbage (ordures/résidus alimentaires) and recycling (recyclage) collection dates. The add-on then publishes these dates as MQTT sensors, making them available in Home Assistant.
New features:
- Automatic creation of calendar events in Home Assistant via the API REST.
- Prevention of duplicate events using persistent state storage.
- Updated MQTT client initialization using the new callback API (ensure paho-mqtt is up-to-date).
Headless browser (Selenium):
The add-on launches a headless Chromium browser to load the Ville de Québec Info-Collecte page and automatically enter your address. -
HTML parsing (BeautifulSoup):
Once the calendar is displayed, the add-on parses the HTML to find upcoming pickup dates for garbage (ordures/résidus alimentaires) and recycling (recyclage). -
MQTT sensor publishing:
Using MQTT Discovery, the add-on publishes states and attributes for two sensors:sensor.collecte_ordures
so that Home Assistant can automatically detect and display them.
Calendar Event Creation:
If Home Assistant integration is configured, the add-on calls a HA script (via the API REST usingscript.turn_on
) to create calendar events for the upcoming collection dates.
To avoid duplicates, the add-on saves the last event dates in a persistent file (/data/last_events.json
). -
Updated MQTT Client Initialization:
The MQTT client is now initialized with the new callback API (CallbackAPIVersion) to suppress deprecation warnings. (Make sure your Dockerfile installs a recent version of paho-mqtt.)
Add this repository to Home Assistant as an Add-on repository:
- Go to Settings → Add-ons → Add-on Store → the three dots menu (⋮) → Repositories → enter this repo's URL.
- Or click the button below:
Install the add-on named Ville_qc_collecte from your local add-ons list.
Configure the add-on with the following options:
- Address to search: The address used for lookup.
- Update interval: How frequently (in seconds) the site is re-checked.
- MQTT settings: MQTT host, port, username, and password.
- Home Assistant Calendar integration:
(your long-lived access token)ha_calendar_entity
Start the add-on and check the logs. You should see it fetching the Info-Collecte calendar, publishing MQTT sensor data, and (if configured) creating calendar events in HA.
Key | Description | Default |
address |
The address to look up | "123 street " |
update_interval |
How frequently (in seconds) to re-check the Info-Collecte site | 3600 (1 hour) |
mqtt_host |
The MQTT broker hostname | "core-mosquitto" |
mqtt_port |
The MQTT broker port | 1883 |
mqtt_username |
Username for MQTT (if any) | "" |
mqtt_password |
Password for MQTT (if any) | "" |
ha_url |
URL of your Home Assistant instance (for creating calendar events) | "http://homeassistant.local:8123" |
ha_token |
Long-lived access token for the Home Assistant API | "" |
ha_calendar_entity |
The calendar entity ID in Home Assistant where events will be created | "calendar.mon_calendrier" |
alias: Alerte collecte en erreur
- platform: state
entity_id: sensor.collecte_status
to: "error"
- service: notify.persistent_notification
title: "Ville QC Collecte"
message: "Le scraping has failed."
Creating Calendar Events When HA integration options are provided, the add-on calls an HA script to create calendar events for garbage and recycling collections. To enable this feature, you must define a script in Home Assistant (e.g. script.create_calendar_event) that accepts the following variables:
alias: "Create Calendar Event"
mode: restart
description: "The calendar entity"
example: "calendar.mon_calendrier"
description: "Event start date (YYYY-MM-DD)"
example: "2025-01-01"
description: "Event end date (YYYY-MM-DD)"
example: "2025-01-01"
description: "Event summary"
example: "Collecte ordures"
description: "Event description"
example: "Next garbage collection on 2025-01-01"
- service: calendar.create_event
entity_id: "{{ calendar_entity }}"
start_date_time: "{{ start_date }}T07:00:00"
end_date_time: "{{ end_date }}T07:05:59"
summary: "{{ summary }}"
description: "{{ description }}"
- Home Assistant Community – For questions, setup tips, or to share configurations.
- Ville de Québec Info-Collecte – Official site with waste collection schedules.