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Releases: FlyBase/flybase-robot-plugin

FlyBase ROBOT plugin 0.2.2

25 Apr 15:48
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Changes since version 0.2.1:

  • New options --add-annotation and --add-annotation-iri to annotate the generated definitions with custom annotations, e.g. --add-annotation "oboInOwl:hasDbXref FBC:Autogenerated" or --add-annotation-iri "prov:wasGeneratedBy"

FlyBase ROBOT plugin 0.2.1

23 Apr 15:14
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Changes since version 0.2.0:

  • New option --no-ids to disable the insertion of term IDs within generated DOT definitions.
  • Use of custom labels for more properties from RO and BSPO.

FlyBase ROBOT plugin 0.2.0

22 Apr 13:17
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Changes since version 0.1.1:

  • New option -D (--null-definitions), to be used conjointly with the -d (--dot-definitions) rewriter, to generate de novo definitions for terms that do not have any definition at all, instead of only rewriting DOT definitions.
  • New option --include-obsolete to rewrite definitions for obsolete terms as well.
  • Improved generation of definitions for some logical expressions.

FlyBase ROBOT plugin 0.1.1

20 Dec 15:11
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This is a bug fix release. The "SUB" definitions rewriter has been updating to avoid removing the last character of the automatically imported definition, when said definition does not end with a dot.

FlyBase ROBOT plugin 0.1.0

15 Dec 15:54
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This is the initial release of the FlyBase ROBOT plugin. It has been tested against the FBbt, DPO, and FBcv pipelines and it generates results that are equivalent to those of the old EQWriter tool.