Port on Mac of windows-network-drive package.
npm install mac-network-drive
All examples assume:
let networkDrive = require('mac-network-drive');
find(drivePath: string): Promise<string | undefined>
.then(function (path)
// path === "/Volumes/"
.then(function (path)
// path === undefined
list(void): Promise
.then(function (drives)
drives = {
"/Volumes/...":"\\NETWORKB\\DRIVE C"
mount(drivePath: string, undefined, username?: string, password?: string): Promise
The second param is useless. I kept it to have the same amount of parameters that the windows package.
networkDrive.mount("\\\\DoesExist\\Path\\Files", undefined, undefined, undefined)
.then(function (path)
// path = "/Volumes/xxx"
Not implemented yet
npm test
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