A TypeScript/JavaScript SDK for interacting with the Filedgr Template API. This SDK provides easy access to Filedgr's attested data management functionalities using templates.
For comprehensive documentation, please visit: https://filedgr-docs.netlify.app/
- Template-based data management
- Attested data retrieval
- TypeScript support with full type definitions
- Environment-specific configurations (dev, test, prod)
- Promise-based async API
- Public access token available for testing.
npm install @filedgr/filedgr-template-sdk
# or
yarn add @filedgr/filedgr-template-sdk
You can use the public token 'public' to test the SDK:
import FiledgrTemplateApi, { Constants, Types } from '@filedgr/filedgr-template-sdk';
// Initialize the SDK with public token
const client = new FiledgrTemplateApi({
bearerToken: 'public',
environment: Constants.Environment.DEV // Optional: defaults to DEV
// Get stream attachments
const streamAttachments = await client.getTokensAttachment({
tokenCode: 'FLDGR_aIXzDt',
pageSize: '10', // Optional
page: '1' // Optional
// Get specific data attachment
const dataAttachment = await client.getDataAttachment('26eb8860-1c37-4978-8658-84270e65d11e');
The SDK can be initialized with different configurations:
// Default configuration (DEV environment) with public token
const defaultClient = new FiledgrTemplateApi({
bearerToken: 'public'
// Test environment
const testClient = new FiledgrTemplateApi({
bearerToken: 'public',
environment: Constants.Environment.TEST
// Production environment
const prodClient = new FiledgrTemplateApi({
bearerToken: 'public', // Note: Public token might have limited access in production
environment: Constants.Environment.PROD
// Custom API URL
const customClient = new FiledgrTemplateApi({
bearerToken: 'public',
baseUrl: 'https://your-custom-url.com'
Retrieves stream attachments for a given token code.
const client = new FiledgrTemplateApi({ bearerToken: 'public' });
const response = await client.getTokensAttachment({
tokenCode: 'FLDGR_aIXzDt',
pageSize: '10', // Optional, defaults to '10'
page: '1' // Optional, defaults to '1'
Response type: Types.StreamAttachmentResponse
interface StreamAttachmentResponse {
total_records: number;
current_page: number;
total_pages: number;
content: GetDataAttachmentResponse[];
Retrieves detailed information about a specific data attachment.
const client = new FiledgrTemplateApi({ bearerToken: 'public' });
const response = await client.getDataAttachment('26eb8860-1c37-4978-8658-84270e65d11e');
Response type: Types.GetDataAttachmentResponse
interface GetDataAttachmentResponse {
id: string;
created_at: string;
name: string;
status: DataAttachmentStatus;
// ... other fields
The SDK supports three environments:
- Development (DEV):
- Testing (TEST):
- Production (PROD):
The SDK throws errors with descriptive messages for various scenarios:
try {
const client = new FiledgrTemplateApi({ bearerToken: 'public' });
const response = await client.getDataAttachment('invalid_id');
} catch (error) {
if (error.message === 'Unauthorized') {
// Handle authentication error
} else {
// Handle other errors
To contribute to the SDK:
- Clone the repository
- Install dependencies:
npm install
- Run tests:
npm test # Run all tests npm run test:unit # Run unit tests only npm run test:integration # Run integration tests only
The SDK includes TypeScript definitions for all responses and inputs. Key types include:
Here are some example stream and attachment IDs you can use with the public token:
- Stream Code:
- Attachment ID:
MIT - see the LICENSE.md file for details
For support, please:
- Check our documentation at https://filedgr-docs.netlify.app/
- Open an issue in the GitHub repository
- Contact [email protected]