The repos listed below contain the codes, IaC for the following solution setup.
Examples are: You can login via XUMM via an arbitrery wallet
This repository includes links to different Filedgr repositories. Please note that several of the project may not have a commit history in the last months we moved away from Github in favor of Gitlab for the more powerful CI/CD (in our opinion).
In the current shape we create two tokens for each object:
- The NFT, currently a custom asset issued with an amount of 0.000001 to ensure no fractions can be transfered. We will migrate to the NFT implementation once available in the mainnet.
- A transaction token, carrying the data about all lifecycle events of our digital twins.
The target we aim for is decentralized access management via token gating, to enable true self customdy and ownership. Therefore we look at implementing:
- A browser extension wallet to sign in.
- An NPM library to interact with the browser extension.
- A mobile application displaying the self custody digital twins NFTs, deep linked to XUMM for signin - signatures.
The target solution is shown below:
We will provide the token gating implementation for a decentralized sign-in with XRPL, as our Smart NFTs trigger the wallet for sign in and additional functions propused but the different NFT issuers:
The current repositories except the back-office and network CI/CD is not included are below.
This part of project will stay open source, in the scope of our project we opted for a CLI, for the moment, in order to simply call the function via exec from various programming languages. It also simplifies the setup of our containers with the Gitlab Pypi server. We will also provide a customer facing API based on the CLI Tool. We use the Ripple CLI to:
- create wallets
- set trustlines
- issue NFTs, custom tokens with 0.000001 quantity, while waiting for the actual NFT in the mainnet, the memo points to a website hosted on our private IPFS. We cannot wait, our customers need to be online before christmas, hance the workaround.
- issue Transactions tokens: tokens the NFT website is going to check, they contain the lifecycle updates, in the memo
We are already aware that we should rename this and replace ripple with xrpl, we were told so. :-)
The Vue code for our first smart NFT code is hosted below. The repo contains two versions, one protected by a OpenID login.
The example is given here behind this shorturl (less for tracking purposes, but the URLs are very long in our landing page, with the ipfs CID and XRPL transaction hash.
You can login via XUMM via an arbitrery wallet
This template is adapted for a mobile use, and is the one going live this autumn with the precious metal recycling and circular sneakers.
The examples are shown here:
Run IPFS as a service on AWS with Terraform, for private NFT storages.
The IPFS pythin library is the library we use in combination with the XRPL CLI to upload the NFT content to our private IPFS infrastructures. Since the existing libraries are not in line with the project anymore, we started the work on our own open source lib.