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KnutAM committed Feb 6, 2025
1 parent 1807f66 commit 173edaf
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Showing 13 changed files with 566 additions and 17 deletions.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion Project.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -49,11 +49,12 @@ Metis = "2679e427-3c69-5b7f-982b-ece356f1e94b"
NBInclude = "0db19996-df87-5ea3-a455-e3a50d440464"
OhMyThreads = "67456a42-1dca-4109-a031-0a68de7e3ad5"
ProgressMeter = "92933f4c-e287-5a05-a399-4b506db050ca"
QuadGK = "1fd47b50-473d-5c70-9696-f719f8f3bcdc"
Random = "9a3f8284-a2c9-5f02-9a11-845980a1fd5c"
SHA = "ea8e919c-243c-51af-8825-aaa63cd721ce"
TaskLocalValues = "ed4db957-447d-4319-bfb6-7fa9ae7ecf34"
Test = "8dfed614-e22c-5e08-85e1-65c5234f0b40"
TimerOutputs = "a759f4b9-e2f1-59dc-863e-4aeb61b1ea8f"

test = ["BlockArrays", "Downloads", "FerriteGmsh", "ForwardDiff", "Gmsh", "IterativeSolvers", "Metis", "NBInclude", "OhMyThreads", "ProgressMeter", "Random", "SHA", "TaskLocalValues", "Test", "TimerOutputs", "Logging"]
test = ["BlockArrays", "Downloads", "FerriteGmsh", "ForwardDiff", "Gmsh", "IterativeSolvers", "Metis", "NBInclude", "OhMyThreads", "ProgressMeter", "Random", "SHA", "TaskLocalValues", "Test", "TimerOutputs", "Logging", "QuadGK"]
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion src/FEValues/CellValues.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -78,6 +78,7 @@ getdetJdV(cv::CellValues, q_point::Int) = cv.detJdV[q_point]
getdetJdV(::CellValues{<:Any, <:Any, <:Any, Nothing}, ::Int) = throw(ArgumentError("detJdV is not saved in CellValues"))

# Accessors for function values
get_fun_values(cv::CellValues) = cv.fun_values
getnbasefunctions(cv::CellValues) = getnbasefunctions(cv.fun_values)
function_interpolation(cv::CellValues) = function_interpolation(cv.fun_values)
function_difforder(cv::CellValues) = function_difforder(cv.fun_values)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -111,7 +112,7 @@ function reinit!(cv::CellValues, cell::Union{AbstractCell, Nothing}, x::Abstract
n_geom_basefuncs = getngeobasefunctions(geo_mapping)

check_reinit_sdim_consistency(:CellValues, shape_gradient_type(cv), eltype(x))
if cell === nothing && !isa(mapping_type(fun_values), IdentityMapping)
if cell === nothing && reinit_needs_cell(cv)
throw(ArgumentError("The cell::AbstractCell input is required to reinit! non-identity function mappings"))
if !checkbounds(Bool, x, 1:n_geom_basefuncs) || length(x) != n_geom_basefuncs
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/FEValues/FacetValues.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ function reinit!(fv::FacetValues, cell::Union{AbstractCell, Nothing}, x::Abstrac
geo_mapping = get_geo_mapping(fv)
fun_values = get_fun_values(fv)

if cell === nothing && !isa(mapping_type(fun_values), IdentityMapping)
if cell === nothing && reinit_needs_cell(fv)
throw(ArgumentError("The cell::AbstractCell input is required to reinit! non-identity function mappings"))

Expand Down
69 changes: 58 additions & 11 deletions src/FEValues/FunctionValues.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -143,11 +143,8 @@ end

# Mapping types
struct IdentityMapping end
# Not yet implemented:
# struct CovariantPiolaMapping end # PR798
# struct ContravariantPiolaMapping end # PR798
# struct DoubleCovariantPiolaMapping end
# struct DoubleContravariantPiolaMapping end
struct CovariantPiolaMapping end
struct ContravariantPiolaMapping end

mapping_type(fv::FunctionValues) = mapping_type(fv.ip)

Expand All @@ -159,9 +156,8 @@ the function values and gradients from the reference cell
to the physical cell geometry.
required_geo_diff_order(::IdentityMapping, fun_diff_order::Int) = fun_diff_order
#required_geo_diff_order(::ContravariantPiolaMapping, fun_diff_order::Int) = 1 + fun_diff_order # PR798
#required_geo_diff_order(::CovariantPiolaMapping, fun_diff_order::Int) = 1 + fun_diff_order # PR798

required_geo_diff_order(::ContravariantPiolaMapping, fun_diff_order::Int) = 1 + fun_diff_order
required_geo_diff_order(::CovariantPiolaMapping, fun_diff_order::Int) = 1 + fun_diff_order

# Support for embedded elements
@inline calculate_Jinv(J::Tensor{2}) = inv(J)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -221,6 +217,57 @@ end
return nothing

# TODO in PR798, apply_mapping! for
# * CovariantPiolaMapping
# * ContravariantPiolaMapping
# Covariant Piola Mapping
@inline function apply_mapping!(funvals::FunctionValues{0}, ::CovariantPiolaMapping, q_point::Int, mapping_values, cell)
Jinv = inv(getjacobian(mapping_values))
@inbounds for j in 1:getnbasefunctions(funvals)
d = get_direction(funvals.ip, j, cell)
= funvals.Nξ[j, q_point]
funvals.Nx[j, q_point] = d * (Nξ Jinv)
return nothing

@inline function apply_mapping!(funvals::FunctionValues{1}, ::CovariantPiolaMapping, q_point::Int, mapping_values, cell)
H = gethessian(mapping_values)
Jinv = inv(getjacobian(mapping_values))
@inbounds for j in 1:getnbasefunctions(funvals)
d = get_direction(funvals.ip, j, cell)
dNdξ = funvals.dNdξ[j, q_point]
= funvals.Nξ[j, q_point]
funvals.Nx[j, q_point] = d * (Nξ Jinv)
funvals.dNdx[j, q_point] = d * (Jinv' dNdξ Jinv - Jinv' (Nξ Jinv H Jinv))
return nothing

# Contravariant Piola Mapping
@inline function apply_mapping!(funvals::FunctionValues{0}, ::ContravariantPiolaMapping, q_point::Int, mapping_values, cell)
J = getjacobian(mapping_values)
detJ = det(J)
@inbounds for j in 1:getnbasefunctions(funvals)
d = get_direction(funvals.ip, j, cell)
= funvals.Nξ[j, q_point]
funvals.Nx[j, q_point] = d * (J Nξ) / detJ
return nothing

@inline function apply_mapping!(funvals::FunctionValues{1}, ::ContravariantPiolaMapping, q_point::Int, mapping_values, cell)
H = gethessian(mapping_values)
J = getjacobian(mapping_values)
Jinv = inv(J)
detJ = det(J)
I2 = one(J)
H_Jinv = H Jinv
A1 = (H_Jinv (otimesl(I2, I2))) / detJ
A2 = (Jinv' H_Jinv) / detJ
@inbounds for j in 1:getnbasefunctions(funvals)
d = get_direction(funvals.ip, j, cell)
dNdξ = funvals.dNdξ[j, q_point]
= funvals.Nξ[j, q_point]
funvals.Nx[j, q_point] = d * (J Nξ) / detJ
funvals.dNdx[j, q_point] = d * (J dNdξ Jinv / detJ + A1 - (J Nξ) A2)
return nothing
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions src/FEValues/common_values.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,6 +9,13 @@ function checkquadpoint(fe_v::AbstractValues, qp::Int)
return nothing

@inline function reinit_needs_cell(fe_values::AbstractValues)
# TODO: Might need better logic for this, but for current implementations this
# is ok. If someone implements a non-identity mapping that doesn't require the cell
# as input, this is only a slight performance issue in some cases.
return !isa(mapping_type(get_fun_values(fe_values)), IdentityMapping)

@noinline function throw_incompatible_dof_length(length_ue, n_base_funcs)
msg = "the number of base functions ($(n_base_funcs)) does not match the length " *
"of the vector ($(length_ue)). Perhaps you passed the global vector, " *
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/Ferrite.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ using WriteVTK:
WriteVTK, VTKCellTypes
using Tensors:
Tensors, AbstractTensor, SecondOrderTensor, SymmetricTensor, Tensor, Vec, gradient,
rotation_tensor, symmetric, tovoigt!, hessian, otimesu
rotation_tensor, symmetric, tovoigt!, hessian, otimesu, otimesl
using ForwardDiff:

Expand Down
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions src/exports.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -17,6 +17,9 @@ export

Expand Down
166 changes: 166 additions & 0 deletions src/interpolations.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1774,3 +1774,169 @@ function mapping_type end

mapping_type(::ScalarInterpolation) = IdentityMapping()
mapping_type(::VectorizedInterpolation) = IdentityMapping()

# RaviartThomas (1st kind), H(div) #
struct RaviartThomas{vdim, shape, order} <: VectorInterpolation{vdim, shape, order} end
mapping_type(::RaviartThomas) = ContravariantPiolaMapping()
n_dbc_components(::RaviartThomas) = 1
reference_coordinates(ip::RaviartThomas{vdim}) where {vdim} = fill(NaN * zero(Vec{vdim}), getnbasefunctions(ip))
dirichlet_edgedof_indices(ip::RaviartThomas{2}) = edgedof_interior_indices(ip)
dirichlet_facedof_indices(ip::RaviartThomas{3}) = facedof_interior_indices(ip)

Check warning on line 1786 in src/interpolations.jl

View check run for this annotation

Codecov / codecov/patch


Added lines #L1783 - L1786 were not covered by tests

# RefTriangle
edgedof_indices(ip::RaviartThomas{2, RefTriangle}) = edgedof_interior_indices(ip)
facedof_indices(ip::RaviartThomas{2, RefTriangle}) = (ntuple(i -> i, getnbasefunctions(ip)),)

Check warning on line 1790 in src/interpolations.jl

View check run for this annotation

Codecov / codecov/patch


Added lines #L1789 - L1790 were not covered by tests

# RefTriangle, 1st order Lagrange
function reference_shape_value(ip::RaviartThomas{2, RefTriangle, 1}, ξ::Vec{2}, i::Int)
x, y = ξ
i == 1 && return ξ # Flip sign
i == 2 && return Vec(x - 1, y) # Keep sign
i == 3 && return Vec(x, y - 1) # Flip sign
throw(ArgumentError("no shape function $i for interpolation $ip"))

Check warning on line 1799 in src/interpolations.jl

View check run for this annotation

Codecov / codecov/patch


Added line #L1799 was not covered by tests

getnbasefunctions(::RaviartThomas{2, RefTriangle, 1}) = 3
edgedof_interior_indices(::RaviartThomas{2, RefTriangle, 1}) = ((1,), (2,), (3,))
facedof_interior_indices(::RaviartThomas{2, RefTriangle, 1}) = ((),)
adjust_dofs_during_distribution(::RaviartThomas) = false

function get_direction(::RaviartThomas{2, RefTriangle, 1}, j, cell)
edge = edges(cell)[j]
return ifelse(edge[2] > edge[1], 1, -1)

# RefTriangle, 2st order Lagrange
function reference_shape_value(ip::RaviartThomas{2, RefTriangle, 2}, ξ::Vec{2}, i::Int)
x, y = ξ
# Face 1 (keep ordering, flip sign)
i == 1 && return Vec(4x * (2x - 1), 2y * (4x - 1))
i == 2 && return Vec(2x * (4y - 1), 4y * (2y - 1))
# Face 2 (flip ordering, keep signs)
i == 3 && return Vec(8x * y - 2x - 6y + 2, 4y * (2y - 1))
i == 4 && return Vec(-8x^2 - 8x * y + 12x + 6y - 4, 2y * (-4x - 4y + 3))
# Face 3 (keep ordering, flip sign)
i == 5 && return Vec(2x * (3 - 4x - 4y), -8x * y + 6x - 8y^2 + 12y - 4)
i == 6 && return Vec(4x * (2x - 1), 8x * y - 6x - 2y + 2)
# Cell
i == 7 && return Vec(8x * (-2x - y + 2), 8y * (-2x - y + 1))
i == 8 && return Vec(8x * (-2y - x + 1), 8y * (-2y - x + 2))
throw(ArgumentError("no shape function $i for interpolation $ip"))

Check warning on line 1828 in src/interpolations.jl

View check run for this annotation

Codecov / codecov/patch


Added line #L1828 was not covered by tests

getnbasefunctions(::RaviartThomas{2, RefTriangle, 2}) = 8
edgedof_interior_indices(::RaviartThomas{2, RefTriangle, 2}) = ((1, 2), (3, 4), (5, 6))
facedof_interior_indices(::RaviartThomas{2, RefTriangle, 2}) = ((7, 8),)
adjust_dofs_during_distribution(::RaviartThomas{2, RefTriangle, 2}) = true

function get_direction(::RaviartThomas{2, RefTriangle, 2}, j, cell)
j > 6 && return 1
edge = edges(cell)[(j + 1) ÷ 2]
return ifelse(edge[2] > edge[1], 1, -1)

# Brezzi-Douglas–Marini, H(div) #
struct BrezziDouglasMarini{vdim, shape, order} <: VectorInterpolation{vdim, shape, order} end
mapping_type(::BrezziDouglasMarini) = ContravariantPiolaMapping()
reference_coordinates(ip::BrezziDouglasMarini{vdim}) where {vdim} = fill(NaN * zero(Vec{vdim}), getnbasefunctions(ip))
dirichlet_edgedof_indices(ip::BrezziDouglasMarini{2}) = edgedof_interior_indices(ip)
n_dbc_components(::BrezziDouglasMarini) = 1

Check warning on line 1849 in src/interpolations.jl

View check run for this annotation

Codecov / codecov/patch


Added lines #L1847 - L1849 were not covered by tests

# RefTriangle
edgedof_indices(ip::BrezziDouglasMarini{2, RefTriangle}) = edgedof_interior_indices(ip)
facedof_indices(ip::BrezziDouglasMarini{2, RefTriangle}) = (ntuple(i -> i, getnbasefunctions(ip)),)

Check warning on line 1853 in src/interpolations.jl

View check run for this annotation

Codecov / codecov/patch


Added lines #L1852 - L1853 were not covered by tests

# RefTriangle, 1st order Lagrange
function reference_shape_value(ip::BrezziDouglasMarini{2, RefTriangle, 1}, ξ::Vec{2}, i::Int)
x, y = ξ
# Edge 1: y=1-x, n = [1, 1]/√2 (Flip sign, pos. integration outwards)
i == 1 && return Vec(4x, -2y) # N ⋅ n = (2√2 x - √2 (1-x)) = 3√2 x - √2
i == 2 && return Vec(-2x, 4y) # N ⋅ n = (-√2x + 2√2 (1-x)) = 2√2 - 3√2x
# Edge 2: x=0, n = [-1, 0] (reverse order to follow Ferrite convention)
i == 3 && return Vec(-2x - 6y + 2, 4y) # N ⋅ n = (6y - 2)
i == 4 && return Vec(4x + 6y - 4, -2y) # N ⋅ n = (4 - 6y)
# Edge 3: y=0, n = [0, -1] (Flip sign, pos. integration outwards)
i == 5 && return Vec(-2x, 6x + 4y - 4) # N ⋅ n = (4 - 6x)
i == 6 && return Vec(4x, -6x - 2y + 2) # N ⋅ n = (6x - 2)
throw(ArgumentError("no shape function $i for interpolation $ip"))

Check warning on line 1868 in src/interpolations.jl

View check run for this annotation

Codecov / codecov/patch


Added line #L1868 was not covered by tests

getnbasefunctions(::BrezziDouglasMarini{2, RefTriangle, 1}) = 6
edgedof_interior_indices(::BrezziDouglasMarini{2, RefTriangle, 1}) = ((1, 2), (3, 4), (5, 6))
adjust_dofs_during_distribution(::BrezziDouglasMarini{2, RefTriangle, 1}) = true

function get_direction(::BrezziDouglasMarini{2, RefTriangle, 1}, j, cell)
edge = edges(cell)[(j + 1) ÷ 2]
return ifelse(edge[2] > edge[1], 1, -1)

# Nedelec (1st kind), H(curl) #
struct Nedelec{vdim, shape, order} <: VectorInterpolation{vdim, shape, order} end
mapping_type(::Nedelec) = CovariantPiolaMapping()
reference_coordinates(ip::Nedelec{vdim}) where {vdim} = fill(NaN * zero(Vec{vdim}), getnbasefunctions(ip))
dirichlet_edgedof_indices(ip::Nedelec) = edgedof_interior_indices(ip)
n_dbc_components(::Nedelec) = 1
edgedof_indices(ip::Nedelec) = edgedof_interior_indices(ip)

Check warning on line 1888 in src/interpolations.jl

View check run for this annotation

Codecov / codecov/patch


Added lines #L1885 - L1888 were not covered by tests

# 2D refshape (rdim == vdim for Nedelec)
facedof_indices(ip::Nedelec{2, <:AbstractRefShape{2}}) = (ntuple(i -> i, getnbasefunctions(ip)),)

Check warning on line 1891 in src/interpolations.jl

View check run for this annotation

Codecov / codecov/patch


Added line #L1891 was not covered by tests

# RefTriangle, 1st order Lagrange
function reference_shape_value(ip::Nedelec{2, RefTriangle, 1}, ξ::Vec{2}, i::Int)
x, y = ξ
i == 1 && return Vec(- y, x)
i == 2 && return Vec(- y, x - 1) # Changed signed, follow Ferrite's sign convention
i == 3 && return Vec(1 - y, x)
throw(ArgumentError("no shape function $i for interpolation $ip"))

Check warning on line 1900 in src/interpolations.jl

View check run for this annotation

Codecov / codecov/patch


Added line #L1900 was not covered by tests

getnbasefunctions(::Nedelec{2, RefTriangle, 1}) = 3
edgedof_interior_indices(::Nedelec{2, RefTriangle, 1}) = ((1,), (2,), (3,))
adjust_dofs_during_distribution(::Nedelec{2, RefTriangle, 1}) = false

function get_direction(::Nedelec{2, RefTriangle, 1}, j, cell)
edge = edges(cell)[j]
return ifelse(edge[2] > edge[1], 1, -1)

# RefTriangle, 2nd order Lagrange
function reference_shape_value(ip::Nedelec{2, RefTriangle, 2}, ξ::Vec{2}, i::Int)
x, y = ξ
# Edge 1
i == 1 && return Vec(2 * y * (1 - 4 * x), 4 * x * (2 * x - 1))
i == 2 && return Vec(4 * y * (1 - 2 * y), 2 * x * (4 * y - 1))
# Edge 2 (flip order and sign compared to defelement)
i == 3 && return Vec(4 * y * (1 - 2 * y), 8 * x * y - 2 * x - 6 * y + 2)
i == 4 && return Vec(2 * y * (4 * x + 4 * y - 3), -8 * x^2 - 8 * x * y + 12 * x + 6 * y - 4)
# Edge 3
i == 5 && return Vec(8 * x * y - 6 * x + 8 * y^2 - 12 * y + 4, 2 * x * (-4 * x - 4 * y + 3))
i == 6 && return Vec(
-8 * x * y + 6 * x + 2 * y - 2, 4 * x * (2 * x - 1)
# Face
i == 7 && return Vec(8 * y * (-x - 2 * y + 2), 8 * x * (x + 2 * y - 1))
i == 8 && return Vec(8 * y * (2 * x + y - 1), 8 * x * (-2 * x - y + 2))
throw(ArgumentError("no shape function $i for interpolation $ip"))

Check warning on line 1930 in src/interpolations.jl

View check run for this annotation

Codecov / codecov/patch


Added line #L1930 was not covered by tests

getnbasefunctions(::Nedelec{2, RefTriangle, 2}) = 8
edgedof_interior_indices(::Nedelec{2, RefTriangle, 2}) = ((1, 2), (3, 4), (5, 6))
facedof_interior_indices(::Nedelec{2, RefTriangle, 2}) = ((7, 8),)
adjust_dofs_during_distribution(::Nedelec{2, RefTriangle, 2}) = true

function get_direction(::Nedelec{2, RefTriangle, 2}, j, cell)
j > 6 && return 1
edge = edges(cell)[(j + 1) ÷ 2]
return ifelse(edge[2] > edge[1], 1, -1)
10 changes: 8 additions & 2 deletions src/iterators.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -84,8 +84,14 @@ function reinit!(cc::CellCache, i::Int)

# reinit! FEValues with CellCache
reinit!(cv::CellValues, cc::CellCache) = reinit!(cv, cc.coords)
reinit!(fv::FacetValues, cc::CellCache, f::Int) = reinit!(fv, cc.coords, f)
function reinit!(cv::CellValues, cc::CellCache)
cell = reinit_needs_cell(cv) ? getcells(cc.grid, cellid(cc)) : nothing
return reinit!(cv, cell, cc.coords)
function reinit!(fv::FacetValues, cc::CellCache, f::Int)
cell = reinit_needs_cell(fv) ? getcells(cc.grid, cellid(cc)) : nothing
return reinit!(fv, cell, cc.coords, f)

# Accessor functions
getnodes(cc::CellCache) = cc.nodes
Expand Down
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions test/runtests.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ using StaticArrays
using OrderedCollections
using WriteVTK
import Metis
using QuadGK: quadgk


Expand Down Expand Up @@ -39,6 +40,7 @@ include("test_apply_analytical.jl")

@test all(x -> isdefined(Ferrite, x), names(Ferrite)) # Test that all exported symbols are defined
Expand Down

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