Command-line tool for converting the list of titles of published legal resources (currently limited to primary legislation: laws, decrees, ordonnances) on to linked data.
The titles and publication dates are collected from the ejustice website, stored in a local cache file, and then converted into RDF and stored as N-Tripes files
Java 8 JRE for running the tool (maven and Java 8 JDK for building)
For example, this will get (-g
) the titles of all laws published between start year (-s
) 2014 and end-year (-e
) 2017.
The Dutch document type (-n
) is called wet
and the French (-f
) loi
, and both will mapped to a document type (-t
The base URL (-b
) of the site is,
Wait time (-w
) between two requests will be a random amount of time between (10 and 2*10).
Output (-o
) will be written to the directory out/law
If -g is not provided, the tool will use the local cache file and only write out the RDF files.
java -jar lod-sbmb.jar -g
-s 2014 -e 2017
-n wet -f loi -t LAW
-b -w 10
-o out/law
A Dockerfile
is included to allow for Docker-based deployment.
Building the image:
docker build -t lod-sbmb .
Running the tool:
docker run -v "$(pwd)"/data:/data lod-sbmb -g
-s 2014 -e 2017
-n wet -f loi -t LAW
-w 10
-o /data/out
**Note that base-URL already is configured in the docker image. There is thus no need to provide it in the command.
See also the technical specifications page of the European Legislation Identifier
Note that Belgium uses 2 URIs / ELIs for the same eli:LegalResource (French and Dutch). This tools 'links' them using owl:sameAs.