Experimental Confluence-to-ArchiMate command line tool, the goal is to be able to load existing documentation into the Archi tool.
Currently it only converts title and description of Confluence wiki pages to an ArchiMate Model Exchange XML file, using the Confluence REST API. Note that this open file format is not the proprietary Archi format (.archimate).
Please consult the User Guide, p91 Importing from an Open Exchange XML file for more information on how to load the data into Archi.
Requires Java runtime 11
This example assumes that there is a confluence instance available on https://demo.atlassian.example.com with a few wiki pages tagged with architecture
, and that user jane.doe has created an API token (https://id.atlassian.com/manage-profile/security/api-tokens) for authentication.
Output will be written to output.xml
java -jar archi-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar -u [email protected] -p ConfluenceAPIToken -l https://demo.atlassian.example.com -t architecture -f output.xml