Contents several Python mini projects which are beginner friendly and fun to make and use.
It is a python script to create gifs from any format of Images. It usage's pillow 8.3.2, os, logging, glob.
I am learning data-Structurs using python and i will upload the python implementation in this directory.
It is a script using python http.server module in backend and there is a .exe of this made by pyinstaller.
A simple python script for downloading facebook videos for free (:
A simple downloader for youtube videos using -- pytube, plyer, kivy, kivymd
It is a pyqt5 gui project. you can create qr-code and scan any qr-code by this. it usages opencv, pyqt5, qrcode, webbrowser, opencv
A script to encript msg and file data by keyboard alphabet indexing, you can customize the dict in to encript msg as you wish
A simple btc miner prototype on I am working. It can run on both cpu and gpu and keeps track of output data in a json file. [status: ongoing]
A simple password manager app console/ qt5 version to store all of your password in one place and just remamber one master password instand of many (uages --> hashlib, os, json etc stlibs and pyqt5 for GUI)
This folder contains kivy_ui examples designed by kv lang.
This a python script for checking for duplicate or similar sentences using - [spacy, logging, warnings, tqdm]