This file is of course unofficial and thus any syntactical errors caused by its use are the fault of the user, and the user alone.
This config file is intended to simplify the look of Class/Sequence/State diagrams to meet the standard set for SENG301. It uses monochrome by default, but this can be overriden if needed.
Due to missing formatting options, the user should use Class syntax for Object diagrams, in order to get the desired look.
As with any config file, add it to your preprocessor directives with:
!include SENG301.config
NOTE: This assumes the config file is in your working directory, if it's not you need to provide the path.
You can specify the use of this file in the command line with the -config argument as well.
PlantUML works nearly perfectly for Class diagrams, with the exception of access levels on classes, if you want to specify that declare the class as such:
Class className as "$ClassName"
where $ is the desired access level.
Sequence diagrams work basically perfectly, just make sure you activate/deactivate your objects on the correct lines.
It is recommended that you use Class diagrams for Object diagrams as well, because Objects cannot be given aliases and : can't be used in names. Keep in mind that double underscores are used to denote underlines.
To use State diagrams add:
hide empty description
to your file, however you need to add line breaks in your arrow descriptions using '\n' to ensure that the descriptions do not become too long.
There are a few other minor Syntactical quirks, but most can be easily worked around.