Neverland is the name of the default skin of WikiToLearn
The css of Neverland is written with scss syntax ( and it's based on bootstrap ( Neverland also uses gulp ( to watch the scss and output the css.
You need to have nodejs and npm installed:
To setup gulp and scss you need to install the appropriate npm package. CD into the Neverland folder and:
npm install
bower install
To watch your changes with scss and output the css whenevver the scss file is saved:
gulp css
If you also want to enable a live editing without refreshing the browser page:
gulp watch
it uses BrowserSync ( to start a server and reload the page whenever you save the scss file
If you want ot ouput a minified css, then:
gulp css --minify
Neverland has a scss folder and is based on several scss modules. Every module contains the proper css and every module is include inside the _wtl.scss
The main.scss
file just imports the wtl scss + the bootstrap scss
├── main.scss
├── modules
│ ├── _articles.scss
│ ├── _buttons.scss
│ ├── _footer.scss
│ ├── _forms.scss
│ ├── _helpers.scss
│ ├── _icons.scss
│ ├── _navbar.scss
│ ├── _notifications.scss
│ ├── _page-actions.scss
│ ├── reader.scss
│ ├── _responsive.scss
│ ├── _sidebar.scss
│ ├── _specialpages.scss
│ ├── _suggestions.scss
│ ├── _tables.scss
│ ├── _templates.scss
│ └── _type.scss
└── _wtl.scss
- gulp
- BrowserSync
- Autoprefixer (