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Update vast to be a c++ plugin
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dkulp committed Sep 2, 2019
1 parent ada07e1 commit a540559
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Showing 14 changed files with 3,193 additions and 151 deletions.
34 changes: 34 additions & 0 deletions .gitignore
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@

# Prerequisites

# Compiled Object files

# Precompiled Headers

# Compiled Dynamic libraries

# Fortran module files

# Compiled Static libraries

# Executables
3 changes: 0 additions & 3 deletions .gitmodules
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
[submodule "vastfmt"]
path = vastfmt
url =
22 changes: 22 additions & 0 deletions Makefile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
include /opt/fpp/src/makefiles/common/

debug: all

CFLAGS+=-I. -I./vastfmt -I/usr/include/libusb-1.0
OBJECTS_fpp_vastfmt_so += src/FPPVastFM.o src/hid.o src/Si4713.o src/bitstream.o
LIBS_fpp_vastfmt_so += -L/opt/fpp/src -lfpp -lusb-1.0
CXXFLAGS_src/FPPVastFM.o += -I/opt/fpp/src

%.o: %.cpp Makefile
$(CCACHE) $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS_$@) -c $< -o $@

%.o: %.c Makefile
$(CCACHE) gcc $(CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS_$@) -c $< -o $@ $(OBJECTS_fpp_vastfmt_so) /opt/fpp/src/
$(CCACHE) $(CC) -shared $(CFLAGS_$@) $(OBJECTS_fpp_vastfmt_so) $(LIBS_fpp_vastfmt_so) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@

rm -f $(OBJECTS_fpp_vastfmt_so)
20 changes: 2 additions & 18 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -27,19 +27,8 @@ eval set -- "$OPTS"
while true; do
case $1 in
echo "media,playlist"; exit 0;
case $1 in
die "Error: Unsupported type $1!"
shift; continue
echo "c++";
exit 0;
Expand All @@ -49,11 +38,6 @@ while true; do
printf "%s, version %s\n" "$PROGRAM_NAME" "$PROGRAM_VERSION"
exit 0
DATA=$(echo $1 | tr -dc '[:alnum:][:space:][:punct:]')
shift; continue
# no more arguments to parse
Expand Down
21 changes: 14 additions & 7 deletions pluginInfo.json
100644 → 100755
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -21,13 +21,20 @@
"allowUpdates": 0,
"sha": "749dc6bce52276a44e1223647809083947aa037d"
"minFPPVersion": "3.0",
"maxFPPVersion": "0",
"branch": "master",
"allowUpdates": 1,
"sha": ""
"minFPPVersion": "3.0",
"maxFPPVersion": "3.2.99",
"branch": "master",
"sha": "ada07e1d19f5eb7cafb6be65f0e4791afd770201",
"allowUpdates": 0,
"minFPPVersion": "3.3",
"maxFPPVersion": "0",
"branch": "master",
"sha": "",
"allowUpdates": 0,

201 changes: 79 additions & 122 deletions plugin_setup.php
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,146 +1,103 @@

exec("if cat /proc/asound/cards | sed -n '/\s[0-9]*\s\[/p' | grep -iq vast; then echo 1; else echo 0; fi", $output, $return_val);
if ( $return_val )
<?php $outputGPIOReset = "";
if (isset($_POST["GPIOResetButton"]))
error_log("Failed our command to check for the FM transmitter");
$outputGPIOReset = shell_exec(escapeshellcmd("sudo ".$pluginDirectory."/".$_GET['plugin']."/ --reset"));
$fm_audio = ($output[0] == 1);


<script type="text/javascript">
function toggle(id) {
var e = document.getElementById(id);
if( == 'block') = 'none';
else = 'block';

<div id="transmitterinfo" class="settings">
<legend>Transmitter Information</legend>
<p>Vast Electronics V-FMT212R: <?php echo ( $fm_audio ? "<span class='good'>Detected</span>" : "<span class='bad'>Not Detected</span>" ); ?></p>

<?php if ( $fm_audio ): ?>
<p>To configure FPP to use the FM transmitter for audio output, go to the <a href="/settings.php">settings page</a> and select "Transmitter" from the drop-down for "Audio Output Device".</p>
<?php else: ?>
<p>To use the VastFMT for audio output, please plug in device and reboot.</p>
<?php endif; ?>

<div id="VASTFMTPluginsettings" class="settings">
<legend>VAST-FMT Plugin Settings</legend>
<p>Start VAST-FMT at: <?php PrintSettingSelect("Start", "Start", 1, 0, "FPPDStart", Array("FPPD Start (default)"=>"FPPDStart", "Playlist Start"=>"PlaylistStart", "Never"=>"Never"), "fpp-vastfmt", ""); ?><br />
At Start, the VAST-FMT is reset, FM settings initialized, will broadcast any audio played, and send static RDS messages (if enabled).</p>
<p>Stop VAST-FMT at: <?php PrintSettingSelect("Stop", "Stop", 1, 0, "Never", Array("Playlist Stop"=>"PlaylistStop", "Never (default)"=>"Never"), "fpp-vastfmt", ""); ?><br />
At Stop, the VAST-FMT is reset. Listeners will hear static.</p>

<br />

<?php if (function_exists('PrintSettingSave')): ?>

<div id="transmittersettings" class="settings">
<div id="VASTFMTsettings" class="settings">
<legend>Transmitter Settings</legend>

function togglePower()
if ($('#TurnOff').is(':checked'))
$('#Power').prop("disabled", false);
$('#savePower').prop("disabled", false);
$('#Power').prop("disabled", true);
$('#savePower').prop("disabled", true);
function toggleSettings()
if ($('#SetFreq').is(':checked'))
$('#Frequency').prop("disabled", false);
$('#saveFrequency').prop("disabled", false);
$('#Frequency').prop("disabled", true);
$('#saveFrequency').prop("disabled", true);
function toggleStation()
if ($('#RdsType').val() == "disabled")
$('#RDSStaticText').prop("disabled", true);
$('#saveRDSStaticText').prop("disabled", true);
$('#Station').prop("disabled", true);
$('#saveStation').prop("disabled", true);
$('#RDSStaticText').prop("disabled", false);
$('#saveRDSStaticText').prop("disabled", false);
$('#Station').prop("disabled", false);
$('#saveStation').prop("disabled", false);


<p>Toggle transmitter with playlist: <?php PrintSettingCheckbox("Turn off", "TurnOff", 1, 0, "1", "0", "fpp-vastfmt", "togglePower"); ?></p>
<p>Power: <?php PrintSettingText("Power", 1, 0, 3, 3, "vastfmt", "88"); ?>dB&mu;V <?php PrintSettingSave("Power", "Power", 1, 0, "fpp-vastfmt"); ?></p>
<p>Set frequency on playlist start/stop: <?php PrintSettingCheckbox("Set frequency", "SetFreq", 1, 0, "1", "0", "fpp-vastfmt", "toggleSettings"); ?></p>
<p>Frequency: <?php PrintSettingText("Frequency", 1, 0, 8, 8, "vastfmt"); ?>MHz <?php PrintSettingSave("Transmit Frequency", "Frequency", 1, 0, "fpp-vastfmt"); ?></p>
<p>RDS Type: <?php PrintSettingSelect("RDS Type", "RdsType", 1, 0, "RT+", Array("Disabled"=>"disabled", "RT+"=>"rtp", "RT"=>"rt", "PS"=>"ps"), "fpp-vastfmt", "toggleStation"); ?></p>
<p>RDS Static Text: <?php PrintSettingText("RDSStaticText", 1, 0, 50, 50, "vastfmt"); ?><?php PrintSettingSave("RDS Static Text", "RDSStaticText", 1, 0, "fpp-vastfmt"); ?></p>
<p>Station ID: <?php PrintSettingText("Station", 1, 0, 4, 4, "vastfmt"); ?><?php PrintSettingSave("Station ID", "Station", 1, 0, "fpp-vastfmt"); ?></p>

<legend>VAST-FMT FM Settings</legend>
<p>Frequency (76.00-108.00): <?php PrintSettingText("Frequency", 1, 0, 6, 6, "fpp-vastfmt", "100.10"); ?>MHz <?php PrintSettingSave("Frequency", "Frequency", 1, 0, "fpp-vastfmt"); ?></p>
<p>Power (88-115, 116-120<sup>*</sup>): <?php PrintSettingText("Power", 1, 0, 3, 3, "fpp-vastfmt", "110"); ?>dB&mu;V <?php PrintSettingSave("Power", "Power", 1, 0, "fpp-vastfmt"); ?>
<br /><sup>*</sup>Can be set as high as 120dB&mu;V, but voltage accuracy above 115dB&mu;V is not guaranteed.</p>
<p>Preemphasis: <?php PrintSettingSelect("Preemphasis", "Preemphasis", 1, 0, "75us", Array("50&mu;s (Europe, Australia, Japan)"=>"50us", "75&mu;s (USA, default)"=>"75us"), "fpp-vastfmt", ""); ?></p>
<p>Antenna Tuning Capacitor (0=Auto, 1-191): <?php PrintSettingText("AntCap", 1, 0, 3, 3, "fpp-vastfmt", "0"); ?> * 0.25pF <?php PrintSettingSave("AntCap", "AntCap", 1, 0, "fpp-vastfmt"); ?></p>

<br />

<div id="plugininfo" class="settings">
<legend>Plugin Information</legend>
<li>Setup transmitter and save to EEPROM, or click the "Toggle transmitter
with playlist" option above.</li>
<li>Change audio on "FPP Settings" page. Go to the FPP Settings screen and
select the Vast as your sound output instead of the Pi's built-in audio.</li>
<li>Tag your MP3s/OGG files appropriate. The tags are used to set the Artist
and Title fields for RDS's RT+ text. The rest will happen auto-magically!</li>

<?php else: ?>

<div id="rds" class="settings">
<div id="VASTFMTRDSsettings" class="settings">
<legend>RDS Support Instructions</legend>

<p style="color: red;">You're running an old version of FPP that doesn't yet contain the required
helper functions needed by this plugin. Advanced features are disabled.</p>

<p>You must first set up your Vast V-FMT212R using the Vast Electronics
software and save it to the EEPROM. Once you have your VAST setup to transmit
on your frequency when booted, you can plug it into the Raspberry Pi and
reboot. You will then go to the FPP Settings screen and select the Vast as
your sound output instead of the Pi's built-in audio.</p>
<legend>VAST-FMT RDS Settings</legend>
<p>Enable RDS: <?php PrintSettingCheckbox("EnableRDS", "EnableRDS", 1, 0, "True", "False", "fpp-vastfmt", ""); ?></p>
<p>RDS Station - Sent 8 characters at a time</p>
<p>Station Text: <?php PrintSettingText("StationText", 1, 0, 64, 32, "fpp-vastfmt", "Merry Christ- mas"); ?>

<?php endif; ?>

<p>Known Issues:
<li>VastFMT will "crash" and be unable to receive RDS data if not used with
a powered USB hub. If this happens, the transmitter must be unplugged and re-
plugged into the Pi - <a target="_new"
href="">Bug 2</a></li>
<br />

Planned Features:
<li>Saving settings to EEPROM.</li>
<p>RDS Text: <?php PrintSettingText("RDSTextText", 1, 0, 64, 32, "fpp-vastfmt", "[{Artist} - {Title}]"); ?>
Place {Artist} or {Title} where the media artist/title should be placed. Area's wrapped in brackets ( [] ) will not be output unless media is present.

<p>Program Type (PTY North America / Europe): <?php PrintSettingSelect("Pty", "Pty", 1, 0, 2,
"0 - None / None"=>0,
"1 - News / News"=>1,
"2 - Information / Current Affairs"=>2,
"3 - Sport / Information"=>3,
"4 - Talk / Sport"=>4,
"5 - Rock / Education"=>5,
"6 - Classic Rock / Drama"=>6,
"7 - Adult Hits / Culture"=>7,
"8 - Soft Rock / Science"=>8,
"9 - Top 40 / Varied"=>9,
"10 - Country / Pop"=>10,
"11 - Oldies / Rock"=>11,
"12 - Soft Music / Easy Listening"=>12,
"13 - Nostalgia / Light Classical"=>13,
"14 - Jazz / Serious Classical"=>14,
"15 - Classical / Other Music"=>15,
"16 - R&B / Weather"=>16,
"17 - Soft R&B / Finance"=>17,
"18 - Language / Childrens"=>18,
"19 - Religious Music / Social Affairs"=>19,
"20 - Religious Talk / Religion"=>20,
"21 - Personality / Phone-In"=>21,
"22 - Public / Travel"=>22,
"23 - College / Leisure"=>23,
"24 - --- / Jazz"=>24,
"25 - --- / Country"=>25,
"26 - --- / National Music"=>26,
"27 - --- / Oldies"=>27,
"28 - --- / Folk"=>28,
"29 - Weather / Documentary"=>29),
"fpp-vastfmt", ""); ?> - <a href="">Additional PTY information</a></p>

<p>To report a bug, please file it against the fpp-vastfmt plugin project here:
<a href="" target="_new">fpp-vastfmt GitHub Issues</a></p>
<br />

<div id='fileViewer' title='File Viewer' style="display: none">
<div id='fileText'>

<br />

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