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Region Flags
- Player Flags (Normal)
- Admin Flags
- Global Flags (World Flags)
- Sign Flags
- Set default flag values
- Allow MOD Entities
The brackets represents command arguments. Remove the brackets for commands!
All normal player flags are Boolean and don't need a value, but can be used true or false. You can find the default flags for new regions on configuration file.
Your players can use a visual gui to change and see easily flag management, and see a extended description for each flag:
New design:
To use this gui the command is /rp flag and work only inside region. The player already have the permissions to use this command by default but if you need, you can deny the permission redprotect.own.panel.
If you are admin, or have the permission redprotect.command.gui.edit you can change the position of items and separators on Gui using the command /rp flag gui-edit [lines-to-add].
There's 3 types of flags with Redprotect: NORMAL, ADMIN and GLOBAL.
- Permission:
- To bypass a flag:
- The permissions for this flags is granted for all players by default.
- The default values for this flags in on configuration file.
= Flag = | = Description = |
build | Allow non members of a region to place and remove blocks. This does not override other flags |
pvp | Deny damage from other players inside regions, including damage from bows and fishing rods |
chest | Deny access to chests for non members of a region. Includes protection for all containers except ender chests |
ender-chest | Deny access to ender chests for non members of a region |
lever | Deny use of levers and redstone in general for non members of a region |
button | Deny use of Wood and Stone Buttons for non members of a region |
door | Deny open/close all doors in a region for non members of a region. Include trapdoors and all fences gates types |
spawn-monsters | Deny Monsters spawning in a protected region. Include Monsters Spawners |
spawn-animals | Deny animals spawning in a protected region. Include Animals Spawners |
passives | Deny interact, damage or mount on passive mobs in a region from non members |
flow | Deny Water and Lava flows in a region. Include protection for child regions, where flow from child region dont overlaps master regions |
fire | Deny fire spread, fire and explosions damage for all blocks in a region |
minecart | Allow non members to place and break Minecart/Boats on region |
allow-home | Allow non members use the command /sethome and teleport to region using /home |
allow-magiccarpet | Allow non members to walk with MagicCarpets inside a region |
smart-door | Allow players with door or build permissions to open iron doors/trapdoors without redstone, and open all types of doors as double doors |
use-potions | Allow usage of potions and splash potion on region |
mob-loot | Allow mobs to loot blocks inside regions |
flow-damage | Allow liquids to damage blocks on flow |
iceform-player | Allow ice form by players using frost walk enchant |
iceform-world | Allow ice form by entities like SnowMan |
allow-fly | If set to false, disable the fly of player on region, and allow again on exit the region |
teleport | Allow/Deny player to use enderpearls and chorus fruits in a region |
clan | Add or Remove all members of a clan on region as member. Only the clan leader can view and use this flag. Requires SimpleClans |
can-grow | Change if farms inside this region can grow or not |
allow-spawners | Allow non members of a region to place or remove Spanwers(If allowed by plug-ins. This will not force to drop the spawners) |
leaves-decay | Change if leaves will decay or not inside regions |
allow-effects | Allow player to have effects (by potion or region effects) inside regions. Any potion effects will be removed if false |
redstone | Allow other players to interact with redstone systems. Lever and buttons have your own flag |
block-transform | Allow or deny block transformations like concrete |
- Permission:
- To bypass a flag:
- Perm to allow players to use an admin perm:
- To remove an admin flag, use the command
\rp flag (flagname) remove
- All flags related to players like enter/exit region, uses the placeholder
to get the player
= Flag = | = Description = | = Usage = |
player-enter-command | Execute a command as player when a player enter in a Region | /rp flag player-enter-command [cmd1], [cmd2], ... |
player-exit-command | Execute a command as player when a player exit a Region | /rp flag player-exit-command [cmd1], [cmd2], ... |
server-enter-command | Execute a command as console when a player enter in a Region | /rp flag server-enter-command [cmd1], [cmd2], ... |
server-exit-command | Execute a command as console when a player exit a Region | /rp flag server-exit-command [cmd1], [cmd2], ... |
invincible | Allow players, mobs and villagers to be invincible on Region | /rp flag invincible [true/false] |
minefarm | Allow players to break all types of blocks ores and only ores | /rp flag minefarm [true/false] |
treefarm | Allow players to break all types of block trees and only trees | /rp flag treefarm[true/false] |
effetcs | Allow player inside this regions to have effects when enter the region. On exit clear the effect. | /rp flag effects [EFFECT1] [AMPLIFFIER], [EFFECT2] [AMPLIFFIER], ... |
sign | To be compatible with other plugins sings and deny bugs like xp sign banks. If you use ChestShop on your server, set the flag in this region to true | /rp flag sign [true/false] |
enter | Allow/Deny non members to enter in a region. Players with permission "redprotect.region-enter.(regionName)" can enter in this region without member or admin ranks | /rp flag enter [true/false] |
exit | Allow/Deny non members to exit the region. Players with permission "redprotect.region-exit.(regionName)" can exit the region without member or admin ranks | /rp flag exit [true/false] |
up-skills | Allow/Deny leveling and skill ability usage in a region | /rp flag up-skills [true/false] |
can-back | To deny player use /back when die or exit a region by teleport and dont back to region with this region, good for games | /rp flag can-back [true/false] |
pvparena | Specify if a region is a PvP Arena and deny player with /pvp off enter on this region. PvPManager plugin required | /rp flag pvparena [true/false] |
allow-mod | This flag is false by default, not allowing interaction with mod itens inside regions. You need to enable only for public machines like spawn, public room, and other public locations. This flag only take effect on Cauldron with mod machines | /rp flag allow-mod [true/false] |
deny-enter-items | To deny players with specific itens on inventory to enter on regions |
/rp flag deny-enter-items (will open a gui) |
allow-enter-items | To allow players with only specific itens on inventory to enter on regions, other itens on inventory will not allow to enter on region with this flag |
/rp flag allow-enter-items (will open a gui) |
allow-create-portal | This flag deny/allow creation of portals in player regions. This flag deny portal creation if the player is teleporting from nether>overworld too | /rp flag allow-create-portal [true/false] |
portal-enter | Deny/allow player to enter on portal | /rp flag portal-enter [true/false] |
portal-exit | Deny/allow player to across between portal if the region in other side of portal have this flag | /rp flag portal-exit [true/false] |
allow-cmds | This flags work like a WHITELIST and allow only the commands and arguments listed on this flags(excluding "/rp"). Using arguments will only check if the command has the arguments , if not the command will run normally | /rp flag allow-cmds cmd:[cmd1] arg:[argument], cmd:[cmd2] arg:[argument], ... |
deny-cmds | This flag work like a blacklist and deny only specified commands and arguments on this flag and allow all other commands. Using arguments will only check if the command has the argument, if not the command will run normally | /rp flag deny-cmds cmd:[cmd1] arg:[argument], cmd:[cmd2] arg:[argument], ... |
allow-place | Allow non members to place specific blocks on region. Maybe you need to use Entity Type because entity blocks like itemframes and armor stands | /rp flag allow-place (will open a gui) |
allow-break | Allow non members to break specific blocks on region. Maybe you need to use Entity Type because entity blocks like itemframes and armor stands | /rp flag allow-break (will open a gui) |
can-pet | Deny (and despawn) My Pets to be spawned inside regions with this flag on false | /rp flag can-pet [true/false] |
can-projectiles | Deny any type of projectiles to be launched on this region | /rp flag can-projectiles [true/false] |
mob-loot | Deny any type of grief by monsters, like Enderman and Wither Skull | /rp flag mob-loot [true/false] |
can-hunger | Set to false to deny players be hungry | /rp flag can-hunger [true/false] |
player-damage | Set to false to deny any type of damage to players | /rp flag player-damage [true/false] |
forcefly | Force fly in any gamemode on regions with this flag | /rp flag forcefly [true/false] |
gamemode | Set the gamemode of player on enter region, and back to default gamemode of world on exit | /rp flag gamemode gamemode-name |
forcepvp | If set on region, force the pvp player based on true/false stato of flag. Require PvPManager plugin | /rp flag forcepvp [true/false] |
can-pickup | Set if players can pickup itens inside a region | /rp flag can-pickup [true/false] |
can-drop | Set if Player can drop itens inside a region | /rp flag can-drop [true/false] |
keep-inventory | Keep the Player inventory on death in a region | /rp flag keep-inventory [true/false] |
keep-levels | Keep the Player levels on death in a region | /rp flag keep-levels [true/false] |
cmd-onhealth | Execute the commands defined on this flag if the player has health equals or lower than defined on flag | /rp flag cmd-onhealth health:[0-20] cmd:[cmd1],health:[0-20] cmd:[cmd2], ... |
can-death | Deny player death if the health is equals to 1. The player still getting damage until reach 1 of health(different to flag "Invincible") | /rp flag can-death [true/false] |
max-players | Will allow players to enter in this region until the total of players inside dont reach the max-players set in this flag. Region members will bypass this flag, but will kick a random non member of region | /rp flag max-players [number] |
cropsfarm | Allow player to break all types of crops and farms | /rp flag cropsfarm [true/false] |
spawn-wither | Allow player to spawn a wither using blocks | /rp flag spawn-wither [true/false] |
dynmap | Allow player hide or show your region on dynmap | /rp flag dynmap [true/false] |
particles | Allow spawn particles inside all region area. You can set amount as 1-10 and will not low server tps or client fps |
/rp flag particles [type name] [amount] [offsetx] [offsety] [offsetz] [velocity] |
can-move | Deny player to move in a region.The player gets frozen if inside a region. | /rp flag can-mode [true/false] |
can-collide | Disable player collisions on regions. Out of a region the collision is enabled again. | /rp flag can-collide [true/false] |
Global flags is only active if theres no regions on player location. This flags is located on file "globalflags.yml" in plugins/RedProtect folder and can changed only by this file, then use /rp reload after changes. For global flags, the player will not receive any messsage and notification about this flags.
Allow player to build in this world;
Allow pvp in this world;
Deny explosive entities to damage blocks in this world;
Deny tnt and fire to damage blocks in this world;
Deny fire damage blocks in this world;
Deny fire spread in this world;
Deny player to hurt monsters in this world;
Deny player to hurt animals in this world;
Deny spawn of monsters in this world;
Deny spawn of animals in this world;
Remove entities on chunk load if the flag spawn-animals/monsters is true. *Remove only where no regions claimed;
Deny player to use items from list in this world;
Allow/Deny player to equip the elytra. You can configure the elytra boost too;
Allow/Deny ice form by player/entity on world;
Sets the player walk and fly speed for world;
Allow players interact to specific blocks/entities if the flag interact is false;
Execute commands on player enter on world;
Execute commands on player exit the world;
Deny players to use commands out of min y and max y. Add as many commands you want with miny, maxy and message values;
Allow/deny liquid to flow.
Allow/deny fluids or fisics change/damage the world.
Set if players and passive mobs can death or get damage on wilderness.
Set if players can pickup itens in wilderness.
Set if players can drop itens in wilderness.
Looking into plugin.yml inside RedProtect.jar, on redprotect.flags.all you can see all player and admin flags permissions to use.
Click here to acess the plugin.yml now!
Your player can change the flag value using signs, instead of GUI and /rp flag [flag] command. Put a sign inside RedProtect region to use the sign flags.
Put [flag] on first line, and the flag name on second line. The other line will be completed on place the sign:
If you rename the region, you need to place the sign again. if you change the flag using GUI or command, this will update the sign at the same time.
You can set the default values for new region created by player adding the flag values on config.conf file. Add the flag like the other flags already on config file and NEVER remove default values of the player flags, only remove and add for admin flags added by you.
With the new version of RedProtect builds > 440, you can add entity from mods to be allowed/blocked on flag gui for spawn-monster/animals
Go to the following configuration and add the entity names to the list, like the example with Vampirism mobs:
flags-configuration {
# Add MOD entities names for Animal or Monster spawn flags.
# Check "textures.conf" for entity names.
mod-entities {
The corresponding list mean the flag that will appear.
Also, you can see the mob names and add textures for your flag GUI heads on textures.conf
FabioZumbi12 - All my plugins: Bukkit Plugins
- Video Tutorials
- Installation
- Paste a First House
- Protecting/Claiming a Region
- Creating Villages and Cities
- Private Chests
- Member Management
- Region Management
- Block and Region Limits
- Util Commands
- Admin or Mod Commands
- Portal Creation
- Console Commands
- Regen Command