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Merge pull request #3679 from FStarLang/gebner_pprint_smt
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Pretty-print SMT queries
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mtzguido authored Feb 10, 2025
2 parents 319d0e7 + ca9f65c commit aa34464
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Showing 4 changed files with 130 additions and 107 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/smtencoding/FStarC.SMTEncoding.Encode.fst
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1506,12 +1506,12 @@ let rec encode_sigelt (env:env_t) (se:sigelt) : (decls_t & env_t) =
if !dbg_SMTEncoding then
BU.print1 "Skipped encoding of %s\n" nm;
[Caption (BU.format1 "<Skipped %s/>" nm)] |> mk_decls_trivial
[Caption (BU.format1 "<Skipped %s/>" nm); EmptyLine] |> mk_decls_trivial

| _ -> ([Caption (BU.format1 "<Start encoding %s>" nm)] |> mk_decls_trivial)
@([Caption (BU.format1 "</end encoding %s>" nm)] |> mk_decls_trivial) in
@([Caption (BU.format1 "</end encoding %s>" nm); EmptyLine] |> mk_decls_trivial) in
g, env

and encode_sigelt' (env:env_t) (se:sigelt) : (decls_t & env_t) =
Expand Down
228 changes: 125 additions & 103 deletions src/smtencoding/FStarC.SMTEncoding.Term.fst
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -18,13 +18,31 @@ module FStarC.SMTEncoding.Term
open FStar open FStarC
open FStarC
open FStarC.Effect
open FStarC.Pprint

module S = FStarC.Syntax.Syntax
module BU = FStarC.Util
module U = FStarC.Syntax.Util

let escape (s:string) = BU.replace_char s '\'' '_'
let render = pretty_string (BU.float_of_string "1.0") 100
let form_core (children: list document) : document =
parens (nest 1 (group (separate (break_ 1) children)))
let form (fn: string) (args: list document) : document =
form_core (doc_of_string fn :: args)
let binder (fn: string) (b: document) (args: list document) : document =
form_core (nest 1 (group (doc_of_string fn ^/^ b)) :: args)
let mk_qid (id: string) : document =
nest 1 (group (doc_of_string ":qid" ^/^ doc_of_string id))
let mk_lblpos (id: string) : document =
nest 1 (group (doc_of_string ":lblpos" ^/^ doc_of_string id))
let mk_named (id: string) : document =
nest 1 (group (doc_of_string ":named" ^/^ doc_of_string id))
let mk_pattern (pat: document) : document =
nest 1 (group (doc_of_string ":pattern" ^/^ pat))
let rec strSort x = match x with
| Bool_sort -> "Bool"
| Int_sort -> "Int"
Expand All @@ -36,6 +54,18 @@ let rec strSort x = match x with
| Arrow(s1, s2) -> format2 "(%s -> %s)" (strSort s1) (strSort s2)
| Sort s -> s
let rec docSort x = match x with
| Bool_sort -> doc_of_string "Bool"
| Int_sort -> doc_of_string "Int"
| Term_sort -> doc_of_string "Term"
| String_sort -> doc_of_string "FString"
| Fuel_sort -> doc_of_string "Fuel"
| BitVec_sort n -> form "_" [doc_of_string "BitVec"; doc_of_string (string_of_int n)]
| Array(s1, s2) -> form "Array" [docSort s1; docSort s2]
| Arrow(s1, s2) ->
nest 1 (group (parens (docSort s1 ^^ doc_of_string " ->" ^/^ docSort s2)))
| Sort s -> doc_of_string s
(** Note [Thunking Nullary Constants]
### The problem: Top-level nullary constants lead to SMT context
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -242,10 +272,14 @@ let op_to_string = function
| NatToBv n -> format1 "(_ int2bv %s)" (string_of_int n)
| Var s -> s
let weightToSmt = function
let weightToSmtStr = function
| None -> ""
| Some i -> BU.format1 ":weight %s\n" (string_of_int i)
let weightToSmt = function
| None -> []
| Some i -> [nest 1 (group (doc_of_string ":weight" ^/^ doc_of_string (string_of_int i)))]
(* NOTE: these hashes are used for variable names in the encoding (Tm_refine_xxx, etc).
These names can affect the behavior of Z3 and make the difference between a success and
a failure, especially on flaky queries. So this function SHOULD NOT depend on any
Expand All @@ -270,7 +304,7 @@ let rec hash_of_term' t =
^ ")(! "
^ (hash_of_term body)
^ " "
^ (weightToSmt wopt)
^ (weightToSmtStr wopt)
^ " "
^ (pats |> (fun pats -> ( hash_of_term pats |> String.concat " ")) |> String.concat "; ")
^ "))"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -714,7 +748,7 @@ let name_binders_inner prefix_opt (outer_names:list fv) start sorts =
| Some p -> p ^ prefix in
let nm = prefix ^ string_of_int n in
let names = mk_fv (nm,s)::names in
let b = BU.format2 "(%s %s)" nm (strSort s) in
let b = form nm [docSort s] in
names, b::binders, n+1)
(outer_names, [], start) in
names, List.rev binders, n
Expand All @@ -723,8 +757,10 @@ let name_macro_binders sorts =
let names, binders, n = name_binders_inner (Some "__") [] 0 sorts in
List.rev names, binders
let mk_tag f attrs = form_core ((doc_of_string "! " ^^ f) :: attrs)
let termToSmt
: print_ranges:bool -> enclosing_name:string -> t:term -> string
: print_ranges:bool -> enclosing_name:string -> t:term -> document
//a counter and a hash table for string constants to integer ids mapping
let string_id_counter = BU.mk_ref 0 in
Expand All @@ -747,51 +783,40 @@ let termToSmt
| App(Var "Prims.guard_free", [p]) -> p
| _ -> tm))
let rec aux' depth n (names:list fv) t =
let rec aux' depth n (names:list fv) t : document =
let aux = aux (depth + 1) in
match with
| Integer i -> i
| Real r -> r
| Integer i -> doc_of_string i
| Real r -> doc_of_string r
| String s ->
let id_opt = BU.smap_try_find string_cache s in
(match id_opt with
doc_of_string (match id_opt with
| Some id -> id
| None ->
let id = !string_id_counter |> string_of_int in
BU.incr string_id_counter;
BU.smap_add string_cache s id;
| BoundV i ->
List.nth names i |> fv_name
| FreeV x when fv_force x -> "(" ^ fv_name x ^ " Dummy_value)" //force a thunked name
| FreeV x -> fv_name x
| App(op, []) -> op_to_string op
| App(op, tms) -> BU.format2 "(%s %s)" (op_to_string op) ( (aux n names) tms |> String.concat "\n")
List.nth names i |> fv_name |> doc_of_string
| FreeV x when fv_force x -> form (fv_name x) [doc_of_string "Dummy_value"] //force a thunked name
| FreeV x -> doc_of_string (fv_name x)
| App(op, []) -> doc_of_string (op_to_string op)
| App(op, tms) -> form (op_to_string op) ( (aux n names) tms)
| Labeled(t, _, _) -> aux n names t
| LblPos(t, s) -> BU.format2 "(! %s :lblpos %s)" (aux n names t) s
| LblPos(t, s) -> mk_tag (aux n names t) [mk_lblpos s]
| Quant(qop, pats, wopt, sorts, body) ->
let qid = next_qid () in
let names, binders, n = name_binders_inner None names n sorts in
let binders = binders |> String.concat " " in
let pats = remove_guard_free pats in
let pats_str =
match pats with
| [[]]
| [] -> if print_ranges then ";;no pats" else ""
| _ ->
|> (fun pats ->
format1 "\n:pattern (%s)" (String.concat " " ( (fun p ->
format1 "%s" (aux n names p)) pats)))
|> String.concat "\n"
| [] -> [] //if print_ranges then [doc_of_string ";; no pats" ^^ hardline] else []
| _ -> (fun pats -> mk_pattern (form_core ( (aux n names) pats))) pats
BU.format "(%s (%s)\n (! %s\n %s\n%s\n:qid %s))"
[qop_to_string qop;
aux n names body;
weightToSmt wopt;
binder (qop_to_string qop) (form_core binders)
[mk_tag (aux n names body) (weightToSmt wopt @ pats_str @ [mk_qid qid])]
| Let (es, body) ->
(* binders are reversed but according to the smt2 standard *)
Expand All @@ -800,66 +825,67 @@ let termToSmt
List.fold_left (fun (names0, binders, n0) e ->
let nm = "@lb" ^ string_of_int n0 in
let names0 = mk_fv (nm, Term_sort)::names0 in
let b = BU.format2 "(%s %s)" nm (aux n names e) in
let b = form nm [aux n names e] in
names0, b::binders, n0+1)
(names, [], n)
BU.format2 "(let (%s)\n%s)"
(String.concat " " binders)
(aux n names body)
binder "let" (form_core binders) [aux n names body]
and aux depth n names t =
and aux depth n names t : document =
let s = aux' depth n names t in
if print_ranges && t.rng <> norng
then BU.format3 "\n;; def=%s; use=%s\n%s\n" (Range.string_of_range t.rng) (Range.string_of_use_range t.rng) s
doc_of_string ";; def=" ^^ doc_of_string (Range.string_of_range t.rng) ^^
doc_of_string "; use=" ^^ doc_of_string (Range.string_of_use_range t.rng) ^^ hardline ^^
else s
aux 0 0 [] t
let caption_to_string print_captions =
| Some c
when print_captions ->
let c = String.split ['\n'] c |> BU.trim_string |> String.concat " " in
";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;" ^ c ^ "\n"
| _ -> ""
let rec declToSmt' print_captions z3options decl =
let rec declToSmt' print_captions z3options decl : document =
let with_caption c body =
match c with
| Some c when print_captions ->
let c = String.split ['\n'] c |> BU.trim_string |> String.concat " " in
doc_of_string ("; " ^ c) ^^ hardline ^^ body
| _ -> body in
match decl with
| DefPrelude ->
mkPrelude z3options
doc_of_string (mkPrelude z3options)
| Module (s, decls) ->
let res = (declToSmt' print_captions z3options) decls |> String.concat "\n" in
let res = separate_map hardline (declToSmt' print_captions z3options) decls in
if Options.keep_query_captions()
then BU.format5 "\n;;; Start %s\n%s\n;;; End %s (%s decls; total size %s)"
(BU.string_of_int (List.length decls))
(BU.string_of_int (String.length res))
doc_of_string ";;; Start " ^^ doc_of_string s ^^ hardline ^^
res ^^ hardline ^^
doc_of_string ";;; End " ^^ doc_of_string s ^^
parens (doc_of_string (BU.string_of_int (List.length decls)) ^^ doc_of_string " decls") ^^ hardline
else res
| Caption c ->
if print_captions
then "\n" ^ (BU.splitlines c |> (fun s -> "; " ^ s ^ "\n") |> String.concat "")
else ""
then (BU.splitlines c |> separate_map hardline (fun s -> doc_of_string ("; " ^ s)))
else FStarC.Pprint.empty
| DeclFun(f,argsorts,retsort,c) ->
let l = strSort argsorts in
format4 "%s(declare-fun %s (%s) %s)"
(caption_to_string print_captions c)
(String.concat " " l)
(strSort retsort)
with_caption c <|
form "declare-fun" [
doc_of_string f;
form_core ( docSort argsorts);
docSort retsort;
| DefineFun(f,arg_sorts,retsort,body,c) ->
let names, binders = name_macro_binders arg_sorts in
let body = inst ( (fun x -> mkFreeV x norng) names) body in
format5 "%s(define-fun %s (%s) %s\n %s)"
(caption_to_string print_captions c)
(String.concat " " binders)
(strSort retsort)
(termToSmt print_captions (escape f) body)
with_caption c <|
form_core [
group (nest 1 (separate (break_ 1) [
doc_of_string "define-fun";
doc_of_string f;
form_core binders;
docSort retsort;
termToSmt print_captions (escape f) body;
| Assume a ->
let fact_ids_to_string ids =
ids |> (function
Expand All @@ -873,26 +899,32 @@ let rec declToSmt' print_captions z3options decl =
(String.concat "; " (fact_ids_to_string a.assumption_fact_ids))
else "" in
let n = a.assumption_name in
format4 "%s%s(assert (! %s\n:named %s))"
(caption_to_string print_captions a.assumption_caption)
(termToSmt print_captions n a.assumption_term)
with_caption a.assumption_caption <|
doc_of_string fids ^^ // FIXME
form "assert" [
mk_tag (termToSmt print_captions n a.assumption_term) [mk_named n]
| Eval t ->
format1 "(eval %s)" (termToSmt print_captions "eval" t)
form "eval" [termToSmt print_captions "eval" t]
| Echo s ->
format1 "(echo \"%s\")" s
form "echo" [doc_of_string "\"" ^^ doc_of_string s ^^ doc_of_string "\""]
| RetainAssumptions _ ->
| CheckSat -> "(echo \"<result>\")\n(check-sat)\n(echo \"</result>\")"
| GetUnsatCore -> "(echo \"<unsat-core>\")\n(get-unsat-core)\n(echo \"</unsat-core>\")"
| Push n -> BU.format1 "(push) ;; push{%s" (show n)
| Pop n -> BU.format1 "(pop) ;; %s}pop" (show n)
| SetOption (s, v) -> format2 "(set-option :%s %s)" s v
| GetStatistics -> "(echo \"<statistics>\")\n(get-info :all-statistics)\n(echo \"</statistics>\")"
| GetReasonUnknown-> "(echo \"<reason-unknown>\")\n(get-info :reason-unknown)\n(echo \"</reason-unknown>\")"
and declToSmt z3options decl = declToSmt' (Options.keep_query_captions()) z3options decl
| CheckSat -> doc_of_string "(echo \"<result>\")\n(check-sat)\n(echo \"</result>\")"
| GetUnsatCore -> doc_of_string "(echo \"<unsat-core>\")\n(get-unsat-core)\n(echo \"</unsat-core>\")"
| EmptyLine -> FStarC.Pprint.empty
| Push n -> doc_of_string "(push) ;; push{" ^^ doc_of_string (show n)
| Pop n -> doc_of_string "(pop) ;; " ^^ doc_of_string (show n) ^^ doc_of_string "}pop"
| SetOption (s, v) ->
form "set-option" [
doc_of_string (":" ^ s);
doc_of_string v;
| GetStatistics -> doc_of_string "(echo \"<statistics>\") (get-info :all-statistics) (echo \"</statistics>\")"
| GetReasonUnknown-> doc_of_string "(echo \"<reason-unknown>\") (get-info :reason-unknown) (echo \"</reason-unknown>\")"
and declToSmt z3options decl =
render <| declToSmt' (Options.keep_query_captions()) z3options decl
and mkPrelude z3options =
let basic = z3options ^
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -924,17 +956,15 @@ and mkPrelude z3options =
(declare-fun NoHoist (Term Bool) Bool)\n\
(assert (forall ((dummy Term) (b Bool))\n\
(! (= (NoHoist dummy b)\n\
(! (= (NoHoist dummy b) b)\n\
:pattern ((NoHoist dummy b)))))\n\
(define-fun IsTyped ((x Term)) Bool\n\
(exists ((t Term)) (HasTypeZ x t)))\n\
(declare-fun ApplyTF (Term Fuel) Term)\n\
(declare-fun ApplyTT (Term Term) Term)\n\
(declare-fun Prec (Term Term) Bool)\n\
(assert (forall ((x Term) (y Term) (z Term))\n\
(! (implies (and (Prec x y) (Prec y z))\n\
(Prec x z))
(! (implies (and (Prec x y) (Prec y z)) (Prec x z))\n\
:pattern ((Prec x z) (Prec x y)))))\n\
(assert (forall ((x Term) (y Term))\n\
(implies (Prec x y)\n\
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -983,19 +1013,10 @@ and mkPrelude z3options =
let precedes_partial_app = "\n\
(declare-fun Prims.precedes@tok () Term)\n\
(forall ((@x0 Term) (@x1 Term) (@x2 Term) (@x3 Term))\n\
(! (= (ApplyTT (ApplyTT (ApplyTT (ApplyTT Prims.precedes@tok\n\
(Prims.precedes @x0 @x1 @x2 @x3))\n\
:pattern ((ApplyTT (ApplyTT (ApplyTT (ApplyTT Prims.precedes@tok\n\
@x3)))))\n" in
(forall ((@x0 Term) (@x1 Term) (@x2 Term) (@x3 Term))\n\
(! (= (ApplyTT (ApplyTT (ApplyTT (ApplyTT Prims.precedes@tok @x0) @x1) @x2) @x3)
(Prims.precedes @x0 @x1 @x2 @x3))\n\
:pattern ((ApplyTT (ApplyTT (ApplyTT (ApplyTT Prims.precedes@tok @x0) @x1) @x2) @x3)))))\n" in
let lex_ordering = "\n(declare-fun Prims.lex_t () Term)\n\
(assert (forall ((t1 Term) (t2 Term) (e1 Term) (e2 Term))\n\
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1034,7 +1055,7 @@ and mkPrelude z3options =
else "")
let declsToSmt z3options decls = (declToSmt z3options) decls |> String.concat "\n"
let declToSmt_no_caps z3options decl = declToSmt' false z3options decl
let declToSmt_no_caps z3options decl = render <| declToSmt' false z3options decl
(* Generate boxing/unboxing functions for bitvectors of various sizes. *)
(* For ids, to avoid dealing with generation of fresh ids,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1184,6 +1205,7 @@ let decl_to_string_short d =
| Pop n -> BU.format1 "pop %s" (show n)
| CheckSat -> "check-sat"
| GetUnsatCore -> "get-unsat-core"
| EmptyLine -> "; empty line"
| SetOption (s, v) -> "SetOption " ^ s ^ " " ^ v
| GetStatistics -> "get-statistics"
| GetReasonUnknown -> "get-reason-unknown"
| GetReasonUnknown -> "get-reason-unknown"

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