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Eta-expand unification solutions.
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gebner committed Jan 13, 2025
1 parent 08f6d10 commit 60deb2c
Showing 1 changed file with 47 additions and 17 deletions.
64 changes: 47 additions & 17 deletions src/typechecker/FStarC.TypeChecker.Rel.fst
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2150,6 +2150,44 @@ let has_typeclass_constraint (u:ctx_uvar) (wl:worklist)
: bool
= wl.typeclass_variables |> for_any (fun v -> UF.equiv v.ctx_uvar_head u.ctx_uvar_head)

let maybe_eta_expand_fun (env: env) (e t_e t_expected: term) : option term =
let norm = N.normalize [Env.Primops; Env.HNF; Env.Beta; Env.Eager_unfolding; Env.Unascribe; Env.Unrefine] env in
let t_e = norm t_e in
let t_expected = norm t_expected in
if !dbg_Rel then BU.print2 "t_e=%s t_exp=%s\n" (show t_e) (show t_expected);
let rec aux e t_e t_expected =
match (SS.compress t_e).n, (SS.compress t_expected).n with
| Tm_arrow {bs=bs_e; comp=c_e}, Tm_arrow {bs=bs_exp; comp=c_exp} ->
let mk_c c = function
| [] -> c
| bs -> mk_Total(mk (Tm_arrow {bs; comp=c}) c.pos) in
let (bs_e, c_e), (bs_exp, c_exp) =
match_num_binders (bs_e, mk_c c_e) (bs_exp, mk_c c_exp) in
let bs_e, c_e = SS.open_comp bs_e c_e in
let bs_exp, c_exp = SS.open_comp bs_exp c_exp in
let bs_exp, as_exp = U.args_of_binders bs_exp in
let e' = U.mk_app e as_exp in
let return e' = Some (U.abs bs_exp e' (Some (U.residual_comp_of_comp c_exp))) in
begin match aux e' (U.comp_result c_e) (U.comp_result c_exp) with
| Some e' -> return e'
| None ->
let eff_e, eff_exp =
c_e |> U.comp_effect_name |> Env.norm_eff_name env,
c_exp |> U.comp_effect_name |> Env.norm_eff_name env in
if lid_equals eff_e eff_exp then
return e'
| _, _ -> None
aux e t_e t_expected

let eta_expand_fun env (e t_e t_expected: term) : term =
match maybe_eta_expand_fun env e t_e t_expected with
| None -> e
| Some e -> e

(* This function returns true for those lazykinds that
are "complete" in the sense that unfolding them does not
lose any information. For instance, embedded universes
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2915,7 +2953,6 @@ and solve_t_flex_rigid_eq (orig:prob) (wl:worklist) (lhs:flex_t) (rhs:term)
let mk_solution env (lhs:flex_t) (bs:binders) (rhs:term) =
let bs_orig = bs in
let rhs_orig = rhs in
let (Flex (_, ctx_u, args)) = lhs in
let bs, rhs =
let bv_not_free_in_arg x arg =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2959,26 +2996,19 @@ and solve_t_flex_rigid_eq (orig:prob) (wl:worklist) (lhs:flex_t) (rhs:term)
S.mk_Tm_app rhs_hd rhs_args rhs.pos
// We need to check that `?u` and `rhs` have compatible effects
let compatible_effs () =
let rhs =
let env = { env with admit=true; expected_typ=None } in
let get_eff ty =
match (SS.compress ty).n with
| Tm_arrow {bs=bs'; comp=c'} when List.length bs' = List.length bs ->
Some (c' |> U.comp_effect_name |> Env.norm_eff_name env)
| Tm_arrow {bs=bs'; comp=c'} when List.length bs' > List.length bs ->
Some PC.effect_Tot_lid
| _ -> None in
let t_u, _ =
let Flex (lhs, _, _) = lhs in
let lhs_hd, _ = U.head_and_args lhs in
env.typeof_well_typed_tot_or_gtot_term env (U.mk_app lhs_hd (U.args_of_non_null_binders bs)) false in
let t_rhs, _ = env.typeof_well_typed_tot_or_gtot_term env rhs false in
let eff_rhs = get_eff t_rhs in
let eff_u = get_eff (U.ctx_uvar_typ ctx_u) in
match eff_u, eff_rhs with
| Some eff_u, Some eff_rhs -> lid_equals eff_u eff_rhs
| _ -> false
if !dbg_Rel then BU.print2 "t_rhs=%s t_u=%s\n" (show t_rhs) (show t_u);
eta_expand_fun env rhs t_rhs t_u in
if !dbg_Rel then BU.print1 "rhs_eta=%s\n" (show rhs);
let sol =
match bs with
| [] when compatible_effs () -> rhs
| [] -> rhs
| _ -> u_abs (U.ctx_uvar_typ ctx_u) (sn_binders env bs) rhs
[TERM(ctx_u, sol)]
Expand Down

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