No not the Finance Derivate, Simple PID Ackerman Control
PID and Pure Pursuit implemented
The launch file has a parameter file hardcoded this is a major issue with this package.
Assuming you have docker engine running, simply build it
docker build -t spac .
To run, run it with host network in order to see the topics on your local machine (you also need the ipc=host)
docker run -it --net=host --ipc=host spac
Assuming you have ros humble installed in your local machine, copy or clone this package into the /src of your workspace, after that you will need to install dependencies. Go to your workspace directory and run the following
rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -y -r
Build It
colcon build --parallel-workers 6 --symlink-install
After that you need to source it
source install/setup.bash
And you are ready to launch it
ros2 launch spac2_0 drivemodel.launch.xml