Note We release a new implementation on September 2023 with more elegant Locator implementation. Please check out our new version 🎉
This is the official implementation for KDD 2022 Research Track Full Paper: CLARE: A Semi-supervised Community Detection Algorithm
Check out all the related resources: [📃 Paper] [🎬 Video] [📝 Slides] !
If you make advantage of CLARE in your research, please cite the following in your manuscript:
title={CLARE: A Semi-supervised Community Detection Algorithm},
author={Wu, Xixi and Xiong, Yun and Zhang, Yao and Jiao, Yizhu and Shan, Caihua and Sun, Yiheng and Zhu, Yangyong and Philip S. Yu},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 28th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining},
Community Detection algorithms fail to pinpoint a particular kind of community, i.e., targeted community. For example, we may want to distinguish fraud groups from normal ones in transaction networks.
Therefore, some researchers tend to semi-supervised settings: utilize certain communities as training data to recognize the other similar communities in the network.
Existing methods can be generalized as seed-based (first locate seed nodes, then develop communities around seeds), which are quite sensitive to the quality of selected seeds.
Therefore, we propose a novel subgraph-based method CLARE (first locate candidate communities, then refine their structures).
This repository contains the following contents:
├── Locator --> (The folder containing Community Locator source code)
├── Rewriter --> (The folder containing Community Rewriter source code)
├── ckpts --> (The folder saving checkpoint files)
├── dataset --> (The folder containing 7 used datasets)
├── --> (The main code file. The code is run through this file)
└── utils --> (The folder containing utils functions)
You have to create a ckpts
folder to save contents.
For CLARE v1, the codes are archived in
For our experimental datasets, raw datasets are available at SNAP( and pre-processing details are explained in our paper.
We select LiveJournal, DBLP and Amazon, in the Networks with ground-truth communities part.
We provide 7 datasets. Each of them contains a community file {name}-1.90.cmty.txt
and an edge file {name}-1.90.ungraph.txt
If you want to run on your own datasets, you have to convert your own data into our format, i.e., a community file where each line contains a unique community and an edge file where each line contains an edge.
You need to set up the environment for running the experiments (Python 3.7 or above)
Install Pytorch with version 1.8.0 or later
Install torch-geometric package with version 2.0.1
Note that it may need to appropriately install the package
based on the CUDA version (or CPU version if GPU is not available). Please refer to the official website for more information of installing prerequisites.
Our experimental environment for your information: torch == 1.13.0 torch-geometric == 2.3.1
Execute the
python --dataset=amazon
Main arguments (for more argument options, please refer to
--dataset [amazon, dblp, lj, amazon_dblp, dblp_amazon, dblp_lj, lj_dblp]: the dataset to run
--num_pred / num_train / num_val: the numbers for prediction, training, and validation
--locator_epoch: number of epochs to train Community Locator (default setting 30)
--n_layers: ego-net dimensions & number of GNN layers (default 2)
--agent_lr: the learning rate of Community Rewriter
--max_step: the maximum operations (EXPAND/EXCLUDE) of rewriting a community
For better training the Community Rewriter, you are encouraged to set a larger n_episode
and a larger n_epoch
We provide an runing example on Amazon
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
## Starting Time: 2023-09-08 15:16:31
Namespace(agent_lr=0.001, comm_max_size=12, commr_path='', dataset='amazon_small', device='cuda:0', gamma=0.99, generate_k=2, gnn_type='GCN', hidden_dim=64, locator_batch_size=256, locator_epoch=30, locator_lr=0.001, margin=0.6, max_step=4, n_episode=10, n_epoch=1000, n_layers=2, num_pred=1000, num_train=90, num_val=10, output_dim=64, seed=0, writer_dir='ckpts/amazon_small/20230908-151631')
[AMAZON_SMALL] #Nodes 6926, #Edges 17893, #Communities 1000
Finish loading data: Data(x=[6926, 5], edge_index=[2, 35786])
Split dataset: #Train 90, #Val 10, #Test 900
Community Locator init ...
Community Locator finish initialization!
Training Order Embedding ...
***epoch: 0001 | ORDER EMBEDDING train_loss: 24.05397 | cost time 1.11s
***epoch: 0030 | ORDER EMBEDDING train_loss: 9.37016 | cost time 0.447s
Order Embedding Finish Training!
***Generate nodes embedding from idx 0 to 4096
***Generate nodes embedding from idx 4096 to 6926
Start Matching ...
[Generate] Pred size 1000, Avg Length 8.2520
P, R, F, J AvgAxis0: [0.82229885 0.72814998 0.74318908 0.63587454]
P, R, F, J AvgAxis1: [0.75142701 0.72196902 0.72065251 0.64863271]
AvgF1: 0.7319 AvgJaccard: 0.6423 NMI: 0.6608 Detect percent: 0.6332
[Eval-Epoch100] Improve f1 0.0255, improve jaccard 0.0376, improve new_nmi 0.0338
[Eval-Epoch1000] Improve f1 0.0613, improve jaccard 0.1028, improve new_nmi 0.1124
Load net from ckpts/amazon_small/20230908-151631/ at Epoch919
[Rewrite] Pred size 1000, Avg Length 9.0610
P, R, F, J AvgAxis0: [0.88020826 0.78469454 0.81072351 0.73091315]
P, R, F, J AvgAxis1: [0.77871547 0.7972597 0.77916445 0.74012245]
AvgF1: 0.7949 AvgJaccard: 0.7355 NMI: 0.7507 Detect percent: 0.6672
## Finishing Time: 2023-09-08 15:18:58
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📮 If your still have other questions, you can open an issue or contact the authors via e-mail.