Variables for the environment
Option | Description |
SERVER_PORT | Port the server will run on |
SERVER_JWT | true or false |
SERVER_JWT_TIMEOUT | JWT duration time |
DB_DIALECT | "mysql", "postgresql", among others |
DB_HOST | Database host |
DB_USER | Database username |
DB_PASS | Database password |
DB_NAME | Database name |
# Creates the database
yarn sequelize db:create
# Drops the database
yarn sequelize db:drop
# Load migrations
yarn sequelize db:migrate
# Undo migrations
yarn sequelize db:migrate:undo:all
# Load seeders
yarn sequelize db:seed:all
Here is the mini project for pokemon apps. I already prepare the data seed and migration, all you need to do is
- create env files based on env.example
- create database ( sequelize db:create )
- migrate database ( sequelize db:migrate:all )
- seed database ( sequelize db:seed:all )
- dont forget to install all packages and dependencies
for default username and password you can use [email protected] for email and nahasihbeutkitu for password and the jwtsecret is inirahasia, of course you have to run seed command first.
I also attached the postman docs in json format in case you want to try it.
There should be 3 REST API delivered as a backend service:
• REST API to return probability is 50% when catching Pokemon.
• REST API to release pokemon. This API should return a prime number, if the number returned by the API
is not a prime number, then release will fail and vice versa.
• REST API to rename pokemon. This function should return a combination of first name assigned combined
with Fibonacci sequence, e.g.:
• First name assigned is “Mighty Pikachu”, first time renamed should be: “Mighty Pikachu-0”
• Second time renamed should be: “Mighty Pikachu-1”
• Third time renamed should be: “Mighty Pikachu-1”
• Fourth time renamed should be: “Mighty Pikachu-2”, and so on.