PDO MySQL Database Multi Connection, Master - Slave Handler System.
- Requires the definition of APP_ROOT for the default config access to be used
- Config file support
- Multi DSN connection aliasing
- Ability to retry the Query for connection timeout with automatic reconnect
- Keep connection alive
- Wrapper to index PDOStatement results by a field value
- PSR-4 autoloading compliant structure
- Comprehensive Guides and tutorial
- Easy to use to any framework or even a plain php file
The main section of the config.
- default_connection - The default connection alias to use if none specified.
- connections - A collection of database connection alias names and connection specific config.
The connections sections are grouped with the database connection being aliased as the config key name and requires the following.
- env - The connection environment.
- dsn - The connection data source name to connect to.
- database - The database name the connection is for.
- username - The database username to use for the connection.
- password - The password to use in conjunction with the username.
- port - Optional database connection port number, defaults to 3306.
- use_mamp_sockets - Optional flag to indicate the MAMP socket config should be added to the PDO connection.
default_connection: main
env: local
dsn: localhost
database: database
username: username
password: password
port: 3306
use_mamp_sockets: false
- Manager - Support multiple username connections on the same host in addConnectionFromConfig().
- Manager - Check alias name for _slave to use replication slaves and separate the configs and connections in makeNewConnection().
- Manager - Set the default connection as master on instance creation.
- Connection - Log SQL failure and check if it is a MySQL Server has gone away error and needs to reconnect in query().
- Connection - Add the DB aliases for the connection and PDO connections attributes in __toString().
- Manager - Incorporate the use of the env setting.