Title: Store Applications
Made by: Esad Mrkulic
This portfolio project is essentially a backend and high end for a tech store (one such as bestbuy). However, rather than focusing on the actual store itself such as items, customers, etc., its attention is on job applications.
The store is the database and has four main components to it that you will be able to interact with. The first is the application table, along with its attributes. There are applicants who use the applications to apply for the positions offered. The position table is linked to the applications table that shows the applicants the overview of the job position that they are applying for. Managers review the applications and are the ones that change the status of the applications. The application table is going to be the main focus since it hosts the most valuable information, the information you will be able to interact with, and all tables are connected to the application table. An applicant will be able to view their application as well as all it's contents.
There was a lot of work that went into this concidering this project was meant for the backend course. However, I went above and beyond and decided to add a front end to allow interaction with the backend!