Car borrowing app that allows users to rent a car that another user posted on the app to lend.
This app was created in react native with expo go. When I created this idea, I was not aware that this idea basically existed, but essentially, it works a lot like Turo. Upon loading the app, users have two options; first, they can Rent a car, which is the page the app opens to. On this page, you can scroll through the list of cars along with a small portion of the information about the car. This includes make, model, and price per day. When you find the car that you like, you can click on it, allowing you to see more information about the car, and the ability to book the car. The other page, the Lend a car page, allows users to post their car on the app, with pictures, and various information about it. It's not a hard concept to grasp, and really works well!