TextAdventure is a game engine written in python for making text adventure games for the console. The Game engine is completely open source, meaning anyone anywhere can use the code in any way they see fit.
The goal of this project is to create a game engine with limitless options for creating text adventure games.
To reach this goal, the game engine uses a custom scripting language called textAdventure
, (Creative I know.)
and uses JSON to define all items and commands available ingame.
If you wish to help developing, or just create your own version, feel free to do so!
Documentation for this project is ongoing, but not complete. Any relevant info you may need to start creating your own game can be found on the Wiki
Syntax highlighting in vscode is available for the .ta scripting language.
Grab the folder in this repository called ta syntax highlighting
, and move it into vscode's extentions folder to get syntax highlighting