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internal: handle CTRL+C properly w.r.t. Why3 server
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For that purpose, we now start Why3 manually and connect to it
as if it were an external Why3 server instance.

The Why3 server is put in its own process groups and does not receive
the signals (SIGINT, SIGTERM e.g.) directly received by EasyCrypt.

The Why3 server is started s.t. it shutdowns itself gracefully
when EasyCrypt disconnects from it.
  • Loading branch information
strub committed Aug 23, 2024
1 parent 791bfa7 commit 96f356b
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Showing 5 changed files with 127 additions and 43 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/dune
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
(name ecLib)
(public_name easycrypt.ecLib)
(foreign_stubs (language c) (names eunix))
(modules :standard \ ec)
(libraries batteries camlp-streams dune-build-info dune-site inifiles why3 yojson zarith)
Expand Down
150 changes: 107 additions & 43 deletions src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -421,64 +421,128 @@ let dft_prover_names = ["Z3"; "CVC4"; "Alt-Ergo"; "Eprover"; "Yices"]
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
type notify = EcGState.loglevel -> string Lazy.t -> unit

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let maybe_start_why3_server_ (pi : prover_infos) =
if not (Prove_client.is_connected ()) then begin
let sockname = Filename.temp_file "easycrypt.why3server." ".socket" in
let exec = Filename.concat (Whyconf.libdir (Config.main ())) "why3server" in
let pid = ref (-1) in

let rd, wr = Unix.pipe ~cloexec:true () in

EcUtils.try_finally (fun () ->
pid := Unix.fork ();

if !pid = 0 then begin
Unix.close rd;
EUnix.setpgid 0 0;
Unix.chdir (Filename.get_temp_dir_name ());
Unix.execvp exec [|
exec; "--socket"; sockname; "--single-client";
"-j"; string_of_int pi.pr_maxprocs
end else begin
Unix.close wr;
ignore ( [rd] [] [] (-1.0))
(fun () ->
(try Unix.close rd with Unix.Unix_error _ -> ());
(try Unix.close wr with Unix.Unix_error _ -> ()))

let connected = ref false in

EcUtils.try_finally (fun () ->
let n, d = ref 5, ref 0.1 in

while 0 < !n && not !connected do
if Sys.file_exists sockname then begin
Prove_client.connect_external sockname;
connected := true
with Prove_client.ConnectionError _ -> ()
if not !connected then begin
ignore ( [] [] [] !d);
n := !n - 1;
d := 2.0 *. !d

(fun () ->
if not !connected then begin
Unix.kill !pid Sys.sigkill
with Unix.Unix_error _ -> ()

if not !connected then
raise (Prove_client.ConnectionError "cannot start & connect to why3server")

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

let maybe_start_why3_server (pi : prover_infos) =
let sigdef = Sys.signal Sys.sigint Sys.Signal_ignore in

(fun () -> maybe_start_why3_server_ pi)
(fun () -> ignore (Sys.signal Sys.sigint sigdef : Sys.signal_behavior))

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let run_prover
?(notify : notify option) (pi : prover_infos) (prover : string) task
(* let sigdef = Sys.signal Sys.sigint Sys.Signal_ignore in*)

EcUtils.try_finally (fun () ->
let { pr_config = pr; pr_driver = dr; } = get_prover prover in
maybe_start_why3_server pi;

let pc =
let command = pr.Whyconf.command in

let limit = { Call_provers.empty_limit with
Call_provers.limit_time =
let limit = pi.pr_timelimit * pi.pr_cpufactor in
if limit <= 0 then 0. else float_of_int limit;
} in
let { pr_config = pr; pr_driver = dr; } = get_prover prover in

let rec doit gcdone =
~config:(Config.main ())
~command ~limit dr task
with Unix.Unix_error (Unix.ENOMEM, "fork", _) when not gcdone ->
Gc.compact (); doit true

if EcUtils.is_some (Os.getenv "EC_SMT_DEBUG") then begin
let stream = open_out (Printf.sprintf "%s.smt" prover) in
let fmt = Format.formatter_of_out_channel stream in
(fun () -> Format.fprintf fmt "%a@." (Driver.print_task dr) task)
(fun () -> close_out stream)
let pc =
let command = pr.Whyconf.command in

doit false
let limit = { Call_provers.empty_limit with
Call_provers.limit_time =
let limit = pi.pr_timelimit * pi.pr_cpufactor in
if limit <= 0 then 0. else float_of_int limit;
} in

let rec doit gcdone =
~config:(Config.main ())
~command ~limit dr task
with Unix.Unix_error (Unix.ENOMEM, "fork", _) when not gcdone ->
Gc.compact (); doit true
Some (prover, pc)

with e ->
notify |> oiter (fun notify -> notify `Warning (lazy (
let buf = Buffer.create 0 in
let fmt = Format.formatter_of_buffer buf in
Format.fprintf fmt "error when starting `%s': %a%!"
prover EcPException.exn_printer e;
Buffer.contents buf)));
if EcUtils.is_some (Os.getenv "EC_SMT_DEBUG") then begin
let stream = open_out (Printf.sprintf "%s.smt" prover) in
let fmt = Format.formatter_of_out_channel stream in
(fun () -> Format.fprintf fmt "%a@." (Driver.print_task dr) task)
(fun () -> close_out stream)

doit false

(fun () -> ()) (*
let _ : Sys.signal_behavior = Sys.signal Sys.sigint sigdef in ()) *)
Some (prover, pc)

with e ->
notify |> oiter (fun notify -> notify `Warning (lazy (
let buf = Buffer.create 0 in
let fmt = Format.formatter_of_buffer buf in
Format.fprintf fmt "error when starting `%s': %a%!"
prover EcPException.exn_printer e;
Buffer.contents buf)));

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let execute_task ?(notify : notify option) (pi : prover_infos) task =
let module CP = Call_provers in

Prove_client.set_max_running_provers pi.pr_maxprocs;

let pcs = Array.make pi.pr_maxprocs None in

(* Run process, ignoring prover failing to start *)
Expand Down
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions src/system/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
external setpgid : int -> int -> unit = "caml_eunix_setpgid"
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions src/system/EUnix.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
val setpgid : int -> int -> unit
14 changes: 14 additions & 0 deletions src/system/eunix.c
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include <caml/mlvalues.h>
#include <caml/memory.h>
#include <caml/unixsupport.h>

#include <unistd.h>

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
CAMLprim value caml_eunix_setpgid(value pid, value pgid) {
CAMLparam2(pid, pgid);
if (setpgid(Int_val(pid), Int_val(pgid)) != 0)
uerror("setpgid", Nothing);

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