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Simplify the pHL while rule further
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The rule is now simpler, but a bit harder to use.
It does avoid doubling up reasoning when the loop condition itself is probabilistic.
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fdupress authored and strub committed Jul 12, 2022
1 parent 4332d54 commit 1d8e7d2
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Showing 6 changed files with 46 additions and 75 deletions.
79 changes: 30 additions & 49 deletions examples/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -209,9 +209,7 @@ proof.
+ auto => /> &hr H0j ???? b ?.
rewrite restrS //= oflist_cons.
smt (is_restr_addS is_restrS is_restr_Ueq is_restr_diff fset0U is_restr_restr).
+ if.
+ by conseq H=> /#.
by hoare.
by conseq H=> /#.
+ by hoare;auto.
conseq (_ : _ : = (1%r / 2%r ^ (N - j))) => [/#|].
Expand All @@ -221,21 +219,14 @@ proof.
is_restr (oflist s0) j0 /\ oflist s0 = restr x j0).
+ by auto => /> /#.
+ by wp => /=;rnd (pred1 (j0 \in x));skip => /> &hr;rewrite dbool1E.
+ if.
+ conseq H=> />.
+ case: (j0 \in x) => Hjx ?? His Hof.
+ by rewrite oflist_cons restrS 1:/# Hjx Hof.
by rewrite restrS 1:/# Hjx Hof /= fset0U.
smt (is_restrS is_restr_addS oflist_cons).
skip=> [/> ge1_Sj0 ge_Sj_N s0_j0 s0_x_j0 Sj0_N|].
+ have ->: j0 + 1 = N by smt().
by rewrite expr0.
smt(restrS oflist_cons fset0U).
+ if.
+ conseq H=> /> &0 />.
+ smt(restrS oflist_cons fset0U in_fsetU in_fset1 nin_is_restr).
smt(is_restr_addS oflist_cons is_restrS fset0U).
by hoare; skip; smt(restrS oflist_cons fset0U in_fsetU in_fset1 nin_is_restr).
+ conseq H=> />.
+ case: (j0 \in x) => Hjx ?? His Hof.
+ by rewrite oflist_cons restrS 1:/# Hjx Hof.
by rewrite restrS 1:/# Hjx Hof /= fset0U.
smt (is_restrS is_restr_addS oflist_cons).
+ conseq H=> /> &0 />.
+ smt(restrS oflist_cons fset0U in_fsetU in_fset1 nin_is_restr).
smt(is_restr_addS oflist_cons is_restrS fset0U).
move=> &hr /> ?????; rewrite -exprS 1:/#; congr;congr;ring.
+ wp;rnd predT;skip => /> &hr.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -268,10 +259,8 @@ proof.
+ auto => /> &hr 5? b _.
case: (j{hr}=i{hr}) => />; rewrite restrS //= oflist_cons;
smt (is_restr_addS is_restrS is_restr_Ueq is_restr_diff fset0U is_restr_restr).
+ by conseq H => /#.
by hoare; auto.
+ by hoare;auto.
by conseq H => /#.
+ by hoare; auto.
conseq (_ : _ : = (1%r / 2%r ^ (N - j))) => [/#|].
exists * j, PIR.s';elim * => j0 s0.
Expand All @@ -280,37 +269,29 @@ proof.
is_restr (oflist s0) j0 /\ oflist s0 = restr x j0).
+ by auto => /#.
+ by wp => /=;rnd (pred1 ((j0 = i) ^^ (j0 \in x)));skip => /> &hr;rewrite dbool1E.
+ if.
+ conseq H => />.
+ move=> &hr ?? His Hof;case: (j0 = i{hr}) => /=.
+ rewrite xorC xor_true => <<-.
case: (j0 \in x) => Hjx.
+ by rewrite restrS 1:/# Hjx /= oflist_cons Hof.
by rewrite /= restrS 1:/# Hjx /= fset0U Hof.
rewrite xorC xor_false => ?.
+ conseq H => />.
+ move=> &hr ?? His Hof;case: (j0 = i{hr}) => /=.
+ rewrite xorC xor_true => <<-.
case: (j0 \in x) => Hjx.
+ by rewrite oflist_cons restrS 1:/# Hjx Hof.
by rewrite restrS 1:/# Hjx Hof /= fset0U.
smt (is_restrS is_restr_addS oflist_cons).
skip=> /> &0 *.
+ have ->: j0 + 1 = N by smt().
by rewrite expr0.
smt(oflist_cons restrS fset0U).
+ if.
+ conseq H => />.
+ move=> &hr ?? His Hof Hb.
rewrite restrS 1:/# (negbRL _ _ Hb);case: (j0 = i{hr}) => /= [<<- | ?].
+ rewrite xorC xor_true /=.
case (j0 \in x) => /= Hj0x /=.
+ by rewrite (eq_sym (oflist s0)) (is_restr_diff j0 (restr x j0) _ His).
by rewrite fset0U oflist_cons -Hof (is_restr_diff j0 (oflist s0) _ His).
rewrite xorC xor_false.
+ by rewrite restrS 1:/# Hjx /= oflist_cons Hof.
by rewrite /= restrS 1:/# Hjx /= fset0U Hof.
rewrite xorC xor_false => ?.
case: (j0 \in x) => Hjx.
+ by rewrite oflist_cons restrS 1:/# Hjx Hof.
by rewrite restrS 1:/# Hjx Hof /= fset0U.
smt (is_restrS is_restr_addS oflist_cons).
+ conseq H => />.
+ move=> &hr ?? His Hof Hb.
rewrite restrS 1:/# (negbRL _ _ Hb);case: (j0 = i{hr}) => /= [<<- | ?].
+ rewrite xorC xor_true /=.
case (j0 \in x) => /= Hj0x /=.
+ by rewrite (eq_sym (oflist s0)) (is_restr_diff j0 (restr x j0) _ His).
by rewrite fset0U oflist_cons -Hof (is_restr_diff j0 (oflist s0) _ His).
smt (is_restrS is_restr_addS oflist_cons).
hoare; auto=> /> &0.
smt(oflist_cons restrS in_fsetU in_fset1 nin_is_restr fset0U).
rewrite xorC xor_false.
case (j0 \in x) => /= Hj0x /=.
+ by rewrite (eq_sym (oflist s0)) (is_restr_diff j0 (restr x j0) _ His).
by rewrite fset0U oflist_cons -Hof (is_restr_diff j0 (oflist s0) _ His).
smt (is_restrS is_restr_addS oflist_cons).
by move=> &hr /> ?????;rewrite -exprS 1:/#;congr;congr;ring.
+ wp;rnd predT;skip => &hr.
smt (dbool_ll oflist_cons is_restrS is_restr_addS).
Expand Down
12 changes: 2 additions & 10 deletions examples/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -527,22 +527,14 @@ section.
while (n <= qP /\ card (fdom F.m) <= qF).
+ move=> Hw; exists* P.logP, F.m; elim* => logPw m.
case: (Bad P.logP F.m).
+ by conseq (_ : _ : <= (1%r))=> // /#.
case: (n = size P.logP + 1).
+ rcondf 3; first by auto=> /#.
wp; rnd; auto=> /> _ /le_fromint domF_le_qF _.
rewrite addzA big_int1=> /= /pr_newbad ->.
apply: ler_wpmul2r.
+ by apply: invr_ge0; smt(Support.card_gt0).
by rewrite !fromintD ler_add2r.
rcondt 3; first by auto=> /#.
+ by conseq (_ : _ : <= (1%r))=> // /#.
seq 2: (Bad P.logP F.m)
((qF + size logPw)%r / Support.card%r) 1%r 1%r
((sumid (qF + (size logPw + 1)) (qF + n))%r / Support.card%r)
(F.m = m /\ r::logPw = P.logP /\
n <= qP /\ card (fdom F.m) <= qF)=> //.
+ by wp; rnd=> //.
+ wp; rnd; auto=> /> &0 _ /le_fromint domF_le_qF _ + _ - /pr_newbad ->.
+ wp; rnd; auto=> /> &0 _ /le_fromint domF_le_qF _ /pr_newbad ->.
apply: ler_wpmul2r.
+ by apply: invr_ge0; smt(Support.card_gt0).
by rewrite !fromintD ler_add2r.
Expand Down
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion examples/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -28,7 +28,6 @@ while true (if test r then 1 else 0) 1 (mu sample (predC test))=> //.
+ by move=> _ r; case: (test r).
+ move=> ih; seq 1: true=> //.
by auto; rewrite sample_ll.
+ by if=> //; conseq ih.
+ by auto; rewrite sample_ll.
rewrite pr_ntest=> /= z; conseq (: true ==> !test r).
+ smt().
Expand Down
11 changes: 6 additions & 5 deletions examples/vonNeumann.eca
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -89,6 +89,7 @@ have ->:
+ byphoare (_: true ==> res = x)=> //.
by proc; rnd (pred1 x \o fst); skip=> />.
byphoare (_: true ==> res = x)=> //; proc; sp.
conseq (: _: =(if b = b' then mu dvn (pred1 x \o fst) else b2r (b = x)))=> //.
while true (b2i (b = b')) 1 (2%r * p * (1%r - p))=> />.
+ by move=> /#.
+ move=> ih.
Expand All @@ -98,16 +99,16 @@ while true (b2i (b = b')) 1 (2%r * p * (1%r - p))=> />.
+ seq 1: (b' = !x) (mu1 dbiased (!x)) 1%r (mu1 dbiased x) (mu dvn (pred1 x \o fst)) (b = x)=> //.
+ by auto.
+ by rnd (pred1 (!x)); auto.
+ by rcondf 1; auto; case: x.
+ by conseq ih=> />; rewrite negbLR.
+ by rnd (pred1 x); auto=> /#.
by rcondt 1; [by auto=> /#|by conseq ih].
by conseq ih=> /> &0 /negbRL /=.
+ by rnd (pred1 (!x)); auto=> /#.
+ seq 1: (b' = x) _ 0%r (mu1 dbiased (!x)) (mu dvn (pred1 x \o fst)) (b <> x)=> //.
+ by auto.
+ by rcondf 1; [by auto|by hoare].
+ by conseq ih=> /> &0 /negbRL ->; rewrite negbLR.
+ by rnd (pred1 (!x)); auto=> /#.
by rcondt 1; [by auto=> /#|by conseq ih].
move=> {ih} _ _; rewrite !vnE /svn /(\o)/ pred1 /= /b2i /=.
by conseq ih=> /> &0 /negbRL -> /negbRL ->.
move=> {ih} _ -> /=; rewrite !vnE /svn /(\o)/ pred1 /= /b2i /=.
by move: x=> [] /=; rewrite !dbiased1E /#.
+ by auto=> />; rewrite dbiased_ll.
split => //= [|z]; first by smt w=(in01_p).
Expand Down
8 changes: 2 additions & 6 deletions src/phl/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -189,9 +189,7 @@ let t_bdhoare_while_rev_r inv tc =
(* 1. Sub-goal *)
let body_concl =
let while_s = EcModules.stmt [EcModules.i_abstract w] in
let while_s' = EcModules.i_if (lp_guard_exp, while_s, EcModules.stmt []) in
let while_s' = EcModules.stmt [while_s'] in
let unfolded_while_s = EcModules.s_seq lp_body while_s' in
let unfolded_while_s = EcModules.s_seq lp_body while_s in
let while_jgmt = f_bdHoareS_r {bhs with bhs_pr=inv ; bhs_s=while_s; } in
let unfolded_while_jgmt = f_bdHoareS_r
{ bhs with bhs_pr = f_and inv lp_guard; bhs_s = unfolded_while_s; }
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -283,10 +281,8 @@ let t_bdhoare_while_rev_geq_r inv vrnt k eps tc =

let body_concl =
let while_s1 = EcModules.stmt [EcModules.i_abstract w] in
let while_s2 = EcModules.i_if (lp_guard_exp, while_s1, EcModules.stmt []) in
let while_s2 = EcModules.stmt [while_s2] in

let unfolded_while_s = EcModules.s_seq lp_body while_s2 in
let unfolded_while_s = EcModules.s_seq lp_body while_s1 in
let while_jgmt = f_bdHoareS_r { bhs with bhs_pr=inv; bhs_s=while_s1; } in
let unfolded_while_jgmt = f_bdHoareS_r
{ bhs with bhs_pr=f_and inv lp_guard; bhs_s=unfolded_while_s; }
Expand Down
10 changes: 6 additions & 4 deletions theories/distributions/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -296,14 +296,16 @@ case @[ambient]: (mu (dt x) (X x) = weight (dt x))=> Hpt.
while (X x r /\ i = x /\ test = X)=> //=.
auto=> &m' [#] _ -> -> _ r; move: (mu_in_weight (X x) (dt x) r).
by rewrite Hpt.
conseq (: _: =(if X x r then mu (dt x \ X x) P else b2r (P r))).
+ by move=> />; rewrite y_in_Xx.
while (i = x /\ test = X) (if test x r then 1 else 0) 1 (mu (dt x) (predC (X x)))=> //=.
+ smt().
+ move=> ih. alias 2 r0 = r.
phoare split (mu (dt x) (predI P (predC (X x))))
(mu (dt x) (X x) * mu (dt x \ X x) P)
: (P r0 /\ !X x r0).
+ move=> &m' [#] -> -> _ /=; rewrite dexceptedE.
+ move=> &m' [#] -> -> -> /=; rewrite dexceptedE.
rewrite -{1}(mulr1 (mu (dt x) (predI _ _))).
rewrite -(@divrr (weight (dt x) - mu (dt x) (X x))).
+ smt().
Expand All @@ -315,16 +317,16 @@ while (i = x /\ test = X) (if test x r then 1 else 0) 1 (mu (dt x) (predC (X x))
(r0 = r /\ i = x /\ test = X)=> //=.
+ by auto.
+ by wp; rnd (predI P (predC (X x))); auto=> />.
+ by rcondf 1.
+ by conseq ih=> />.
by hoare; conseq (: _ ==> true)=> // /#.
seq 2: (!X x r0)
_ 0%r
(mu (dt x) (X x)) (mu (dt x \ X x) P)
(r0 = r /\ i = x /\ test = X)=> //=.
+ by auto.
+ by hoare; rcondf 1=> //; auto=> /#.
+ case: (P r0); last by conseq ih=> />.
by hoare; conseq (: true)=> />.
+ by wp; rnd.
rcondt 1; first by auto.
by conseq ih=> &m' />; rewrite dexceptedE.
+ by auto.
Expand Down

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