This code belongs to the CSE3000 Research Project (2023), a bachelor's thesis for Computer Science and Engineering. Read the paper:
Use pip install -r requirements.txt
to install the required dependencies.
The code has been tested with Python 3.11.3.
To repeat the experiments in the paper, run the following files in /experiments
in this order:
The hyperparameter optimization can be followed live with:
pip install optuna-dashboard
optuna-dashboard sqlite:///db.sqlite3
Find the plots in the results folder.
This snippet generates a batch of concept shifted datasets
import os
from datagen.conceptshift.builder import ConceptShiftDataBuilder
from datagen.conceptshift.selector import DomainSelector
from datagen.conceptshift.shifter import Shifter
from util.batch import batch_generate
batch_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'results', 'mydata')
init_classification = dict(n_samples=10000, n_features=10, n_informative=10,
n_repeated=0, n_redundant=0, n_clusters_per_class=4)
shifter = Shifter(n_domains=4, rot=0, trans=0, scale=0)
selector = DomainSelector(n_global=100, n_source=100, n_target=100, n_domains_source=1, n_domains_target=1)
builder = ConceptShiftDataBuilder(init_classification, shifter, selector)
batch_generate(builder, 5, batch_path)
Evaluate domain adaptation methods as follows
import os
from adapt.feature_based import DANN
from tensorflow.keras.optimizers.legacy import Adam
from util.batch import batch_eval
from models.autoencoder import Autoencoder, default_classifier
batch_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'results', 'mydata')
model_params = dict(loss="bce", optimizer=Adam(0.001, beta_1=0.5), lambda_=.002, metrics=["acc"], random_state=0,
fit_params = dict(epochs=25,
batch_eval(batch_path, DANN, model_params, fit_params, train_split=.7, identifier="DANN")
Results per batch can be visualized with methods in util/
import os
from util.batch import batch_load_eval
from util.plot import plot_target_acc_box
batch_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'results', 'mydata')
# process resulting dataframe
results = batch_load_eval(batch_path)
# group by identifier and make separate plots
results = results.groupby('identifier')
for name, data in results:
title = f"Target accuracy of ({name})"
plot_target_acc_box(data, title)