Simple Daily Day to Day Coding Challenges
- Create a Github Account
- Learn Basics of Github
- Create a Repo Daily Challenges , this is where you will be uploading your challenges
Your task is to write a program in the programming language of your choice that prints your self introduction to the console.
Steps: Write a program that prints self introduction to the console. Run the program to ensure it works.
Upload your code to a new GitHub repository.
Share the link to your repository and your output.(screenshot)
Good luck with your challenge!
Today's challenge is to learn how to use variables and different types of data.
Task: Create 4 variables: One with a whole number (integer) One with a decimal number (float) One with text (string) One that is either true or false (boolean) Print each variable along with its value.
Today, you'll work with basic operators to perform simple calculations.
Write a program that:
Asks the user to enter two numbers.
Performs the following operations on the numbers:
Today, you'll learn how to make decisions in your program using conditional statements.
Write a program that:
Asks the user to enter their age.
Uses an if-else statement to check the user's age:
If the age is 18 or older, print: "You are an adult."
If the age is below 18, print: "You are a minor."
Today, you'll learn how to repeat actions using a while loop.
Task: Write a program that: Asks the user to enter a number. Uses a while loop to print all the numbers from 1 to the user's number. Upload your code to your GitHub repository.
Today, you'll learn how to use a for loop to iterate over a sequence.
Write a program that:
Asks the user to enter a word.
Uses a for loop to print each letter of the word on a new line.
Today, you'll learn how to create and use functions to make your code more modular and reusable.
Write a program that:
Defines a function called greet that takes a person's name as a parameter.
Inside the function, print: "Hello, <name>!"
Call the function with your name.
Today, you'll learn about lists/arrays and how to work with multiple items.
Write a program that:
Creates a list/array of 5 numbers.
Prints each number in the list/array.
Asks the user to add a new number to the list/array and prints the updated list.
Today, you’ll explore common operations on lists/arrays like sorting and slicing.
Write a program that:
Creates a list/array of 6 numbers.
Prints the list.
Sorts the list in ascending order and prints the sorted list.
Prints only the first 3 elements.