In order to download and run the code, ensure you have the following software on your machine:
- Anaconda (for Python 3.7):
- Git:
Clone the repository, as follows:
git clone
A copy of the repository will be generated on your local machine, in the dedicated GitHub folder. Move to the donwloaded repository to start using it.
Performing all the calculations within a virtual environment is recommended. You can import the environment information (as provided in the “scaffold_hopping.yml” file) as follows:
conda env create -f scaffold_hopping.yml
To use the installed packages, activate the environment:
conda activate scaffold_hopping
Move to the code folder, where the Jupyter notebook file is contained, and launch Jupter Notebook, as follows:
jupyter notebook
Click on the notebook file "virtual_screening_pipeline.jpynb". There, you will find additional information on the required calculation steps.
If you use this code or parts thereof, please cite the following papers:
- Grisoni F, Merk D, Consonni V, Hiss J.A, Giani Tagliabue S, Todeschini R, Schneider G. "Scaffold hopping from natural products to synthetic mimetics by holistic molecular similarity". Communications Chemistry 2018, 1, 1-9.
- Grisoni F, Schneider G. "Molecular scaffold hopping via holistic molecular representation", 2020, In: Protein-Ligand Interactions and Drug Design (Eds: F. Ballante), Methods in Molecular Biology (in press).