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Merge pull request #1194 from brian-eaton/ssi-scale
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cam6_4_057: Restore spectral scaling to RRTMGP
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nusbaume authored Jan 29, 2025
2 parents ea101b3 + 552bd23 commit 9ee01d5
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Showing 5 changed files with 276 additions and 12 deletions.
8 changes: 3 additions & 5 deletions bld/build-namelist
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -760,11 +760,9 @@ if ($rad_pkg =~ /rrtmg/ or $chem =~ /waccm/) {
# use solar data file as the default for rrtmg and waccm_ma
add_default($nl, 'solar_irrad_data_file');

# This option only used by camrt and rrtmg radiation schemes.
# The solar spectral scaling is done internal to RRTMGP code.
if ($rad_pkg ne 'rrtmgp') {
add_default($nl, 'solar_htng_spctrl_scl', 'val'=>'.true.');
# The solar spectral scaling is done based on the distribution from
# the solar_irrad_data_file.
add_default($nl, 'solar_htng_spctrl_scl', 'val'=>'.true.');

elsif (!$simple_phys) {
Expand Down
111 changes: 110 additions & 1 deletion doc/ChangeLog
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,115 @@

Tag name: cam6_4_057
Originator(s): brianpm, eaton, nusbaume
Date: Jan 29 2025
One-line Summary: Restore spectral scaling to RRTMGP
Github PR URL:

Purpose of changes (include the issue number and title text for each relevant GitHub issue):

resolve issue #1193 - Restore spectral scaling to RRTMGP

Describe any changes made to build system: none

Describe any changes made to the namelist: none

List any changes to the defaults for the boundary datasets: none

Describe any substantial timing or memory changes: not evaluated

Code reviewed by: peverwhee

List all files eliminated: none

List all files added and what they do:

. compute scale factors for solar irradiance based on input dataset

List all existing files that have been modified, and describe the changes:

. change default setting of solar_htng_spctrl_scl to true for rrtmgp

. add module data band2gpt_sw and set using kdist_sw%get_band_lims_gpoint()

. radiation_init
- add call to rad_solar_var_init
. radiation_tend
- replace code that scales the solar source based on internal RRTMGP
spectral distribution by a scaling based on distribution from the

If there were any failures reported from running on any test
platform, and checkin with these failures has been OK'd by the gatekeeper,
then copy the lines from the td.*.status files for the failed tests to the
appropriate machine below. All failed tests must be justified.

derecho/intel/aux_cam: (Overall: DIFF) (Overall: DIFF) (Overall: DIFF) (Overall: DIFF) (Overall: DIFF) (Overall: DIFF) (Overall: DIFF)
- expected NLCOMP (solar_htng_spctrl_scl) and baseline answer changes due to restored RRTMGP spectral scaling. (Overall: FAIL) (Overall: DIFF)
- pre-existing failure due to HEMCO not having reproducible results issues #1018 and #856 (Overall: FAIL) (Overall: FAIL)
- pre-existing failures due to build-namelist error requiring CLM/CTSM external update

derecho/nvhpc/aux_cam: (Overall: FAIL)
- pre-existing failure -- issue #1220

izumi/nag/aux_cam: ALL PASS

izumi/gnu/aux_cam: (Overall: DIFF) (Overall: DIFF) (Overall: DIFF) (Overall: DIFF)
- expected NLCOMP (solar_htng_spctrl_scl) and baseline answer changes due to restored RRTMGP spectral scaling.

CAM tag used for the baseline comparison tests if different than previous

Summarize any changes to answers, i.e.,
- what code configurations:
- what platforms/compilers:
- nature of change (roundoff; larger than roundoff but same climate; new

If bitwise differences were observed, how did you show they were no worse
than roundoff?

If this tag changes climate describe the run(s) done to evaluate the new
climate in enough detail that it(they) could be reproduced, i.e.,
- source tag (all code used must be in the repository):
- platform/compilers:
- configure commandline:
- build-namelist command (or complete namelist):
- MSS location of output:

MSS location of control simulations used to validate new climate:

URL for AMWG diagnostics output used to validate new climate:


Tag name: cam6_4_056
Originator(s): fvitt
Date: 16 Jan 2025
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1143,7 +1253,6 @@ Summarize any changes to answers: none


>>>>>>> upstream/cam_development
Tag name: cam6_4_048
Originator(s): jedwards4b, peverwhee
Date: 20 December 2024
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149 changes: 149 additions & 0 deletions src/physics/rrtmgp/rad_solar_var.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
! This module uses the solar irradiance data
! to provide a spectral scaling factor
! to approximate the spectral distribution of irradiance
! when the radiation scheme might use a different solar source function
module rad_solar_var

use shr_kind_mod , only : r8 => shr_kind_r8
use radconstants, only : nswbands, get_sw_spectral_boundaries, band2gpt_sw
use solar_irrad_data, only : sol_irrad, we, nbins, has_spectrum, sol_tsi
use solar_irrad_data, only : do_spctrl_scaling
use cam_abortutils, only : endrun
use error_messages, only : alloc_err

implicit none

public :: rad_solar_var_init
public :: get_variability

real(r8), allocatable :: irrad(:) ! solar irradiance at model timestep in each band

real(r8), allocatable :: radbinmax(:)
real(r8), allocatable :: radbinmin(:)


subroutine rad_solar_var_init( )

integer :: ierr
integer :: radmax_loc

if ( do_spctrl_scaling ) then

if ( .not.has_spectrum ) then
call endrun('rad_solar_var_init: solar input file must have irradiance spectrum')

allocate (radbinmax(nswbands),stat=ierr)
if (ierr /= 0) then
call endrun('rad_solar_var_init: Error allocating space for radbinmax')
end if

allocate (radbinmin(nswbands),stat=ierr)
if (ierr /= 0) then
call endrun('rad_solar_var_init: Error allocating space for radbinmin')
end if

allocate (irrad(nswbands), stat=ierr)
if (ierr /= 0) then
call endrun('rad_solar_var_init: Error allocating space for irrad')
end if

call get_sw_spectral_boundaries(radbinmin, radbinmax, 'nm')

! Make sure that the far-IR is included, even if radiation grid does not
! extend that far down. 10^5 nm corresponds to a wavenumber of
! 100 cm^-1.
radmax_loc = maxloc(radbinmax,1)
radbinmax(radmax_loc) = max(100000._r8,radbinmax(radmax_loc))


end subroutine rad_solar_var_init


subroutine get_variability(toa_flux, sfac)

! Arguments
real(r8), intent(in) :: toa_flux(:,:) ! TOA flux to be scaled (columns,gpts)
real(r8), intent(out) :: sfac(:,:) ! scaling factors (columns,gpts)

! Local variables
integer :: i, j, istat, gpt_start, gpt_end, ncols
real(r8), allocatable :: scale(:)
character(len=*), parameter :: sub = 'get_variability'

if (do_spctrl_scaling) then

! Determine target irradiance for each band
call integrate_spectrum(nbins, nswbands, we, radbinmin, radbinmax, sol_irrad, irrad)

ncols = size(toa_flux, 1)
allocate(scale(ncols), stat=istat)
call alloc_err(istat, sub, 'scale', ncols)

do i = 1, nswbands
gpt_start = band2gpt_sw(1,i)
gpt_end = band2gpt_sw(2,i)
scale = spread(irrad(i), 1, ncols) / sum(toa_flux(:, gpt_start:gpt_end), dim=2)
do j = gpt_start, gpt_end
sfac(:,j) = scale
end do
end do

sfac(:,:) = sol_tsi / spread(sum(toa_flux, 2), 2, size(toa_flux, 2))
end if
end subroutine get_variability

! private method.........

subroutine integrate_spectrum( nsrc, ntrg, src_x, min_trg, max_trg, src, trg )

use mo_util, only : rebin

implicit none

! ... dummy arguments
integer, intent(in) :: nsrc ! dimension source array
integer, intent(in) :: ntrg ! dimension target array
real(r8), intent(in) :: src_x(nsrc+1) ! source coordinates
real(r8), intent(in) :: max_trg(ntrg) ! target coordinates
real(r8), intent(in) :: min_trg(ntrg) ! target coordinates
real(r8), intent(in) :: src(nsrc) ! source array
real(r8), intent(out) :: trg(ntrg) ! target array

! ... local variables
real(r8) :: trg_x(2), targ(1) ! target coordinates
integer :: i

do i = 1, ntrg

trg_x(1) = min_trg(i)
trg_x(2) = max_trg(i)

call rebin( nsrc, 1, src_x, trg_x, src(1:nsrc), targ(:) )
! W/m2/nm --> W/m2
trg( i ) = targ(1)*(trg_x(2)-trg_x(1))


end subroutine integrate_spectrum

end module rad_solar_var
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions src/physics/rrtmgp/radconstants.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -26,6 +26,9 @@ module radconstants

logical :: wavenumber_boundaries_set = .false.

! First and last g-point for each band.
integer, public, protected :: band2gpt_sw(2,nswbands)

integer, public, protected :: nswgpts ! number of SW g-points
integer, public, protected :: nlwgpts ! number of LW g-points

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -104,6 +107,9 @@ subroutine set_wavenumber_bands(kdist_sw, kdist_lw)
wavenumber_low_shortwave = values(1,:)
wavenumber_high_shortwave = values(2,:)

! First and last g-point for each SW band:
band2gpt_sw = kdist_sw%get_band_lims_gpoint()

! Indices into specific bands
idx_sw_diag = get_band_index_by_value('sw', 500.0_r8, 'nm')
idx_nir_diag = get_band_index_by_value('sw', 1000.0_r8, 'nm')
Expand Down
14 changes: 8 additions & 6 deletions src/physics/rrtmgp/radiation.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ module radiation
pbuf_set_field, pbuf_get_field, pbuf_old_tim_idx
use camsrfexch, only: cam_out_t, cam_in_t
use physconst, only: cappa, cpair, gravit
use solar_irrad_data, only: sol_tsi

use time_manager, only: get_nstep, is_first_step, is_first_restart_step, &
get_curr_calday, get_step_size
Expand All @@ -27,6 +26,7 @@ module radiation

use radconstants, only: nradgas, gasnamelength, gaslist, nswbands, nlwbands, &
nswgpts, set_wavenumber_bands
use rad_solar_var, only: rad_solar_var_init, get_variability

use cloud_rad_props, only: cloud_rad_props_init

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -495,6 +495,7 @@ subroutine radiation_init(pbuf2d)
! Set the sw/lw band boundaries in radconstants. Also sets
! indicies of specific bands for diagnostic output and COSP input.
call set_wavenumber_bands(kdist_sw, kdist_lw)
call rad_solar_var_init()

! The spectral band boundaries need to be set before this init is called.
call rrtmgp_inputs_init(ktopcam, ktoprad)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -937,8 +938,8 @@ subroutine radiation_tend( &

! TOA solar flux on RRTMGP g-points
real(r8), allocatable :: toa_flux(:,:)
! TSI from RRTMGP data (from sum over g-point representation)
real(r8) :: tsi_ref
! Scale factors based on spectral distribution from input irradiance dataset
real(r8), allocatable :: sfac(:,:)

! Planck sources for LW.
type(ty_source_func_lw) :: sources_lw
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1097,6 +1098,7 @@ subroutine radiation_tend( &

allocate( &
t_sfc(ncol), emis_sfc(nlwbands,ncol), toa_flux(nday,nswgpts), &
sfac(nday,nswgpts), &
t_rad(ncol,nlay), pmid_rad(ncol,nlay), pint_rad(ncol,nlay+1), &
t_day(nday,nlay), pmid_day(nday,nlay), pint_day(nday,nlay+1), &
coszrs_day(nday), alb_dir(nswbands,nday), alb_dif(nswbands,nday), &
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1174,8 +1176,8 @@ subroutine radiation_tend( &
call stop_on_err(errmsg, sub, 'kdist_sw%gas_optics')

! Scale the solar source
tsi_ref = sum(toa_flux(1,:))
toa_flux = toa_flux * sol_tsi * eccf / tsi_ref
call get_variability(toa_flux, sfac)
toa_flux = toa_flux * sfac * eccf

end if

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1303,7 +1305,7 @@ subroutine radiation_tend( &
end if ! if (dolw)

deallocate( &
t_sfc, emis_sfc, toa_flux, t_rad, pmid_rad, pint_rad, &
t_sfc, emis_sfc, toa_flux, sfac, t_rad, pmid_rad, pint_rad, &
t_day, pmid_day, pint_day, coszrs_day, alb_dir, alb_dif)

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