EEC is an advanced compiler for the AmigaE programming language. It's based on ECX by Leif Salmonsson with the intention of adding optimization and new backends.
Configure FS-UAE or WinUAE to have at least a full 68020 or better and 128 MiB of Z3 Fast RAM on AmigaOS 3.1 up to AmigaOS 3.9.
Install VAsmm68k_mot for the 68k startup code.
Install VAsmPPC_std for the MorphOS and AmigaOS4 PowerPC startup code.
Set the protection bits on the script files as follows:
spat protect #?.script srwd
Execute the following AmigaDOS scripts to generate the startup codes: make68kifuncs.script, makeppcifuncs.script and makeppcifuncs_os4.script
Also install E-VO (Must be v3.5.1 or higher of E-VO)
Finally, install the latest version of ECX
Execute the following in the ECX/bin directory:
Copy ECX.68k EEC.020 clone
Execute makedir ecxmodules:eec to create the directory for eec modules
Execute makestartups.script to create the modules.
Bootstrap the executable by typing:
makeeec.script evo
You now have a compiled 020 version of EEC which can be used to build the remaining executables by typing:
makeeec.script morphos
makeeec.script amigaos4
makeeec.script amigaos