a podcast-aggregator and access to that data (currently mostly html5/m3u)
… is currently done by podget (GPL Podcast Downloader, shell script) sadly the output of m3u-files didn't work ootb, so i included my own script for that and delete those of podget with every run. In the future i will hopefully adapt the original script to do some more things (like additional output-formats)
Currently 2 m3u-files are beeing generated, that should work for some mediaplayers to play those files via http or similar network-transfer. Since that isn't working everywhere (i'm looking at you android!), i built some HTML5/JS-Interface that should parse the m3u and play the files.
Well.. some of it does. Testpage is aviable at podcast.g33ky.de.
at podget:
- add a flag to only mark everything downloaded without downloading (last time i removed 2 lines temporarily to do that)
- create additional output formats (rss/atom? json? ...)
at client:
- somehow remember what has been listened
- better support different formats - well most formats "kinda" work now, but ogg-opus-support is buttugly
- sequential download/play of one file after another ([x] done)
- fix video-sizing, even better: redo the whole layout completely
- fix cookie-support
- remember current position of playback
- show numeric playback-speed, remember speed for different podcasts
- do something python/golang
- mayhaps create android/ios-client