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cheshireHYUN committed Apr 18, 2024
1 parent 517df6e commit dd54fab
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Showing 10 changed files with 470 additions and 0 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Ai/dummy.txt
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions DB/dummy.txt
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Docs/dummy.txt
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Frontend/dummy.txt
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Logs/dummy.txt
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Simulation/AnyLogicSimulation/dummy.txt
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61 changes: 61 additions & 0 deletions Simulation/PythonLogic/
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from enum import Enum
from random import random

# 에러 종류 ENUM
class Error(Enum):

# 에러 발생시키는 함수
# 에러의 확률 순위 : 확률은 [통신에러] > [OHT에러] > [설비에러] 순으로 높다
def error_occur(communication_prob=0.1, OHT_prob=0.1, facility_prob=0.1):
# 각 확률을 따로 계산
communication_random = random()
OHT_random = random()
facility_random = random()
delay = 0

# print("[통신] 에러 확률 : ", communication_random, " / ", communication_prob)
# print("[OHT] 에러 확률 : ", OHT_random, " / ", OHT_prob)
# print("[설비] 에러 확률 : ", facility_random, " / ", facility_prob)

if communication_random < communication_prob:
delay += error_delay("COMMUNICATION")
return delay
if OHT_random < OHT_prob:
delay += error_delay("OHT")
return delay
if facility_random < facility_prob:
delay += error_delay("FACILITY")
return delay

return delay

# 에러 발생시 딜레이 발생
def error_delay(cause):
# 각 에러에 대한 딜레이 (단위 : sec)
communication_delay = 2
OHT_delay = 5
facility_delay = 10

if cause == Error.COMMUNICATION.value:
print("[System] 통신 에러")
return communication_delay

elif cause == Error.OHT.value:
print("[System] OHT 에러")
return OHT_delay

elif cause == Error.FACILITY.value:
print("[System] 설비 에러")
return facility_delay

print("알 수 없는 에러")

if __name__ == '__main__':

# 함수 호출
print("지연 추가 시간 : ", error_occur())
228 changes: 228 additions & 0 deletions Simulation/PythonLogic/
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from enum import Enum
from collections import deque
from time import sleep

class Direction(Enum):
UP = "UP"

class Node:
def __init__(self, id, x, y): = id
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.directions = [] # 이 노드에서 출발 가능한 방향들
self.enabled = True # 해당 노드에 OHT가 없는 경우 True
self.isError = False

def add_directions(self, directions):
if isinstance(directions, list):
self.directions.extend(directions) # 리스트인 경우, 여러 방향 추가
self.directions.append(directions) # 단일 방향 추가

def __str__(self):
return f"Node(id={}, {self.x}, {self.y}, Directions: {[dir.value for dir in self.directions]})"

class Grid:
def __init__(self, grid_data):
self.height = len(grid_data)
self.width = len(grid_data[0]) if self.height > 0 else 0
self.nodes = [[Node(x*self.width + y, x, y) for y in range(self.width)] for x in range(self.height)]
self.node_dict = {} # 노드 ID를 키로, 노드 객체를 값으로 하는 딕셔너리

def setup_nodes(self, grid_data):
for x in range(self.height):
for y in range(self.width):
current_node = self.nodes[x][y]
directions = grid_data[x][y]
current_node.add_directions(directions) # 노드에 가능한 방향들 설정
self.node_dict[] = current_node # 딕셔너리에 노드 저장

def get_delta(self, direction):
"""방향에 따라 좌표 변화량을 반환합니다."""
delta_mappings = {
Direction.RIGHT: (0, 1),
Direction.DOWN: (1, 0),
Direction.LEFT: (0, -1),
Direction.UP: (-1, 0),
Direction.UP_LEFT: (-1, -1),
Direction.UP_RIGHT: (-1, 1),
Direction.DOWN_LEFT: (1, -1),
Direction.DOWN_RIGHT: (1, 1),
Direction.KEEP_GOING: (0, 0), # KEEP_GOING은 현재 방향 유지, 상황에 따라 처리
Direction.BLOCK: (0, 0) # BLOCK는 이동 불가
return delta_mappings.get(direction, (0, 0)) # 기본값은 이동 없음

def is_valid(self, x, y):
"""주어진 좌표가 격자 내부에 있는지 검증합니다."""
return 0 <= x < self.height and 0 <= y < self.width

class OHT:
def __init__(self, identifier, grid, start_node_id, pickup_node_id, target_node_id):
self.identifier = identifier
self.grid = grid
self.location = grid.node_dict[start_node_id]
self.pickup_node = grid.node_dict[pickup_node_id]
self.target_node = grid.node_dict[target_node_id]
self.path = deque()
self.current_direction = None

def move(self):
"""path에서 다음 노드로 이동할 수 있다면 이동하고 현재 위치를 업데이트한다."""
if not self.path:
# print(f"{self.identifier} has no more moves to make.")
return None
# path 큐에서 다음 노드를 꺼내 현재 위치로 설정
if self.path[0].isError or not self.path[0].enabled:
# print(f"{self.identifier} cannot move.")
return None
self.location.enabled = True
next_node = self.path.popleft()
self.location = next_node
self.location.enabled = False
# print(f"{self.identifier} moved to {next_node}")
return next_node

def bfs_find_path(self):
# 첫 번째 경로: 시작 노드에서 픽업 노드까지
first_path = self.bfs_path(self.location, self.pickup_node)
if not first_path:
return None # 픽업 노드에 도달할 수 없으면 실패

# 두 번째 경로: 픽업 노드에서 타겟 노드까지
second_path = self.bfs_path(self.pickup_node, self.target_node)
if not second_path:
return None # 타겟 노드에 도달할 수 없으면 실패

# 두 경로를 합침 (픽업 노드 중복 제거)
self.path = deque(first_path + second_path[1:]) # 두 번째 경로의 첫 노드는 픽업 노드이므로 중복 제거
return self.path

def bfs_path(self, start_node, end_node):
# 큐에는 시작 노드, 경로, 그리고 마지막 이동 방향을 포함합니다.
queue = deque([(start_node, [start_node], None)]) # 마지막 인자는 last_direction
visited = set([start_node])

while queue:
current_node, path, last_direction = queue.popleft()
if current_node == end_node:
return path # 목표 노드에 도달한 경우, 경로 반환

for direction in current_node.directions:
# KEEP GOING 처리: 마지막 방향을 유지

if direction == Direction.KEEP_GOING and last_direction:
direction = last_direction

dx, dy = self.grid.get_delta(direction)
nx, ny = current_node.x + dx, current_node.y + dy

if self.grid.is_valid(nx, ny):
next_node = self.grid.nodes[nx][ny]
if next_node not in visited:

# 다음 노드, 현재 경로에 다음 노드 추가, 현재 방향을 last_direction으로 업데이트하여 큐에 추가
queue.append((next_node, path + [next_node], direction))

return None # 경로를 찾지 못한 경우

if __name__ == '__main__':

# Grid 데이터를 이용한 Grid 객체 생성 및 노드 설정
grid_data = [
[Direction.BLOCK, Direction.DOWN_LEFT, Direction.LEFT, Direction.KEEP_GOING, Direction.KEEP_GOING,
Direction.KEEP_GOING, [Direction.LEFT, Direction.DOWN_LEFT], Direction.LEFT, Direction.BLOCK],
[Direction.DOWN, Direction.BLOCK, Direction.BLOCK, [Direction.UP_LEFT, Direction.RIGHT], Direction.KEEP_GOING,
Direction.DOWN, Direction.BLOCK, Direction.BLOCK, Direction.UP_LEFT],
[Direction.KEEP_GOING, Direction.BLOCK, Direction.BLOCK, Direction.UP, Direction.BLOCK, Direction.DOWN,
Direction.BLOCK, Direction.BLOCK, Direction.KEEP_GOING],
[Direction.DOWN_RIGHT, Direction.BLOCK, Direction.BLOCK, Direction.UP, Direction.KEEP_GOING,
[Direction.DOWN_RIGHT, Direction.LEFT], Direction.BLOCK, Direction.BLOCK, Direction.UP],
[Direction.BLOCK, Direction.RIGHT, [Direction.UP_RIGHT, Direction.RIGHT], Direction.KEEP_GOING,
Direction.KEEP_GOING, Direction.KEEP_GOING, Direction.RIGHT, [Direction.UP_RIGHT, Direction.DOWN_RIGHT],
[Direction.UP_RIGHT, Direction.BLOCK, Direction.BLOCK, Direction.BLOCK, Direction.BLOCK, Direction.BLOCK,
Direction.BLOCK, Direction.BLOCK, Direction.DOWN],
[Direction.UP, Direction.BLOCK, Direction.BLOCK, Direction.BLOCK, Direction.BLOCK, Direction.BLOCK,
Direction.BLOCK, Direction.BLOCK, Direction.DOWN_LEFT],
[Direction.BLOCK, [Direction.UP_LEFT, Direction.DOWN_LEFT], Direction.LEFT, Direction.KEEP_GOING,
Direction.KEEP_GOING, Direction.KEEP_GOING, [Direction.LEFT, Direction.DOWN_LEFT], Direction.LEFT,
[Direction.DOWN, Direction.BLOCK, Direction.BLOCK, Direction.UP_LEFT, Direction.BLOCK, Direction.DOWN,
Direction.BLOCK, Direction.BLOCK, Direction.UP_LEFT],
[Direction.DOWN_RIGHT, Direction.BLOCK, Direction.BLOCK, Direction.UP, Direction.BLOCK, Direction.DOWN_RIGHT,
Direction.BLOCK, Direction.BLOCK, Direction.UP],
[Direction.BLOCK, Direction.RIGHT, [Direction.RIGHT, Direction.UP_RIGHT], Direction.KEEP_GOING,
Direction.KEEP_GOING, Direction.KEEP_GOING, Direction.RIGHT, Direction.UP_RIGHT, Direction.BLOCK]

grid = Grid(grid_data)

start_node_id = 1
pickup_node_id = 32
target_node_id = 75
oht = OHT('OHT001', grid, start_node_id, pickup_node_id, target_node_id)
path = oht.bfs_find_path()

# 최단 경로 출력
if path:
print("Path found:", [f"(id: {}, x: {node.x}, y: {node.y})" for node in path])
print("No path found")

while oht.move():
# print(oht.location)
# 각 Direction에 대응하는 화살표 또는 문자
direction_arrows = {
Direction.BLOCK: "🚫",
Direction.KEEP_GOING: "ㅡ",
Direction.RIGHT: "➡️",
Direction.DOWN: "⬇️",
Direction.LEFT: "⬅️",
Direction.UP: "⬆️",
Direction.UP_LEFT: "↖️",
Direction.UP_RIGHT: "↗️",
Direction.DOWN_LEFT: "↙️",
Direction.DOWN_RIGHT: "↘️"

# 주어진 grid_data의 각 Direction 값을 화살표로 치환
grid_arrows = []
for x, row in enumerate(grid_data):
arrow_row = []
for y, item in enumerate(row):

if x == oht.location.x and y == oht.location.y:

elif isinstance(item, list):
# 리스트 안의 여러 방향을 처리
combined_arrows = direction_arrows[item[0]]
# 단일 방향을 화살표로 치환

# 치환된 화살표 데이터 출력
for row in grid_arrows:
print(" ".join(row))



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