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Conversion of image heightfield (*.PNG etc) to triangle mesh in POVRay format (*.pov)
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Dnyarri authored Dec 20, 2023
1 parent 502fbc6 commit 2ada282
Showing 1 changed file with 164 additions and 0 deletions.
164 changes: 164 additions & 0 deletions
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@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
# Program for conversion of image heightfield to triangle mesh
# (c) Ilya Razmanov ([email protected])
# History:
# 001 - generates globals and mesh only
# 002 - added the rest of the scene (camera, light), mesh scaled to fit 1, 1, 1 cube and centered at 0, 0, 0, texture added
# 003 - squares folding according to gradient, made mesh smoother
# 004 - minor internal cleanup,

import os
import math
import time
from PIL import Image
from tkinter import filedialog

# Open source image
sourcefilename = filedialog.askopenfilename(title='Open source image map', filetypes=[('PNG','.png'),('JPG','.jpg')])
if (sourcefilename == ''):

# picture =

with as picture:

# Open export file
resultfile = filedialog.asksaveasfile(mode='w', title='Save resulting POV file', filetypes =
('POV-Ray scene file', '*.pov'),
('All Files', '*.*'),],
defaultextension = ('POV-Ray scene file','.pov'))
if (resultfile == ''):
# Both files opened

# Image properties
X,Y = picture.size
filemode = picture.mode
fileformat = picture.format

if (picture.mode == 'L'):
Z = 1
if (picture.mode == 'LA'):
Z = 1 # Ignoging alpha, to be changed when necessary
if (picture.mode == 'RGB'):
Z = 3
if (picture.mode == 'RGBA'):
Z = 3 # Ignoging alpha, to be changed when necessary

if (picture.mode != 'L'):
picture = picture.convert('L') # Forced conversion to L, skipping A, to be changed when necessary

def src(x, y): # Analog src from FM, force repeate edge instead of out of range

if (x < 0):
x = 0
if (x > X):
x = X
if (y < 0):
y = 0
if (y > Y):
y = Y

channel = picture.getpixel((x,y))
return channel


# ------------
# POV header
# ------------

resultfile.write('// Persistence of Vision Ray Tracer Scene Description File\n')
resultfile.write('// Vers: 3.5\n')
resultfile.write('// Description: A mesh file converted from mage heightfield\n')
resultfile.write('// Auth: Automatically generated by img2mesh Pyton program\n')
resultfile.write('// made by Ilya Razmanov.\n\n\n')
resultfile.write(f'//Converted from: {sourcefilename} ')
seconds = time.time()
localtime = time.ctime(seconds)
resultfile.write(f'//Source format: {fileformat} Converted to: {picture.format} Source mode: {filemode} Converted to: {picture.mode} Image size: {picture.size}\n\n')

# Statements

resultfile.write('#version 3.5;\n\n')
resultfile.write(' max_trace_level 3\n')
resultfile.write(' adc_bailout 0.01\n')
resultfile.write(' ambient_light <.5,.5,.5>\n')
resultfile.write(' assumed_gamma 1.0\n')

# Camera
resultfile.write('camera { location <0.0, 0.0, 3.0>\n look_at <0.0, 0.0, 0.0>\n right x*image_width/image_height\n}\n\n')

# Light
resultfile.write('light_source {0*x\n color rgb <1,1,1>\n translate <20, 20, 20>}\n\n')

# Standard includes
resultfile.write('#include ""\n\n')

# Mesh

resultfile.write('#declare thething = mesh {\n') # Opening mesh object "thething"

# Now going to cycle through image and build mesh

compensation = 0.5 # Offset to compensate for 2 increments in reading cycles

# FUNNY FINDING: With offset smaller than 0.5 it creates sparse mesh, that is incorrect tracing but may be used for special effects

for y in range(0, Y, 2):

for x in range(0, X, 2):

v1 = src(x, y) # Я пиксели считаю по улитке
v2 = src((x+1), y)
v3 = src((x+1), (y+1))
v4 = src(x, (y+1)) # Курсант Жаба перебор пикселей закончил

if (abs(v1-v3) < abs(v2-v4)):

resultfile.write(' triangle {') # Opening triangle top-left
resultfile.write(f'<{x - compensation*x}, {y - compensation*y}, {v1}>, <{x+1 - compensation*x}, {y - compensation*y}, {v2}>, <{x - compensation*x}, {y+1 - compensation*y}, {v4}>') # triangle 1-2-4
resultfile.write('}\n') # Closing triangle

resultfile.write(' triangle {') # Opening triangle bottom-right
resultfile.write(f'<{x+1 - compensation*x}, {y - compensation*y}, {v2}>, <{x+1 - compensation*x}, {y+1 - compensation*y}, {v3}>, <{x - compensation*x}, {y+1 - compensation*y}, {v4}>') # triangle 2-3-4
resultfile.write('}\n') # Closing triangle


resultfile.write(' triangle {') # Opening triangle top-right
resultfile.write(f'<{x - compensation*x}, {y - compensation*y}, {v1}>, <{x+1 - compensation*x}, {y - compensation*y}, {v2}>, <{x+1 - compensation*x}, {y+1 - compensation*y}, {v3}>') # triangle 1-2-3
resultfile.write('}\n') # Closing triangle

resultfile.write(' triangle {') # Opening triangle bototm-left
resultfile.write(f'<{x - compensation*x}, {y - compensation*y}, {v1}>, <{x - compensation*x}, {y+1 - compensation*y}, {v4}>, <{x+1 - compensation*x}, {y+1 - compensation*y}, {v3}>') # triangle 1-4-3
resultfile.write('}\n') # Closing triangle

resultfile.write('inside_vector <0, 0, 1>\n\n')

# Resize object to fit 1, 1, 1 cube at 0, 0, 0 coordinates
resultfile.write('// Object transforms to fit 1, 1, 1 cube at 0, 0, 0 coordinates\n')
resultfile.write(f'scale <-2.000000/{max(X,Y)}, -2.000000/{max(X,Y)}, 1.000000/255.000000>\n')
resultfile.write('translate <0.5, 0.5, 0>\n\n')

# Sample texture of textures
resultfile.write('texture {\n')
resultfile.write(' gradient z\n')
resultfile.write(' texture_map {\n')
resultfile.write(' [0.01 pigment{Red} finish{phong 1}]\n')
resultfile.write(' [0.5 pigment{Blue} finish{phong 5}]\n')
resultfile.write(' [0.99 pigment{White} finish{phong 10}]\n }\n}\n')

resultfile.write('}\n') # Closing mesh object "thething"

# Insert object into scene
resultfile.write('object {thething}\n')

# Close output

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