- open Source library created by Facebook for building user interfaces
- Not a FrameWork
- React is a tool for building UI components
- Rich Ecosystem
- The method ReactDom.render() is used to render (display) HTML elements
- React applications are usually built around a single HTML element.
- React developers often call this the root node (root element)
- React components are JavaScript functions.
- JSX stands for JavaScript XML.
- JSX is an XML/HTML like extension to JavaScript.
- Just like HTML, JSX tags can have a tag names, attributes, and children.
- If an attribute is wrapped in curly braces, the value is a JavaScript expression.
Note that JSX does not use quotes around the HTML text string.
- Babel is a JavaScript compiler that can translate markup or programming languages into JavaScript.
- React uses Babel to convert JSX into JavaScript.
- The main key difference between the Library and Framework is something known as inversion of control.
- When you import a library, you have to call the specific methods or functions of your choice so, and it's up to you when and where to call the Library
- Here, you are in charge of flow.
- On the other hand, Framework itself makes a call to your code and provide you with some space to write down details.
- So, while using framework your framework is in charge of flow.
Initial step:
- create-react-app appname
- cd appname
- npm start