Install the DNF2001 Restoration Project.
Download DNFRando.u into your game's System
Edit your DukeForever.ini
in your Player directory, like Players\Die4Ever\DukeForever.ini
Change UDesktopClassName
from UDesktopClassName=dnWindow.UDukeDesktopWindow
to UDesktopClassName=DNFRando.DNFRandoDesktop
Now when you click New Game, the title of the pop-up window should say "Rando New Game Selection". Items and characters will be swapped around.
Open System\DukeEd.exe
in the game folder, go to the Actor Classes tab, and do File -> Export All Scripts. Now you can close DukeEd. Copy the DNFRando folder into the game's folder. Edit the config System\default.ini
Comment out the line EditPackages=Editor
by putting a semicolon in front of it, like ;EditPackages=Editor
, and at the bottom of the section right below EditPackages=brushes\EditorTools
add the line EditPackages=DNFRando
Now you can run del DNFRando.u & ucc make
to compile.