Map objects within an HDF file and create a dataset namespace.
Version 0.8
By Dan Porter |
Diamond Light Source |
2024-2025 |
from hdfmap import create_nexus_map, load_hdf
# HdfMap from NeXus file - get dataset paths:
m = create_nexus_map('file.nxs')
m['energy'] # >> '/entry/instrument/monochromator/energy'
m['signal'] # >> '/entry/measurement/sum'
m['axes0'] # >> '/entry/measurement/theta'
m.get_image_path() # >> '/entry/instrument/pil3_100k/data'
# load dataset data
with load_hdf('file.nxs') as nxs:
path = m.get_path('scan_command')
cmd = nxs[path][()] # returns bytes data direct from file
cmd = m.get_data(nxs, 'scan_command') # returns converted str output
string = m.format_hdf(nxs, "the energy is {energy:.2f} keV")
d = m.get_dataholder(nxs) # classic data table, d.scannable, d.metadata
# Shortcuts - single file reloader class
from hdfmap import NexusLoader
scan = NexusLoader('file.hdf')
[data1, data2] = scan.get_data(['dataset_name_1', 'dataset_name_2'])
data = scan.eval('dataset_name_1 * 100 + 2')
string = scan.format('my data is {dataset_name_1:.2f}')
# Shortcuts - multifile load data (generate map from first file)
from hdfmap import hdf_data, hdf_eval, hdf_format, hdf_image
all_data = hdf_data([f'file{n}.nxs' for n in range(100)], 'dataset_name')
normalised_data = hdf_eval(filenames, 'total / Transmission / (rc / 300.)')
descriptions = hdf_format(filenames, 'Energy: {en:5.3f} keV')
image_stack = hdf_image(filenames, index=31)
Requires: Python >=3.10, Numpy, h5py
python -m pip install hdfmap
python -m pip install --upgrade git+
Another generic hdf reader but the idea here is to build up a namespace dict of {'name': 'path'}
for every dataset, then group them in hopefully a useful way.
Objects within the HDF file are separated into Groups and Datasets. Each object has a defined 'path' and 'name' paramater, as well as other attributes
- path -> '/entry/measurement/data' -> the location of an object within the file
- name -> 'data' -> an path expressed as a simple variable name
Paths are unique locations within the file but can be used to identify similar objects in other files Names may not be unique within a file and are generated from the path.
name | path | |
Description | simple identifier of dataset | hdf path built from position in file |
Example | 'scan_command' |
'/entry/scan_command' |
Names of different types of datasets are stored for arrays (size > 0) and values (size 0) Names for scannables relate to all arrays of a particular size A combined list of names is provided where scannables > arrays > values
map.groups | stores attributes of each group by path |
map.classes | stores list of group paths by nx_class |
map.datasets | stores attributes of each dataset by path |
map.arrays | stores array dataset paths by name |
map.values | stores value dataset paths by name |
map.scannables | stores array dataset paths with given size, by name |
map.combined | stores array and value paths (arrays overwrite values) |
map.image_data | stores dataset paths of image data |
map.groups = {'/hdf/group': ('class', 'name', {attrs}, [datasets])}
map.classes = {'class_name': ['/hdf/group1', '/hdf/group2']}
map.datasets = {'/hdf/group/dataset': ('name', size, shape, {attrs})}
map.arrays = {'name': '/hdf/group/dataset'}
map.values = {'name': '/hdf/group/dataset'}
map.scannables = {'name': '/hdf/group/dataset'}
map.image_data = {'name': '/hdf/group/dataset'}
map.populate(h5py.File) |
populates the dictionaries using the given file |
map.generate_scannables(array_size) |
populates scannables namespace with arrays of same size |
map.most_common_size() |
returns the most common dataset size > 1 |
map.get_attr('name_or_path', 'attr') |
return value of dataset attribute |
map.get_path('name_or_group_or_class') |
returns path of object with name |
map.get_image_path() |
returns default path of detector dataset (or largest dataset) |
map.get_group_path('name_or_path_or_class') |
return path of group with class |
map.get_group_datasets('name_or_path_or_class') |
return list of dataset paths in class |
map.find_groups(*names_or_classes) |
return list of group paths matching given group names or classes |
map.find_datasets(*names_or_classes) |
return list of dataset paths matching given names, classes or attributes |
map.find_paths('string') |
return list of dataset paths containing string |
map.find_names('string') |
return list of dataset names containing string |
map.find_attr('attr_name') |
return list of paths of groups or datasets containing attribute 'attr_name' |
map.get_metadata(h5py.File) |
returns dict of value datasets |
map.get_scannables(h5py.File) |
returns dict of scannable datasets |
map.get_scannalbes_array(h5py.File) |
returns numpy array of scannable datasets |
map.get_dataholder(h5py.File) |
returns dict like object with metadata and scannables |
map.get_image(h5py.File, index) |
returns image data |
map.get_data(h5py.File, 'name') |
returns data from dataset |
map.eval(h5py.File, 'expression') |
returns output of expression using dataset names |
map.format(h5py.File, 'string {name}') |
returns output of str expression |
Files using the NeXus Format can generate special NexusMap objects. These work in the same way as the general HdfMaps but contain additional special names in the namespace:
'axes' |
returns path of default NXaxes |
'signal' |
returns path of default NXsignal |
In addition, the map.scannables
dict will be populated automatically by the names given in the "scan_fields" dataset
or by datasets from the first NXdata group. The default image data will be taken from the first
NXdetector dataset.
Separate datasets in a NeXus file into Diamond's classic scannables and metadata, similar to what was in the old '*.dat' files.
from hdfmap import create_nexus_map, load_hdf
# HdfMap from NeXus file:
hmap = create_nexus_map('file.nxs')
with load_hdf('file.nxs') as nxs:
scannables = hmap.get_scannables_array(nxs) # creates 2D numpy array
labels = scannables.dtype.names
metadata = hmap.get_metadata(nxs) # {'name': value}
d = hmap.get_dataholder(nxs) # classic data table, d.scannable, d.metadata
d.theta == d['theta'] # scannable array 'theta'
d.metadata.scan_command == d.metadata['scan_command'] # single value 'scan_command'
# OR, use the shortcut:
from hdfmap import nexus_data_block
d = nexus_data_block('file.nxs')
# The data loader class removes the need to open the files:
from hdfmap import NexusLoader
scan = NexusLoader('file.nxs')
metadata = scan.get_metadata()
scannables = scan.get_scannables()
If defined in the nexus file, 'axes' and 'signal' will be populated automatically
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from hdfmap import create_nexus_map, load_hdf
# HdfMap from NeXus file:
hmap = create_nexus_map('file.nxs')
with load_hdf('file.nxs') as nxs:
axes = hmap.get_data(nxs, 'axes')
signal = hmap.get_data(nxs, 'signal')
title = hmap.format_hdf(nxs, "{entry_identifier}\n{scan_command}")
axes_label = hmap.get_path('axes')
signal_label = hmap.get_path('signal')
# plot the data (e.g. using matplotlib)
plt.plot(axes, signal)
# Or, using NexusLoader:
from hdfmap import NexusLoader
scan = NexusLoader('file.nxs')
axes, signal = scan('axes, signal')
axes_label, signal_label = scan('_axes, _signal')
title = scan.format("{entry_identifier}\n{scan_command}")
Get images from the first detector in a NeXus file
from hdfmap import create_nexus_map, load_hdf
# HdfMap from NeXus file:
hmap = create_nexus_map('file.nxs')
image_location = hmap.get_image_path() # returns the hdf path chosen for the default detector
with load_hdf('file.nxs') as nxs:
middle_image = hmap.get_image(nxs) # returns single image from index len(dataset)//2
first_image = hmap.get_image(nxs, 0) # returns single image from dataset[0, :, :]
volume = hmap.get_image(nxs, ()) # returns whole volume as array
roi = hmap.get_image(nxs, (0, slice(5, 10, 1), slice(5, 10, 1))) # returns part of dataset
# Or, using NexusLoader:
from hdfmap import NexusLoader
scan = NexusLoader('file.nxs')
image = scan.get_image(index=0) # using index as defined above
Generate a metadata string from every file in a directory very quickly. The HdfMap is only created for the first file, the remaining files are treated as having identical structure.
from hdfmap import list_files, hdf_format
format_string = "#{entry_identifier}: {start_time} : E={incident_energy:.3f} keV : {scan_command}"
files = list_files('/directoy/path', extension='.nxs')
strings_list = hdf_format(files, format_string)
# other multi-file readers:
from hdfmap import hdf_data, hdf_image, hdf_eval
data_list = hdf_data(files, 'incident_energy')
image_list = hdf_image(files, index=0)
data_list = hdf_eval(files, 'signal / Transmission')
Functionality for namespace evaluation of the hdf file allows for a number of rules allowing easy extraction of formatted metadata. The Evaluation functions are:
HdfMap.eval(hdfobj, 'name')
-> valueHdfMap.format_hdf(hdfobj, '{name}')
-> stringHdfLoader('eval')
-> valueHdfLoader.eval('eval')
-> valueHdfLoader.format('{name}')
-> stringhdf_eval([files], 'name')
-> list[values]hdf_format([files], '{name}')
-> list[string]
Evaluation functions evaluate the expression as given, replacing names in the hdfmap namespace with their associated values, or using the rules below. The format functions allow the input of python f-strings, allowing precise formatting to be applied and returning a string.
The following patterns are allowed in any expression:
- 'filename': str, name of hdf_file
- 'filepath': str, full path of hdf_file
- '_name': str hdf path of name
- '__name': str internal name of name (e.g. for 'axes')
- 's_name': string representation of dataset (includes units if available)
- 'name@attr': returns attribute of dataset name
- 'name?(default)': returns default if name doesn't exist
- '(name1|name2|name3)': returns the first available of the names
- '(name1|name2@(default))': returns the first available name or default
from hdfmap import create_nexus_map, load_hdf
# HdfMap from NeXus file:
hmap = create_nexus_map('file.nxs')
with load_hdf('file.nxs') as nxs:
# mathematical array expressions (using np as Numpy)
data = hmap.eval(nxs, 'int(np.max(total / Transmission / count_time))')
# return the path of a name
path = hmap.eval(nxs, '_axes') # -> '/entry/measurement/h'
# return the real name of a variable
name = hmap.eval(nxs, '__axes') # -> 'h'
# return label, using dataset attributes
label = hmap.eval(nxs, 's_ppy') # example uses @decimals and @units
# return dataset attributes
attr = hmap.eval(nxs, 'idgap@units') # -> 'mm'
# return first available dataset
cmd = hmap.eval(nxs, '(cmd|title|scan_command)') # -> 'scan hkl ...'
# return first available or default value
atten = hmap.eval(nxs, '(gains_atten|atten?(0))') # -> 0
# python expression using multiple parameters
pol = hmap.eval(nxs, '"pol in" if abs(delta_offset) < 0.1 and abs(thp) > 20 else "pol out"')
# formatted strings
title = hmap.format_hdf(nxs, '{filename}: {scan_command}')
hkl = hmap.format_hdf(nxs, '({np.mean(h):.3g},{np.mean(k):.3g},{np.mean(l):.3g})')
# Or, using NexusLoader:
from hdfmap import NexusLoader
scan = NexusLoader('file.nxs')
# normalised default-signal
print(scan('signal / count_time / Transmission / (rc / 300.)'))
# axes label
print(scan.format('{__axes} [{axes@units}]'))
# Or, for multiple-files:
from hdfmap import hdf_eval, hdf_format, list_files
files = [f"file{n}.nxs" for n in range(10)]
energy_values = hdf_eval(files, '(en|energy@(8))')
list_scans = hdf_format(files, '{filename}: ({np.mean(h):.3g},{np.mean(k):.3g},{np.mean(l):.3g}) : {scan_command})')